Probably time to roll back the class changes, Rets and ferals way too high on expected DPS

Feral and ret are the most selfish classes.
One day, if you are as dumping as trash, never expect good words from other classes.


All I’m hearing is “WAAAAAH my class isn’t OP enough, nerf everything except what I play so my numbers are superior!”

Do you think people were kind to us in classic era when we were trash?

Got lectured for 2 hours about how ret was bad for rolling on a hand of justice… didn’t even win it and the group freaked out.

That’s a pretty empty threat there. The community is unkind to the dumpster specs.

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Is that why everyone hates warriors? Cause we were the most worthless class in the game until togc and now we can scale?


Nope, not why.

I mean, across all of the classic phases so far, DPS warriors only had one phase where is was actively bad (Naxx), and one where it was noticeably weak (Ulduar), and it wasn’t even alone in those placements.

It’s just kind of wild seeing this level of complaints from a spec that has consistently been good, and is back to being strong just because it has to share the spotlight in ICC.

In real wotlk we had a spotlight the entire xpac and now we only get to zug in icc.

But you as a paladin on your high horse:

You’re the best tanks and healers in the game. Your tanks are the tankiest and have best cool downs. Your healers have no loot competition and get literal free trinkets. Your DPS is almost at the very top. In pvp you can 3 shot prot warriors.

Your class is busted and you’re on your high horse telling me I’m ungrateful for table scraps


I mean, the same is true for ret. The first time around, it was also a highly valued DPS the entire time, and now, just like warriors, it’s only going to be particularly good in ICC.

Yeah, none of this is relevant to ret. We don’t tank, we don’t heal. Those are entirely different aspects of the game. They play differently, gear differently, and fill different raid slots. Warriors aren’t hurt in any way shape or form by holy being good. Ret isn’t helped in any way, shape, or form by holy or prot being good (it honestly hurts us because they are better sources of Ret’s possible utility)

Prot warriors also get free loot and have basically no loot competition. At most there’s 1 other person in the raid that wants plate defensive gear, just like the 2 holy paladins compete with each other.

You had 1 bad phase in 3 years, 1 mediocre phase, now are back to mid tier and will soon be top tier again…

Yeah, it’s just whiny at this point to be upset that you are only among the top DPS possible instead of the number 1.

The only warriors that should be complaining are prot and arms in PvE.

that explains a lot

playing ret in classic was straight trolling.

1 god tier spec, a few good specs, and everything else was trash.

classic was one of the worst balanced games ever

Is there no end to the whining and crying about things that have 0 relevance to DPS? Seriously. I laid out earlier EXACTLY how worthless the tank and heal argument is. Even supported Warrior because they do deserve justice for their tanks.

But holy hell, could you people possibly be any stupider regarding this?

No other class in the game is as strong as a paladin and you want more

The dubiousness of this claim cannot be overstated. But I guess after all of Vanilla being the best DPS AND the ONLY tank, being the best tank AND a strong DPS all of TBC, Warrior just can’t get enough either can they?

Priests are close, mages become best in class DPS, DKs have been consistently stacked DPS while their tank spec is also used…

All 3 druid roles are viable

It’s not like paladin is some major outlier.

It has 3 roles, they should all be useable in an optimized raid.

The only place warriors are struggling is tank representation because blizzard overcorrected on paladin tanks going from TBC’s zero survivability cooldowns but good threat to now raid wide defensive cooldowns and a cheat death.

Rets shouldn’t have to pay the price for that. It’s nonsense to think they should.

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lmao no, disc is strong but you only ever take 1 compared with 2 hpals (and even 3 isn’t a disaster). Ret and shadow are roughly equivalent. Priests have 1 great spec and 2 good ones with their 2nd healing spec being completely overshadowed and rarely used. Paladins have 2 great specs, prot being the undisputed best in its role by a MILE, and a good 3rd spec.

It’s not for no reason that 18% of the population is paladins.

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People tend to overstate how bad 2 discs are. Disc + Holy is also a fine combo, people just hate on holy for no reason.

Holy paladin is a great tank healer, it’s raid healing potential is pretty bad if the raid isn’t stacked. It’s encounter design that pushed 2 holy pal more than anything else.

Luckily you can run 2x holy pal and every other healer class at the same time for better damage pattern coverage, so it doesn’t really hurt anything.

And yeah, I’ll never argue that prot isn’t overturned. Tank choices should be roughly equal, but that’s absolutely not observed, and actively harms the other tank specs.

My guild does their part by not using a prot paladin!

Then you tell me why I have to have the rug pulled out from under me and basically have a 20 percent nurf the entire time if you include TG, rage gen nurfs and armor pen nurfs.
Meanwhile after is being stomped on, people hate us after finally earning our spot back

We don’t hate you for getting your spot back, just the resentment for dealing with things other specs also had to.

Even with the buffs, ret was never better off than fury this expansion.

I think in general class balancing should be done more in the classic series. Blizz just tries not to, and is apparently refusing to even partially undo buffs after giving them, as we see in feral.

I’m happy for warriors that they are finally reaching their top DPS tier status soon. I just disagree that ret would have been fine without buffs, because the numbers just don’t agree with that.

We can argue about how much of a buff was appropriate, but I don’t think blizzard was far off for ret, given its pre-shadowmourne numbers. (And I think all of the Smourne classes should be judged more on that more than with it)

I mean, a second disc can barely use PW:S, which is the whole reason disc is strong. And there’s no reason to ever have two when one can just be holy instead.

Hpriest is just another healer that’s not a holy paladin, disc is unique and hugely impactful.

Warriors crying so hard that they might not be 1st on dps meters after telling everyone how warrior is best in icc.

Because other classes got buffed to be better than us cause devs play pally and drood. Get off your high horse.