Probably no one has said this about the new character select screen but

For me I have the same name on multiple servers, so it is confusing that now I show multiple characters in my player list with the same name and because of my OCD, they are listed next to each other and way down the list verse at the top had they still maintained separate character lists per server.


The Monty Python Bruce sketch come into mind.


so what you’re saying is a lot of people don’t go to YouTube…right…

This whole new thing with Warbanks and our Character selection screen and putting our top ones in the picture is a complete waste of time…the old way of logging in was just freaking fine …this was a wasted time of dev’s that could put their talents in other areas of TWW…


It gives me a headache.


I guess I’m in the minority. I like it.
Took me awhile or organize everyone, but it you cursor over them it says what server they are on.
I only use 2 servers & they are linked anyway so I guess that might make it easier.


I personally go to YouTube to listen/watch content, but not to watch someone talk about the game I am playing; I don’t follow content creators. I have 2 permanent tabs on my taskbar open in Internet Explorer, Wow-forums and Wow-head, YouTube is off and on depending on if I can tolerate some of the garbage that it auto-plays into. Mostly listen to music from the 80’s and 90s and occasionally a movie. No use for the internet other than to play World of Warcraft.

I also said I’m “(probably wrong)” but to me YouTube falls in the 3rd party website along with others like Twitch. Not even sure what my settings are but I rarely ever see announcements in Wow forums/head because I am never on the front page of either site. No Blue posts ever pop up for me.

Why I pulled my 4 characters out of the favorites then minimized the list. Now I have my characters looking like they use to and in the order, I like them listed.

Only problem is two of my characters that would normally be at the top of the screen are alphabetically at the bottom because they are on a different server. I had no problem clicking switch server when loading up other characters of which when you do click on them it does something weird for a minute like it’s really switching to the new server but not updating the position they are in the list.

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That would be great honestly.

Indeed. This near-impossible feat can be achieved only by a team of experts.

I’m not even kidding.

So often, in my career in development, I saw taams of really smart, really experienced people produce absolute monstrosities that - I swear! - none of them would have perpetrated alone.

I think there’s a certain loss of perspective that comes within a relatively small group who are vying for status and considering ideas one by one, each in isolation, rather than feeling the effect of the whole.

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I like the idea but why mesh together all servers then still leave all the inconveniences of switching between servers as a thing. Feels pretty darn half-arsed.

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I don’t know what your specific issues with it are, but there are like a dozen threads (at least) and several hundred comments agreeing with the general sentiment of not liking the new character select screen - mostly centered around not liking all of our characters being slammed into one giant sprawling list.

The sentiment is also expressed in the comments on the Blizzard post about the new character select screen.

But please do voice your opinion. It’s a problem and Blizzard needs to do better.

At the very least, we need organizational tools for the new screen.

If you compare the character select screen to Windows File Explorer, what they’ve effectively done with this change is remove folders. Realms acted as folders before. Now everything is just dumped onto the Desktop. And I despise it.

Organization aside, Gear Updates, Character Services, and Addon Management all still happens on a per-server basis that requires manually switching Realms, so a consolidated list like we have now doesn’t really make sense. Why force it when so much stuff doesn’t work with it?

(Of course, as with any change, there ARE people who have voiced the opposite opinion, but in terms of general consensus on these forums, it seems to be largely negative in regards to the new character select screen)


That sounds suspiciously similar to Garrisons…

yea, it really doesn’t feel good when you select a character on your list and you get that double load time. They tried to streamline the process of switching servers, and it just feels bad for some reason.

yea, do they read GD at all? I feel like our concerns go largely ignored.

Warbands is a cool feature. Everything below the 4 characters is a horribly disorganized mess.

WTB folders or something to hide characters into, lol. It definitely triggers something in me seeing the level of disorganization on my character screen. Luckily I can at least hide the side bar entirely and just click the 4 characters. But it has the same energy as seeing a ton of quests in a main hub or something. It feels like being in a dirty room in a house.


I have nothing against the addition of the ‘favorites camp’, but agree it is pointless and does nothing for the game itself.

And since many of the other changes are a regressive trainwreck of a mess, and the game itself feels like it is in a very buggy, unpolished state, I feel any resources spent on adding it to the game and changing the log-in screen were a complete waste of time.

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I’m not saying your wrong, just going out on a limb here. Im pretty sure Blizz Developer teams are seperated. I.e Devs that specialize in say Class Balance will be on a different team than a Dev that specializes in character animations, etc.

I doubt the team that worked on the character screen is well versed in Balancing/Etc. I could 100% be wrong though. Just how I’d imagine it would work.

I get you don’t like it but why does it even matter?

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Thank you. This is a helpful idea. It dosn’t undo all the damage of the change, but it is a start.

The main drawback, apart from the existence of the “Favorites” separator itself, is that the client forgets that Favorites is closed when I switch character or re-log, so I am left with half a screen of the list empty because of the four vacant slots, so I have to minimize it again.

It’s just difficult to navigate, when you are character capped.

I liked the server listing better 'cause it grouped my characters better. One giant list is overwhelming even with the search feature.


i blame the devs lack of experience playing the game.


Blizzcon was free on youtube. And is still there… how hard is that?