Yep. This is about where ret should be without SM…
Keeping up with real DPS specs. You shouldn’t need a legendary to get there.
Uhh, yeah, the giga-scaler that needs gear to pass ret. That takes time that hasn’t happened yet. Fury has pulled ahead of ret every phase. Ret just gets a head start in ICC.
For now. Rets got the vast majority of their DPS gains this phase pretty early on…
And it’s still not the top.
Smourne gives it the next boost, which other specs will still eventually be keeping up with.
I mean, there are several dps classes that are all going to be ending up in the same ballpark. There really aren’t many that are falling noticeably behind.
They do, and will pass ret’s top end. That’s not a question, it’s just about when.
They did it in Ulduar, they did it in ToGC, they are going to in ICC too, ret just got a head start.
I’ve been pretty consistent that the feral buffs were over the top. I’m annoyed that they reverted the 5% nerf to them twice. It would have put feral in a competitive, but not top position.
They don’t need to lose that much.
Ret would be without Smourne. It literally needs a legendary to be competitive without buffs.
10m rets would just be utter garbage… no TaJ, no Smourne, no buffs, just reroll.