Pro Changers take heed


Just say no :wink: to Pro Changers and yes to #NoChanges!


Everyone beware, instead of having a back and forth discussion with the community about what changes may or may not make sense like they did in vanilla blizzard will just be making whatever changes they want.

Enjoy your, sharding, modern reporting system and loot trading. And whatever else blizzard changes.


Which so far is mostly stuff that doesn’t change gameplay.

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Oh cry more…why are you still here?

You never quit, its like you’re so mad and so bitter that we got Classic WoW and you just sit around here and troll.

You’re not getting your way, deal with it and move on like an adult.


And neither are the no change crowd, deal with it like an adult.


The no changers just want an authentic vanilla experience.
You know. What was asked for.
You know. What was promised.
And yet we it gets irritating having to deal with people coming in here every asking for stuff that clearly isn’t authentic.


Well come on Ziryus think about it. The changes you are proposing are way far off the deep end that it changes the game. You want to play a viable hybrid in classic. I get that. But the consequences are much greater than you assume at that point in the games development.

The focus really needs to be on the more subtle things. Like which patch version on vanilla and what part when. However I do think some of those things will be addressed in beta.


He doesn’t want to play a viable hybrid he wants to play a super optimal hybrid that uses vanilla talents and spells and buffs and utility, but uses retail balance. Thus completely negating the need for rogues and hunters.


Yeah you’re right lol. That’s more accurate. I played a druid and was completely viable.

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Don’t blow a blue’s posts out of proportion. Let’s not scare him off. It’s great he and the dev team have that attitude. Just trust in that.


Boo hoo, until Blizzard makes a statement declaring opinions opposing your no-change philosophy are against the rules, you’re going to have to deal with them.

  1. if this was true people would have stopped asking for balance, flying, transmog, LFD and LFR already. As all have been shot down at least a month ago minimum
  2. check the link at the top.

I checked the link at the top, what am I supposed to be seeing?


A blue pointing out that changes isn’t authentic?


Yeah I actually think some of them are hilarious. The best are obviously ones you are not sure if trolling or not.

Do you know how many hundreds of people tried to say that Ysithens isn’t a developer and his words have absolutely no meaning on Classic when he originally posted about it a year ago? When he said that discussion around Class balance is an interesting topic? When the no-changers here tried to say that his words were just an opinion?

Hmmmmm, double standards.

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And until they say something different they are still open to changes that do not affect core game play. So while some changes have clearly been shot down many have not.

I am bud…I don’t mind the sharding(doesn’t change the core game) at first and loot trading was already in the game dude(just had to page a GM and wait 8 hours)…other then that its going to be as close to an authentic experience as we can get.

The no changers just want an authentic vanilla experience.
You know. What was asked for.
You know. What was promised.

Matcauthon is right on the money, we knew it wouldn’t be 100% legit WoW vanilla but we wanted to make sure Blizz knew and the community knew that we wanted it as close to that 100% as we can get.

The problem with you and others is, you only think of yourselves…you don’t care about the integrity of the game, you care about you and that’s part of the issue a lot of us take with the changes crowd, you guys never look at the big picture.

Look, I’m in the “add content” crowd(not many of us I imagine), I would love to see new content down the road but guess what? My opinion doesn’t matter, what I want doesn’t matter and that’s ok because this is bigger then me, this is something a lot of people want and a lot of people never got to experience, who am I to take that away from them?

The correct answer is I don’t…and no matter what, i’m just grateful their doing this project at all. If down the road they want to make another server and add content and maybe try something different I will be at the front of the line cheering! Hell, I would even be down for some class balancing lol but for right now, I just want to play the game I love and I want others to experience it.


And yet I still see you in here every day asking for gameplay affecting changes. Even stuff that blizzard has said no too.