Probably time to roll back the class changes, Rets and ferals way too high on expected DPS

I’ve literally told you it’s less than 10% on Jaraxxus and sims have it around 6%.

It simply doesn’t scale as well as our other abilities. It is what it is.

What on earth gave you that idea?

no clue what hand of reckoning did dps wise

also, looks like hunter is the new 252 kings according to warcraft logs

why they buffed hunter is what? haha

Good lord, I’ve stated clearly how much it does when I fought Jaraxxus (as close as it gets to single target in ToC) AND how much it does on our BiS sims.

It was around 10% at first, but an 8 sec cd that only scales with AP and crit simply doesn’t stay at 10%.

It’s this scaling thing again. You know. That thing you don’t understand at all or ever.


Oh look, on warcraft logs in ICC, warriors as a class are the least played class first week ICC as expected.

Oh look, Ret is outperforming warrior on fights like deathbringer saurfang, sindragosa, council, putricide, festergut that are single target fights as expected. On cleave fights like marrowgar warrior can pull a pixel ahead, but that benefit will be gone the instant rets all start spamming divine storm with the t10 set bonus. Also most of the raid has no cleave.

Rets scale harder than warrior so rets will just pull ahead even harder LMAO. TAJ and T10 >>> any amount of ArP. Get more out of Smourne too.

This isnt WOTLK classic. Its Aggrend’s private server.

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There is a chance they will buff warriors if they fall off and stop being brought to raids. (Probably must be several steps below the 2nd next lowest viable spec on representation)

They did confirm that they have no further balance changes coming, unless it is to buff a spec that just falls below everyone else in damage that they stop being brought altogether.

warrior per warcraft logs was the least brought class as a whole to ICC, and currently ret is ahead on almost everything and scales harder than warrior. Warrior has held this spot all game. There was no " warrior 252 kings." It was misinformation and/or ignorance at best. Everyone knew this. Everyone told them. They ignored it and relied on bad information, didnt do their own math, or had malice.

normally this would warrant an immediate change but since the senior producer plays ret it would be a surprise to see these meta-breaking balance changes to a classic version of the game reverted.

Okay. Least does not = not being brought though, it just means lower than other viable specs. You are also using class as a whole and that is mostly a result of prot not being desirable.

Cool, doesn’t matter.

If dps warriors are being left out of the raid, they should be buffed in some way. If they are not, then they are fine.

This is just a lie. There were 846 more fury warriors than both shaman dps specs combined.

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How on earth is any of this related to what you quoted?

Yes, some rets got TaJ in the first reset. This was predicted.

1 item being quite literally broken still isn’t scaling. Why is this word so hard for you?

Abralan also doesn’t have enough common sense to recognize that people are just bringing what they happen to have to ICC atm. Hence the craptons of locks and UH DK’s. It’s called PROGRESSION, meaning you use the tool that is best NOW, not the tool that is better LATER. People happened to have a butt ton of these stack classes.


But Abralan wants to CONTINUE to scream and cry because their warrior isn’t, and won’t be, top of the heap. Not like it matters, because even if they did screw over feral and ret… WARRIOR STILL WOULDN’T BE KING. A fact Abralan will continue to refuse to acknowledge.

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Nah. Ret has two major power spikes - TAJ and Tier set. It pulls ahead significantly with these but then plateaus out. Warrior has much better general stat scaling. They end up roughly about the same at the end of the phase (most likely - based on sims), depending on the specific encounter type.

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He did say class, and didn’t stipulate role or spec. On that metric I think he was correct.

Honestly - given that Fury representation itself wasn’t horrible this just forms a case for buffing prot really.

Wish my guild more have more UH DK’s, then I can go back to frost.

Edit: Can’t grammar, tired.

I used 90 parse as a reference point and its tens of thousands of logs

TAJ is not responsible for the current metric

in a few weeks, it may be, and the gap will grow even wider

Ret has 0 business getting buffed with the game as it currently is

Zirene was right when he said the arbitrary buffs to ret was an “exception” to the rule. Cant have anything to do with the senior producer playing ret, can it?

[quote=“Scarletpimp-arugal, post:997, topic:1662257”]
Nah. Ret has two major power spikes - TAJ and Tier set. It pulls ahead significantly with these but then plateaus out. Warrior has much better general stat scaling

through ToC ret and warrior scaled very similarly

ret scales harder from shadowmourne, and TAJ and T10 give ret more than any amount of armor pen gives warrior

Ret was totally fine in phase 4 but if a lead dev plays it, maybe it deserves a buff eh?

Realistically, why change the meta? Rets were about as popular as fury, and paladins were significantly more popular that warrior (paladin most parsed, warrior least parsed) so why on earth buff paladins? It makes no sense outside of partiality.

This is irrelevant.

If prot warriors were getting brought 2 per raid instead of paladins you wouldn’t think it was fair to loop Fury into that and say “Warriors are the most played class” even though fury is typically only brought 1 per raid, like ret. So don’t loop ret in with Holy and Prot and then pretend like it matters, it does not.


I play a Destro warlock, I want buffs too. Give me 50% more damage when the boss is below 99%.

For real though, why worry about what other classes get or aren’t getting? Are you in a top 10 guild and they told you to go kick rocks? Based on your paladin’s parses I doubt that.

People told me I couldn’t be a prot paladin in Classic Vanilla (still do on the HC forums!) and I tanked all of MC/ZG/BWL without a problem and have been doing H raids on my warlock as Destro since the end of Ulduar.

Just perform better than your peers and nobody will care what you play.


No, it doesn’t. Not one bit. And you don’t understand what he said either.

One day you’ll grow up and learn to actually read.

Today is not that day.

Ret pallies in the top ranks on single target bosses like Saurfang already lmao

I love playing a pure dps class that didn’t get any buffs in the rerelease and seeing buffed rets, ferals, and hunters destroying me!

It happened, Blizzard, they’re competitive with the top specs in the game, time to re-examine the huge buff they received.

There are almost more ret paladins than rogues as a class. Rogue is looking to be the least played class in the game in a tier where they were historically very strong, partially as a consequence of buffing utility powerhouses like ret and feral to also do more damage than pure dps.

Cause of TaJ, yes, when a class gains a legendary like benefit from a random drop this happens.

It has nothing to do with scaling or even the buff. It has everything to do with TaJ.

It’ll pass.

Rets had a huge power spike early on in ToC as well that absolutely no one talked about cause we suddenly had a good libram and our 2 set was amazing.