Pro Changers take heed

Anyhow, the only changes I want are graphics options. If someone at Blizzard says there’s no way they’d even consider adding any new graphics options aside from what was shown in the demo, I will stop posting here except to show my support for an earlier AV version.

Such as? Has Dual spec been shot down? Have guild banks been shot down? Has the LFG tool been shot down?

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And what about your point where you said we’d stop asking for stuff that’s already been shot down? Because despite the developers (not cm) saying no to transmog, flying, LFR and LFD, and balance they still ask for that stuff.

You’ve repeatedly asked for balance changes for one.

Some updated graphics are already confirmed. New models they haven’t commented but the last time they used the toggle if failed.


I’ve never asked for any of that stuff. I’ve only ever asked for Guild banks (which I no longer support) and updated graphics, including a toggle for all the new models they’ve put in for NPC’s and players.

I can only speak for myself, other people can continue to ask for that stuff and I’ll defend their right to ask for it without being harassed until someone with authority on this forum posts a sticky restricting their right to ask for those things.


/shrug not since blizzcon when they announced they wouldn’t have any balance changes.

Pointing out how bad class balance was is not the same as asking for balance changes :slight_smile:

Oh and what about the other changes I asked about, have those been shot down?


I feel like I recall debating with you about guild banks at one point.

Ok at this point I’m convinced you just don’t get it.
What you want in the game is so far off the mark of what the vision and aim of classic project I think you are wasting your time.
You might as well just wait and try it and if it’s not for you that’s fine.


Model toggles don’t work. They tried it. Failed epicly.


They seem to be messing around with some kind of graphics toggles?

I used the model toggle in WoD, it worked fine. Explain to me how they failed, or are you just parroting what other people with no evidence have claimed? I’ve seen videos on youtube of the old models being edited back into the live game, and they work fine.

Huge difference there.
You see everything else is anchored to the world already. Your character is not.

You mean besides the armor clipping, the animations not lining up, and even movement being effected?

Tell me this. If it worked fine why was it removed?


Armor has always clipped, and in some cases the new models fixed some of the distortion in armor textures, I’ve posted an example of this before. Only Blizzard knows exactly why the toggle was removed, we can only speculate.

Cool. Than Pro-Changers shouldn’t get upset when we No-changers respond with:


Take it with a grain of salt when blizzard is making changes :slight_smile:

As best as I can tell from what I used of the toggle, what it mostly was was the old models on the new skeleton rig for animations.

So if the animation more or less lined up properly for what it was with the old model, it worked out okay. If it didn’t, well… that’s where the numerous animation glitches showed up. Just how bad it was depended on what race/gender your character was.

Only Blizzard fully knows why it was removed but at a guess? It was removed because with Demon Hunters and new animations being added all the time as they revamped or added things the number of visual glitches were only increasing because everything was designed with the new models in mind and not the old ones.

They probably considered the old models not worth hanging onto anymore, but if they had the toggle in Classic they would still have the same issue with the animation sets unless they went through and fixed that as well.

Also the new models ruined my ponytail on my Shaman and I’m still bitter about that.


LFR was shot down at Blizzcon dude


ummm you guys missed the original post that these guys are butchering . go look for it and it doesnt mean what you guys think it means now.

here this post.

I will yield and no longer bother with posting anything related to pro change. The devs have spoken :slight_smile:

Actually, we are getting what we asked for :grin:


I like Ythisens too.