Probably no one has said this about the new character select screen but

it feels like all my toons have been thrown into a bucket and I have to mouseover each one to see what realm its on.


Difficult for who?

Separating characters by realm instead of a long commingled list sounds like an improvement.

They need to add something like this, and for people who like the commingled list, make it an option to sort by realm.

I like it much better now.

You can organize them how you like.

You are not forced to use the first 4 campfire slots.

Now i don’t need to change realms to scan my toons quickly.

So much better now.

to me it seems like its stuck on widescreen or something. that and the UI scale is too big.

It’s terrible, the fact that they haven’t given us any sort options for it is ridiculous. Why can’t we sort our characters by server without manually spending all this time dragging them through the list which is GIANT and only shows 5-6 characters at a time?

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The developers.

It’s WoW’s ‘Community’. The Developers could offer the nectar and ambrosia of the greek gods, and could even find the cure for Cancer and people would scream on these forums about it and complain until the end of time.

True story.

A lot of us just gave up on doing Betas to help out for this very reason after being told flat out that the public Beta isn’t for “dealing with your complaining”. My dude, we showed you security holes in the guild bank you could have driven a truck through…

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I do actually like it, though I get the angst generally felt over changing something that worked well.

I kinda like it. Now…please update the graphics for the single toons, looks very old.

I would say they aren’t “lazy”. They put a lot of thought behind this design. Unfortunately, if any of the people who designed it even play the game, they don’t play it like the players who they designed this feature for. They didn’t have an army of alts on multiple servers and multiple accounts. This is so far out of their experience that they didn’t even take it into consideration. They couldn’t test it and see what just such a player would experience because the ones who play have a character or two on one server. It looked okay to them.

I suppose they could have looked for players who play an army of alts and done focus groups. They do that for raiding and mythic+. But this isn’t something popular streamers do. And casuals don’t get respect.

It’s not a minority opinion. It’s an opinion critical of something in WoW that’s been revealed in the last month or so. That means the threads get taken down since people typically bandwagon opinions. I’m surprised your post is still up to be honest.

I mean… do you work for a living?

Their fetish to turn WoW into Diablo marches on.