Probably no one has said this about the new character select screen but

Hold on what? Pahaha! Oh my, that would annoy me to no end. I am so grateful that all of my characters are only on one realm.

they should revert the changes to the character selection screen and just add a favorite/unfavorite right click button or even a little empty star next to the character name that fills in yellow when you favorite it for the new campfire area
the search bar is a 100 % trash idea and having the big chunky 4 box when you literally send those chars to a screen you can click on to enter the game is insanely dumb
I have friends who quit the game already because of this and I’m seeing people who say they are deleting toons because of this? when the response is to start deleting toons and quitting the game you should know you made a bad choice i hope they get the point soon and fix this trash

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Yes, but not everyone goes to 3rd party websites and YouTube is a 3rd party website to view game content. I did say “(probably wrong)” in my original statement. I personally don’t watch other people play the game I am playing. I also don’t see blue posts while in the forums or on wow head because I rarely ever on the front page where you can read news. So, unless I see it in game, I don’t know anything, and I would reckon I’m far from the only one.

From my understanding people are commenting on the Beta and in PTR and Blizzard is cherry picking what to work on. This isn’t old World of Warcraft where they put a presence in physical locations and on the TV anymore. They rely on content creators to do the work for them for free. Personally, I believe this launch needs to be delayed in my humble opinion.

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My only real complaint is how long it takes to load.

Oh, and my four main characters aren’t roasting my Tauren–fifth character–over the fire.

I hate this change also. I sound like a wimp saying this but this change has really stressed me out enough to not want to play. I had characters on 2 servers to keep my Hoard toons separated from my Alliance toons. Now they are all meshed together. My OCD is really bothered by this.

I can think of a couple of ways this may have benefited Blizzard, but please enable some filters like Hoard/Alliance toons.

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Yea its useful if you play both Horde and Alliance

I like the old way better where you had to be a certain level to go to different areas and the flying is one of the worst and putting all the alts together, I hate it

A quick glance at the forum titles would show your not really paying attention.
Basically, it’s something different so some players complain about it ad nauseam!

I just want a checkbox that says “ Characters on Current Realm Only”

Absent that, the ability to search on realm would be nice since that’s the only thing they didn’t include, and the only way we could separate toons in the past.

I actually like the ability to search on everything else, though I think a range would be nice for the levels.

Given how easy it would be to sort by realm (1 hour of dev time - tops), it seems intentional that they didn’t want people sorting by realm - for whatever reason. That means people discussed it, and came to the worst possible conclusion.

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I’d rather a straight up LINE separating servers :joy:

At least they added the search function so you can just type in whatever server you want.

Finding alts that have Mail isn’t really relevant to the new character screen. It was a feature they introduced a while back that hasn’t been working well since its introduction. The one thing now is I guess they ended up fixing it alongside the changes they had to make to do things like display the professions and gold the character has.

If anything, the fact that fewer characters fit on the screen because the list is comically wasting space at any given time is probably a downgrade in this aspect. It’s wild that we’re in 2024 and Blizzard can’t figure out basic sort/filter options, or the option for some sort of character-icon list that would just … give you the option to have every character on there at once.

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Not just minority, but just plain bad.

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A line is actually more difficult.

The search does not match realms - at all.

It matches level, name, class, professions, and even location. But, you can’t search on realm. That’s what I was pointing out. That was a consience decision. People sat down in a meeting and said, “They’ve been searching using realms for 20 years… Let’s make that the only thing they can’t use going forward.”

It seems to be a pattern with Blizzard.

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Garrisons had many flaws, but the customisation wasn’t one of them.

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That seems to be the theme of this new expansion. It’s like as if all the developers took a vacation, lost their minds, and let the interns and volunteer wannabes design the UI. It just dosent feel like the same high quality graphics we expect from Blizzard games.


well you cant please everyone. I really love the new login screen. Its super user friendly, and you just mouseover your characters and it tells you how much gold they have, and what their professions are without even having to login to it. I love that ability.

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Really? Do you think they will eliminate servers and just mash everyone together on one gigantic server?

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It would have been handy if one of the search parameters we could type in the find box would be the NAME of the server we’re looking for, then display all our character for just that server.

Exactly. I mean I know I usually have to brace myself for every pre-patch and new expansion but this looks like they’re just trolling us now. They changed things that worked perfectly, that nobody asked to change, they broke the most basic mechanics, their pre-patch features aren’t even released lol.

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You’re definitely not alone in feeling stressed - I’m stressed too, and many many others on the forums say the same thing. It’s a mess!

I can tell you what I’ve done to organize my characters. I have a spreadsheet sorted by server with all my characters names, level, professions, etc… I can look at my organized list, find who I want to load, then type their name in the search box in the upper right corner of the screen. I really miss the old interface but for now my spreadsheet is helping my sanity with trying to manage 65 characters across 6 servers.

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