Probably time to roll back the class changes, Rets and ferals way too high on expected DPS

They already said they aren’t making any more balance adjustments during wotlk, unless it is to buff a class role that is being left out completely.

shaman is complete trash, and this guy wants warriors to go from 3 to 1 lol.

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lmao did they say that before or after nerfing and unnerfing feral again?

After. In the interview they claimed they reversed it because they didn’t think the buff was a big enough deal essentially.

I get the very strong feeling that if there is enough community pressure - especially from Youtube streamers with a big enough following, they tend to review these decisions. It’s not like anything they have said is cut in stone exactly.

For myself I’m just enjoying the phase and taking a wait and see approach to whether or not there’s anything egregious enough to complain about re balance. It’s early in the phase and I am taking current logs and predictions with a grain of salt.

Nope, rogue was the least brought class.

Na. U-DK does.

Lmao, of course you of all people would say that.

Cuz it’s the truth. You even play original Wrath? or this version? Or are you just super upset…that I WAS RIGHT and RDF DID come out along with ICC and S8. So…kinda proves that…I did play Wrath back than and play it now and you dont.

And also…There is currently nothing that is rated top DPS at 100% of everything. Who tops DPS in H is not going to be topping it in 25 raid and they wont be the same as the top of a BG and then that one will be different from 5s, 3s and 2s. AND even in raids, different layouts of your spec, your rotation, your glyphs, your gems and enchants, your skill level…yea that all makes a massive difference.

But na. You’re one of those people that seriously thinks that there truly is an FoTM that is best at everything. If that is the case, we should see the same exact class and spec on top of every aspect of the game in both PvP and PvE…but we don’t.

Orc U-DK does great with it. I did that on my old orc DK. You’re probably one of those people who ninja looted Illidan glaives to use on your rogue cuz it looks cool when it does best on a warrior… you are certainly one of those type of people. You dont play Wrath now, you didnt back then. Your lack of knowledge about this expansion shines through tremendously to every single one of us who actually did play Wrath back in the day. You seem like one of those people who just came into WoW during mid BFA I’m willing to bet.

It’s definitely Ret that benefits the most from Shadowmourne.

And it’s solely because of TAJ.

Dual Wield Havocs Call Unholy is beating Shadowmourne DK on sim, I am assuming it has to be a bug, but not so bugged that it would be worth more than what ret or warrior would gain.

I’ll let ya know when I finish mine in a few weeks.

This version of wrath is not the same as the old version we played.

Na. Best, most skilled player who know what to do, when to it and how in raids is the one to give it to. That is the person who will maximize the DPS.

World first 10k+ DPS sustained, not in burst, was done by a Death Knight. Back so many years ago.

Good lord, you have absolutely no grasp on… anything.

The rest of your post is just baseless personal attacks. Good on ya for bringing absolutely nothing to the conversation :smiley:

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No. That was not a rhetoric. I am honestly asking that. Did you actually play in original Wrath, or play Wrath right now? You had zero clue when RDF came out and kept saying it came out as soon as Wrath launched last time. I had to tell you multiple times along with others that it didn’t, and not you keep showing even more that you seem not to know as much as you claim that you do. Not personal insults when they are facts and legitimate questions.

Edit. You’re just a forum troll and have been muted. You did once say to me that as soon as you got your RDF in, that you would stop posting on that toon here. Now all you do is still spam the forums and insult and pick fights with anyone who say something about the game that you do not understand. You seem to understand very little about this game, so arguments with you happen a lot.

You say that you played original Wrath. I’m willing to bet that perhaps that is a family shared account and one of your family members played during Wrath, while you did not. how else would you have claimed to have, and yet spam asked the forums for months on end demanding RDF be put into the game from day one of Wraths launch. There is no way at all that you EVER played during original Wrath with how very little you know about it. Are you going to get mad when Cata launches and start spamming the forums saying “What, Deathwing killed me by flying overhead. That never happened last time around in cata”…Yea you did also say incorrect things about Wraths prelaunch event as well. So like yea, you are muted. Im talking to someone who did not even play the game back in the past and very clearly does not play it now. Thats why you dont post on the EU forums which is the region in which you actually play because you know people can just easily click your toon over there and see that you don’t even play the game this version or that one.

And one of your friends got on me for posting on this toon right here… they said post on a Wrath toon… um… This toon has achievement points showing AND has the tabard of flame. Both things that you can only get from playing Wrath, no other version of WoW can you do that in… More proof you don’t get the game and how it works.

Achieves first came out into WoW as an addon in original TBC and they did not ever show up on the forums and other players could not see them in game either. They simply flashed across the screen and you could link them as you got them.

Yes and yes and I’ve answered this repeatedly so you’re just gonna make the same idiotic baseless claim the next thread over.

Are we really gonna do this again?

This is a lie. A flat out lie.

Cause this is a flat out lie.

Cause you made up something I said in your head. A lie. It never happened. You’re making crap up, lying about it, and feeling superior cause of a lie you’ve made up in your own head.

Yes they are cause they’re outright lies.

If you’re not outright lying the onus is on you to prove where the hell I said RDF came out at the start of Wrath OG.

You can’t cause I’m pretty consistent about this junk and you’re not.

Yeah, right now we are getting ret’s early spike. We knew that TaJ and/or 2 piece were going to be a big early jump. Shadowmourne will be another step up in a few weeks, and then their DPS gains basically grind to a halt after 4 piece.

Other classes see a smoother track throughout the phase.

I’m interested in seeing how things shake out in the end and how it compares to predictions.

the devs themselves said it matters

Yes, if prot paladin was F- terrible, if Holy was F- terrible, and Ret was C tier, and 1 paladin was brought to a raid, or 0, yes, it would make far more sense to buff a paladin spec.

Kris Zierhut literally made this the threshold to buff a class. Then Aggrend comes in and, as Zirene put it, makes “exceptions” for ret to receive balance adjustments.

Now Ret is ahead of Fury on the majority of ICC fights AND it scales harder than fury into the future, making paladin objectively better at DPS, way better at tanking, and with a S++ holy spec. Ha!

They did and told rets to spec holy or prot.

And then ret got dropped like a hot plate the very same day, there was no redemption arc for rets.

Without the buff no one would’ve run ret for Ulduar/TOC/ICC unless they absolutely couldn’t avoid it due to stubborn fools like myself.

This is just false info. Rets were fine. They are fine. Theyd be totally fine right now without a 10-12% buff. Theyre the best source of 3% raid dps buff and have a lot of other valuable utility. Theyre also a good class for Smourne and the only other real candidate is warrior that you bring 0-1 of so automatically they get the 2nd.

Warrior was also a less desirable class and they said it was fine, so why wasnt ret fine? Now ret flat out does more dps than the only viable warrior spec, while still having all the utility that a warrior can’t bring.

Warrior as a class, even with arms being useless and fury being meh, would be far better off if Prot War was a beast like prot paladin. Having two other S++ tier specs mattered. Ret wasnt doing Arms lvl DPS. The only way it would have made sense to buff Ret was if it was at Arms level lol. Now its above fury :scream:

:roll_eyes: I know for a fact you’ve been linked evidence to the contrary on this point repeatedly so I’m simply not going to bother re-doing it.

Facts are clearly not your friends.

With the buff, without it you’d bring an arcane mage.

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Honestly I can’t believe we’re still arguing with Abralan about this. Either super successful troll or blatant idiot, I’m not sure which fits. Regardless, Abralan flatly refuses to take into account any evidence, while also weaving their own narrative or BS. It’s entertaining to see how delusional someone is capable of being, but at the same time, it’s just sad to see someone who’s so amazingly bad at math.

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Nope, fury will eventually pass us.

He loves to use cherry picked evidence to support buffing fury though. “But they were bad in Ulduar!!!”