Probably no one has said this about the new character select screen but

I really hate it. Like I applaud your ability to take something that was straightforward and worked reliably and turn it into an absolute mess.

I’m sure this is a minority opinion, but I had to express it.


There has already been a thread saying basically what you said, so, theres that. On topic, I like the consolidation and not having to switch servers to see your characters but at the same time it makes it harder to…see what server your characters are on and any related restrictions.


Alot of us have said it.


and if you’re capped on characters so you log into one to delete it and then make a new character level it all the way to 30 without realizing you’re on a different server then your main one

true story


I think there are people who are happy with the top 4 sitting around the camp fire
but wish the rest of it was the old way.


It pops up a warning box telling you what server you are creating the character on.

On topic, it makes finding alts that have mail super easy. Much better this way.


Just sad we don’t have more character screens, feels so weird being a dk With dark themed armour and then be around a normal campfire, green grass and blue skies… and instead not being ice crown with a snow storm…


Even just adding/making the realm the character is on clickable to filter by that realm only would be good, as well as, say, class/race/faction.

I can see times when this long-heiny list is good, like the previously replied ‘see my alt mail’ idea, but but mostly what I want is on two connected realms.

Ok 100% of what I want is on two connected realms.


Honestly a slam dunk for future rewards/cosmetics would be ways to customise your warband screen. Add trophies, poses, backgrounds, etc.

Make it so I can have my Warrior in the background whacking a training dummy, or my Monk just sitting there in the Zen Meditation animation, or my casters reading a book.


OMG that reminds me of when I made a Dracthyr on my Horde server, accidentally made her without changing the faction to Horde. Got her to like 65 before I realized she was Alliance, had to delete and start over lol


Doesn’t seem like it is.


it’s a start, but I wish it had a sort by server functionality, where I don’t want to see the list of characters I have unless I have the server checked off


I dont like how everything is so big. it makes no sense. its a mess.


It’s horrible. I have never seen such a mess in all the years I’ve played. Why change something that was perfect?


Trust me, its not.


No it’s a pretty common opinion. These horrible clumsy new systems make the bugs forgettable

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lot of people complaining about things they were told last year at Blizzcon, and didn’t bother to say anything where it mattered like in Beta and PTR feedback until it dropped and now claim they did.


I think that a vast majority (probably wrong) don’t attend or care about Blizzcon go to a 3rd party website to learn anything about changes to the game or wanted to pay additional money to be in a Beta where Blizzard doesn’t always listen to feedback.


i hope they can fix it. when i am on the character screen for my main realm there are a ton of alliance characters from other realms scrambled up in them. they are all mixed together.

i hope they fix this. if i want to see all my alliance characters on my alliance realm, then let me choose my alliance realm. just too many of them jumbled together. harder to find.

they got to do something about this. if you are a player with less than 5-10-20 toons then there shouldnt be a problem for you. but for players like myself this is an absolute disaster.


Going forward I suspect that the exact server is going to matter less and less.