Sounds more like a you problem since there’s plenty of other melee getting into raids.
Why not feral’s problem. the stupid devs buff feral too much.
No, they are stacking ferals.
Just see how many ferals that they are araising now in TOC.
Logs quite literally show the opposite. Guilds are still stacking Unholy dk, and warlocks. all decent heroic LK attempts have a minimum of 6 warlock.
DK dps is just as dumping as trash under ICC gear.
Fury can be a little better, rogue is as dumping as DK.
Enhance is the worst.
Dk’s have claimed they were going to be bottom dps in both ulduar and ToGC, and guess what they were #1 by far in both.
I am not DK. feral are the most OP, broken class now.
Roll back these stupid changes, it has ruined 3.35 totally.
Hey, the other thread of warriors complaining got removed on something but I get to post again.
Currently across all percentiles and bosses fury is the #1 represented melee DPS specs in ToGC and #3 dps in ToGC based on parses.
For “stacking ferals to gear them” there sure are only a bare minimum of feral logs, the only dps spec with less is mutilate. not counting meme specs.
Not, not true. Feral is now the most populous melee class. Most OP class.
125k logs for feral
215k logs for fury
Your right, 1 comes before 2
That’s two weeks. In one day there have been 20k fury logs compared to 11k feral logs
Not true, Feral is the most OP class.
Oh okay. You’re right. Good luck out there!
You are really a selfish person.
Because u are playing feral,
and u never care about how other class player feel
when cannot find a postion in ICC raid.
I do not have the brain capacity to play feral. I’m an idiot.
Agree, feral are all genius with a IQ of 300.
I can barely play fury warrior. I would never be able to come up with rotation or stat weights like some people. That’s why I am happy that they grab data and make guides for me so I can hit my buttons and call it good.
Feral was never “below the floor”
I made my own prot build and parsed with it, proved it worked with my build and everyone still calls me garbage cause bad fury parses
Actually, Feral is the most DPS OP class.
Not to mention res in battle.