Probably time to roll back the class changes, Rets and ferals way too high on expected DPS

Tell ya what baby boi, let us know which trash tier guild you’re from in comparison to our relaxed non-sweat group. Then we can continue to mince words while I have yet to be wrong in my statements, and you have yet to be right. At least I’m not such a coward I use an alt. :wink: See ya around kid. Grown ups have work to do.

:clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face:

Except everything you said, reck glyph is more than 1000dps, ret will never be the absolute worst dps spec even without SM and Buffs, it will be middle with SM and no buffs and if you look at 300s fight length which most of the bosses you havent even killed yet that matter are, you would realise that it gets even better for Ret, you are above demo and unholy DW as well, meanwhile basically tied with enha.

which in such a fight scenario you are even above frost DK without the buff and with SM, so yeah.

Think you need glasses buddy.

sure you do, it isnt morning time in the US so you are just lazy on your bum behavior, scrolling forums, we know as much. Just say you also are terrible at video games, yet play em.

Hey I’m in the US and it’s 7:32pm here and I’m at work.

Not all of us work mornings


Yep. This is about where ret should be without SM…

Keeping up with real DPS specs. You shouldn’t need a legendary to get there.

Uhh, yeah, the giga-scaler that needs gear to pass ret. That takes time that hasn’t happened yet. Fury has pulled ahead of ret every phase. Ret just gets a head start in ICC.

For now. Rets got the vast majority of their DPS gains this phase pretty early on…

And it’s still not the top.

Smourne gives it the next boost, which other specs will still eventually be keeping up with.

I mean, there are several dps classes that are all going to be ending up in the same ballpark. There really aren’t many that are falling noticeably behind.

They do, and will pass ret’s top end. That’s not a question, it’s just about when.

They did it in Ulduar, they did it in ToGC, they are going to in ICC too, ret just got a head start.

I’ve been pretty consistent that the feral buffs were over the top. I’m annoyed that they reverted the 5% nerf to them twice. It would have put feral in a competitive, but not top position.

They don’t need to lose that much.

Ret would be without Smourne. It literally needs a legendary to be competitive without buffs.

10m rets would just be utter garbage… no TaJ, no Smourne, no buffs, just reroll.

it’s so annoying trying to tank a lower level dungeon with Rets taunting the mobs off me xD
get the glyph retnoobs !

Glyph requires level 70.

then quit spamming taunt like a noob!

Or use it when the mob is at 0.5% HP to kill it which takes good timing

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The rework was great and made them amazing. The issue is that people cried about it and they nerfed it into irrelevance again.

I’m glad they made changes, who cares who’s on top.

They raid with you anyway, congrats they do more damage and the bosses die faster.

The horror.


It was done to buff mage DPS. It was extremely small for warrior, basically only when you double whirlwind crit, it was like .001% of your dmg. If it wasnt for the fact it was significant for fire mages they’d prob have never fixed it. Mages were using WAs to lag the game to resolve it for themselves because it was significant for them.

Shattering throw went from a 300 dps loss to a 50 dps loss, nice.

Meanwhile, ferals are #1 and gapping everyone by a significant margin on basically every boss. Rets are right behind them, only really losing to fire mages now. Survival is trailing Ret in most situations (but #1 on overall). Overall is usually not a great metric though because of some gimmick fights so looking at specifics like Saurfang, Festergut, etc are a lot more useful than including things like Valithria or Loot Ship in the data.

They should have never buffed ret and feral, and should immediately revert the changes. Its silly that if you go to heroic fights and look at the top 5 that #1 and then 2 others of that 5 are all classes they buffed. Its crazy.

Ret has been a top spec all of ICC. On a lot of fights the only classes that can do better is Feral (lol) which gaps everything and firemage by maybe .5%.

It was less for mages than it was for warrs cause they had ways around it.

So a quarter of your complaint of the ret buffs?

Quaint how that’s not considered a buff but the ret one needs to be undone promptly.


It wasn’t significant for either.

Yep, for responsible Fury’s who used Shattering Throw this was a solid buff. And importantly it narrowed the gap between the average Fury (on debuff duty) and the parse lords that just pumped with abandon. A good change. The average Fury would have noticed a nice performance bump out of it.

The gap between the average performing Furies and the top performing Furies was much larger before the ST change than after on wcls. This strongly suggests it has had a performance impact for a lot of players.

I’ve never accepted the wow communities focus on top percentile parses as they don’t represent the average experience. The ST buff helped the average Fury player trying to help their teams. This is a good solid gap closing change. The average Fury (on debuff duty) was getting thumped by the average Ret. But that’s no longer the case - they’re closer. That’s something players actually notice. I think it’s probably why you don’t see so many Fury players complaining now as we did back in Ulduar (just the few sock puppets we always see). The top Fury’s were okay then but the average were in a dreadful state - not so since the ST buff. Its impact is underrated.

It was how the game worked back then. “fixing” it was still a buff

The way around it still cost more dps than the warrior’s whirlwind issue.

The way around it was most warrior just never cast shattering throw. The raid dps gain to dps loss made it a pretty pointless spell to consider using. It wasnt a DPS loss because you just wouldnt use it :clown_face:

Sure, revert shattering throw, revert hand of reckoning, revert hunter buff, revert the feral buff, etc. Fix all of it.

I hope they buff warriors one day before Cata launch, so that class mechanics change completely the next day

Would be fun watching that entitled prick Abralan burst a blood vessel raging out

You aint getting your entitled buff, just like you arent getting your shadowmourne, time to get over it

Suggesting that in a “classic” version of the game, that handing out buffs to S tier specs to make them S+ or even S++ in the case of feral so that they populate almost all the the top specs in the game was unwise, makes a person a prick now?

What we should have seen was bottom of middle tier specs of underplayed classes getting 1-5% boosts to help close the gap, or the shrinking of the space between specs. Not a total reorder of the meta.

The fact that the first class buffed is also played by the senior game producer is just a side note about potential motives. Its classic. Leave the game alone or make mathematically supported QoL changes. I shouldnt be able to go to warcraft logs and see Feral gapping everything by a huge amount and then ret and hunter right behind them with mage/affi sometimes mixed in when feral, ret, and hunter got buffed. Buffed classes should not be top tier specs after a buff. Buffed specs should be bad specs or underplayed classes that are now less bad if we were to see any changes at all.

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Not reading that wall of whine
Sucks to suck, get over it

You arent entitled to be top dps, you giant crybaby


You arent getting your buff just like you arent getting your shadowmourne, you arent entitled to any of it. Get over it snowflake