Probably no one has said this about the new character select screen but

In the regular season, I’ll run my main, then try to get the other seven or eight characters (crafters) geared. Any Bind on Equipment gear I’ll send to my alternate characters to get them geared. Currently in Season 4, I am running 24 characters a week which even includes my bank alt which I leveled up to max level in Season 3.

When Re-mix ends, 12 more characters will be added to my pool to include in having up to date gear. Other than leveling them all to max level, most of those will stay at the gear level they end leveling. I only expect to level new characters in the coming years if it’s a new race or class that can’t currently be made as an Orc.

I’m a firm believer that World of Warcraft should maintain its own website (like WoW-head) that eliminates the need of having to rely on 3rd party information that becomes outdated. But Blizzard Game Masters usually send players to the 3rd party websites like WoW-head only to be told to contact Bizzard themselves to resolve the problem.

I do know when I select a character that use to be on a different server, then the server the majority of characters are on, the game takes longer to swap, character screen blinks like it loaded the new server then loads into the character. When I go back to playing another character on my account, it will do the same thing, act like it’s loading the character, screen blinks then the character will actually load.

I liked this post. I don’t actively dislike the concept of the select screen (and hope we will indeed be able to choose more backgrounds in the future). With that being said, it, as well as the login screen and even its music seem a bit… Bare? Bland? Again, I don’t hate them. It just feels like it was decided internally that these things are not as important, or just were not to be developed with as much emphasis as they used to be for previous expansions. That concerns me a little bit.

EDIT: Another person liked this post so I felt obligated to update: THIS IS OUTDATED!! I absolutely love the login screen and music now… although I don’t really use the Warband favorites feature in the select screen atm.


classic Blizz trying to reinvent the wheel, what a waste of time and resources imo.

Eh, maybe. The time it takes to scroll down a sufficiently long list is probably the same as the server switching, unless Blizzard servers were exceptionally struggly.

ALthough I’ll note that they seem to have still never fixed the Mail. There are characters I have posted auctions for where the mail saying the auction has sold STILL does not appear on the character screen. So the only way to know is still to log into the character. GG Blizz.

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The search feature is the same one (or using similar tech) to the one they use for Dungeon Finder.

Which means it’s a very broad dumb search that is prone to pulling in false flags all over the place. You’ll have partial character names, zone names, professions, all mixing in to limit how useful it could be to you.

I can type in “Alterac Mountain” and it brings up my Guardian Druid on Proudmoore in Valdrakken because it’s a Highmountain Tauren and only the “Mountain” part of the search is being used, while ignoring my random alt that is actually on the Alterac Mountains realm.

An actual Filter options that you can expand out, make your exact filtering criteria (e.g. realm, profession, etc.) cannot be substituted with a dumb search bar.

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I’ll have to play with it, but in search tech I’ve found it will always assume an OR operator between strings unless you stipulate specifically an AND or wrap it in quotes. I’ll have to see if typing “Alterac Valley” or “Hunter” (I noticed ‘hunter’ brought both DH and hunters) with the quotes wrapper would then force the search to use an AND operator.

I also found you can search using professions, that was great. I’m a fan. The search function might seem dumb, but it also has to operate within constraints of the query limitations, and broad searches are resource hogs.

Sort of. Searching “by profession” will still bring false flags into the equation. I don’t really have characters named stuff like Enchantedone, but I’m sure others do, and that would mean you have to type exact matches to work. We don’t have a main zone that’s like “Engineer’s Workshop” or something, but if we had one, or you had characters in a zone like that, it’d probably false flag.

I mean, yeah, I wouldn’t expect a search function to do a bang up job, because filtering by categories is not what a freeform search function is meant to do. Even Google search gives you Advanced search with explicit dropdowns, a littany of in-search flags and operators, etc., although it’s also regressing nowadays so that’s fun.

If you’ve ever played around with dungeon finder, it’s a very similar thing. You can type in “8” for example, and it’ll pick up runs in the +7 to +9 range (because they’ve modified it to accomodate keystones one below or one above), it’ll pick up +18 runs, it’ll pick up any run where someone happened to type an “8” in the description somewhere, it’ll pick up all the spam ads, all kinds of useless nonsense that limits how useful the search can be. Even if you explicitly type in “8-9”, which is the intended way to find only groups that are either +8 or +9, it won’t filter out all the dross. Whereas a Keystone Level dropdown where you could select Level 8 could actually be used to search and only pick up matches that are exactly +8 keystones, which would be exactly what the player wants. You can’t fudge UI and have it work well, sadly.

I dearly wish Blizzard would eventually realise that any list should just have basic sort options, and some filter options. People’s reactions would be so much nicer if things like that were just a basic standard. Imagine how much better people would have received the consolidated Warband character list if they could just click a couple of buttons and have it all sorted by realm, or sorted by Name, or sorted by Class. Instead, what did they have? Dragging and dropping characters one by one.

There are so many things I wish the new character select screen had. I love the idea of it, but it desperately needs help.

I know I’m in the minority here, but I have 65 characters, and the full list is beyond overwhelming compared to having them broken out by server. I have 1-3 characters on dozens of servers, many with the same names/classes, which I use for farming. It’s almost impossible to keep track of them now that it’s in a giant jumbled list.

I’d love to see the following:

  • Return the server list sorting, but keep it all in one giant list broken up by flyout menus per server (so you could minimize them).
  • Add some sort of auto-sorting options. By class, by server, by faction, even just alphabetically by name.
  • Massively reduce the amount of space each character “tile” takes up in the list of characters. You could easily fit 1.5-2x as many characters on the visible list if you rearranged the text, and shrunk it down a few points.

I really REALLY hope they keep improving on the display, because having to scroll my mouse 6-7 times to get to the bottom is infuriating.

I mean, you can go beyond that. One of my suggestions on the Beta was to use character icons (with your character’s portrait). It takes a small amount of space to include a name underneath, red/blue borders can be used, or an alternate stylized border for Alliance/Horde, class colour on the name for class or a class symbol somewhere, etc. The main extra information like realm, professions, gold, is currently in the mouseover tooltip anyway.

You could easily grid 30+ characters like that into one screen, using just the space they’re using now. It would (for me) also be much nicer to see my characters’ faces rather than a giant wad of empty space with a name in massive font.

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dude , I dont see a darn thing about who has mail on mine and that’s my chief complaint. On some characters is shows gold amount , but no mail icons

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This is Blizzard’s version of If it’s not broken don’t fix it. Another self inflicted injury.


LOL I said the same thing…if its not Broke don’t fix it…duh moment for blizzard…the map icons are horrible now too…


I’d be OK with a “broad” realm search. Even if it included the old connected/virtual realm.

What I mean is Blizz used to have like 2-3 servers connected as “one”. I remember “Shadowsong” & “Borean Tundra” used to be connected together as one giant realm. IDK if that’s the case anymore.

My point being, I’d be fine with it if those two servers are combined together, in the Search filter of “realm” because all those characters (that I have) are in the same guild despite being on “separate” servers, but I digress.

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this is what they do…
they take the functional
and render it dysfunctional
…all while ignoring the dysfunctional
that they should have fixed…lol
they are an absurdly contrarian lot!

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I hope that in the future we can unlock or earn more of our alts on the warband campfire screen along with different backgrounds entirely.

I don’t mind the changes to navigation as I now have my order setup with some 50+ something alts.

Keep up the good work blizz, make it more robust and improve on it and the majority will love it.

I wont say i hate it, but it def seems like something that could have came during a QoL patch and not a feature that is the face of an expansion

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Like I said earlier debatable Qol features, I am not even sure its QOL either :rofl:

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Weird. My mail icons have been showing up just fine.

Said it before-nobody asked for it and it’s wasted time & resources.

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Well to be honest it will take a little getting used to BUT, it is something new and most people do not want new they want the same to stay the same forever.