Pro Changers take heed

Yeah true. You know who is a developer though? The lead developer of Classic WoW. He’s a developer. He is in fact the lead developer. You know what he said? Go play BfA if you want class balance. Yep. The lead Classic Developer said that.

Blizzard’s stance on Classic has been made apparent. Blizzard’s stance is no changes.


What do they have to explicitly shoot down before you get the picture? Do they have to reject every possible idea for a change before you get it?

Really? You really need them to tell you that this isn’t going to be in Classic? Really? REALLY!?

You have got to be one of the most dedicated trolls I have ever seen. You just don’t let up. There’s no way you’re that dense. No human could possibly be that dense. You have to be a super dedicated basement dwelling troll.


Apparently yithesins pointing out an authentic experience doesn’t mean crap.

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It is good to hear a blue supporting our cause at least. And yeah, I should probably save this quote for later.

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It would help your case if things like loot trading were not going to be in classic :slight_smile:

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Loot trading wasn’t asked for, was forced on us to minimize tickets. I don’t like it but I’m accepting that it’s there.
But one change. Put in by blizzard for blizzards benefit doesn’t open the gate for you to ram through 15 other changes.


Blizzard could post an actual list of every post-Vanilla change saying they wont be adding it to Classic and people will still go “but maybe if we post enough, they’ll change their minds!”.


Considering they’ve already said no to.
Linked rewards.

And I see those still asked for…


What’s funny is that people think Blizzard will change their stance on a position they’ve been adamant about when in BfA half the time they don’t even listen to the playerbase when they claim they’re taking feedback into account.


Context plays a major role in the very few changes that have been made. It was given at/during Blizzcon.

Things like duel spec do not meet such given points, only points for things that have already been shot down such as balance and flight.

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I’m as in favor of no changes as the next guy, but to make a new thread thumping your chest about something a cm said in another thread just seems kinda unnecessarily confrontational.

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Well maybe I’m tired of all the pro changers who continue to ask for stuff blizzard has already said no too. I’m tired of it. Blizzard a month ago said no to balance changes. What do we See? 2 or 3 threads about it a week.
Blizzard has said no to transmog or linked rewards. See that one about once a week.

Not only is this in violation of forum rules, but it’s in violation of everything vanilla is supposed to be.
All those who want changes? They have a game they have changes in. And yet they have no issues trying to change classic into something for themselves to, without a care for those who don’t have the game they want.

So yes. I’m tired of the endless debates. I’m tired of them trying to take classic and make it into something other then classic.
I’m tired of it all. All I want is classic and they don’t care.

So why should I care?

I am tired of being called toxic and rude and mean all the while these people sat their and laughed and spit on us by asking for changes to classic that goes against what classic is.


To be fair…

I don’t know of many(any) people that where specifically asking for:


-backporting from the modern client

-modern graphics for environment, including water (which has gameplay implications via visibility differences)

-Loot trading

-Removal of spell batching (massive game play change)

-Trivialization of the early raid content via 1.12 itemization, balance, debuff limits and threat generation… which in turn leads to:

-Massive disruption to overall itemization on the populace. Very Very few people completed Molten Core in OG vanilla, I fully expect that number to drastically increase with how undertuned it is for 1.12, which means tons more people than would be remotely “authentic” are going to be running around in raid level gear

-Indefinite duration servers… Another massive departure from authenticity… You didn’t get years within which to progress when OG vanilla was current content.

-No acknowledgment of problems Pservers have already shown to have with hindsight. Things like Tribute soloing hunters, and mage aoe farms can be massively disruptive to the overall economy, particularly on indefinite servers… Other things like class population figures changing heavily from vanilla numbers via people knowing better than to willingly “lose at the character select screen”, or even broken itemization concerns like Wolf’shead helm (which largely wasn’t known about in real vanilla)

-The idea that the very nature of vanilla balance being an ever evolving fluid thing suddenly turning into a flat static thing is a change in and of itself.

-Significant UI, Macro, and Addon revamps… numerous vanilla era addons will blatantly not work

That’s a wealth of changes and hits to alleged “authenticity” already, and while some are small and benign, many of them are fairly underestimated by most in their impact. Spell Batching, for example, completely redefines the entire combat system the game is based upon.

I don’t always agree with Ziryus (in fact, I rarely end up agreeing with him beyond desire to see better spec balance as a generalized concept, despite us differing heavily in exactly how to go about that, or the scope it should take), but he’s not objectively wrong in his assessment here, even if his post you quoted was rather petty and trollish in nature bringing about that point.


To be fair it’s about the best were going to get at this point.

To be fair, that still makes them less authentic than Private realms…

which is a pretty damn big problem considering they are competing products


Then stop engaging in those endless debates. If Blizzard has already said no to these things people keep asking for, why are you entertaining the people still suggesting them? Why are you fighting a battle that’s already over?

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Considering private realms weren’t even scripting boss fights right and some of them even let you pay for gear, how authentic are they?

Because I would rather disagree with those posters then watch blizzard See a bunch of people proposing changes and go “hey no one’s against this, why not?”

Besides. The real question that should he asked is why after 14 years of having a game with all the changes they want do they feel it’s okay to change another game that clearly isn’t supposed to be changed?

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So it comes down to you not trusting Blizzard’s word.

Well considering their track record…
Remember when they promised no sharding on rp realms?
Remember this is the same blizzard that for whatever reason thought it was a good idea to announce to q bunch of hardcore Diablo rpg pc gamers about a mobile game…