Probably no one has said this about the new character select screen but

I like four; it works with my main set of characters.

I had to make a spreadsheet as well.
This new change definitely makes things more challenging!

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I like the idea but man, so much of this pre-patch is being defined by “failure to execute”.
Others bring up the need for a sort and filter options of the character list. I back this.
Further, the character list window needs to be resizable, the list entries are far too large, I can barely see a fraction of my characters at one time.
Also, for the love of- the mobile phone game tier ui color/texture scheme feels incredibly cheap, tacky, and knock-off. Bring back the OG frames, please.


Honestly I thought that existed rofl.
Common sense… you’d think that would be the ONE thing you could search for :joy:

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I hate it.

I hope they add an option to the settings menu in the character select screen to let us have the old screens back.


Look at the top of the list. Type the filter you want into the search. You can search by name, race, class, faction, location or profession. I haven’t found any other filters yet.

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I meant there will be less and less practical difference from the player’s point of view. And we can expect more server mergers.

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Because it’s the forum. People like to be angry and complain here.


They did say things in Beta and PTR feedback and were ignored. I still remember a large chunk of the warrior community pre-WoD pointing out that arms was in a horribly gutted state. Guess what? All feedback taken on board and promptly tossed in the fire. They’ve been doing that for years.

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it sounds like a you problem if you don’t use the internet. Also all of this login stuff has been posted HERE on this website, since blizzcon. So your 3rd party excuse is just that… and excuse to not bother to do any research even on the games own site.

Just add a toggle already to end the issue.

I like the new character select. Then again I only run 2 or 3 characters. Not 50 like so many others apparently. How you find time to manage 50 toons is just wild to me lol. I can barely keep 2 roughly equal in power.

I changed servers before creating the character and didn’t realized it was designed to pull a switcheroo on me. It’s a bad design that reverts to a different server when you try to create or delete a character.

It actually sounds like a you problem if you think other people should spend most of their time researching on the internet, trying to find up to date sources and figure out which (the majority) are woefully obsolete, instead of playing the game.


was trying to find if anyone had noticed how cool the search function is, but all I found were complaints. Hmm.

(The search lets you search by name, level (though it has to be the exact level, would be cool if you could do a level bracket) class and profession. I thought this was really really cool)

If only “Realm” was included in the filter, there will be less complaints and make the Search function more viable than it is.


I know you guys. You are the same group that screamed like your hair was on fire when we got edit mode for our UI. “Why change?” and “I want the original!” and “Gonna unsub over this!”.

On a tangent, I saw a panhandler on the street with a can in his hand trying to get coins, definitely looked homeless. He was a cheerful cynical type who would say, “Change is hard.” It was a bit of a pun. So, I said, “Change must come from within.” But I gave him a quarter for his good line.

I like to call it lazy art.

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Sometimes, Blizz likes to change things for the sake of it.

That being said, whenever they do change things, they’re not thoroughly thought through.

This new character selection screen has a Search Bar to filter out our list, right? What’s the issue with enhancing it, to make it better by including “realm”, to the already implemented filter system (that seems to sort by class, level, professions, etc, anything but “realm”)?

In regards to “Edit Mode” it still doesn’t completely move everything. I wish Edit Mode included the ability to move where my open bags appear. As I managed to make the UI look like the old one, as best as I could, but the open bags slightly cover where my bag icons are.

And, in Classic Era (not that this side cares about it, just pointing out poorly thought out changes), they gave us the Retail version of the Guild Window. However, we still don’t have the “Guild Finder” nor “Pending Guild Applicants” feature. It’s like a broken version of the retail version.

Again, very short sighted or laziness on Blizz’s part.


You’ve made your case, well done. But calling the designers at Blizzard lazy is a cheap shot.

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That’s fair.

Im aware it isnt new. What is new is not having to switch servers multiple times looking for mail icons on all your cross server alts.