Pro Changers take heed

actually they have ruled out the mail system being updated . they directly said so. i believe they also said lfg in its current state as well. and given their stance about staying true to vanilla they ruled out dual spec as well.

you diddnt watch the videos did you?

You are totally passive aggressive

Edit- improved respec is going to happen in some form, so will loot distribution and improved mail. So will sharding

youre smokin some of that blindweed im guessing or you havent watched the video. theres a sticky up top of the forums with the videos in it. i suggest watching so you wont post such obvious troll bait.

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Video does not say no to these

Edit- dang dark iron dwarves are pretty ugly

But it does, just stop…we traded loot back in the day, I played back then and I had to contact a GM myself a few times as did others in our groups, THE ONLY DIFFERENCE NOW IS WE DON’T HAVE TO WAIT 8 HOURS or longer.

lol…I believe that it does justify them doing it as its just a waste of time and resources to go back to the old way of doing it and getting the same exact results.

Let’s say for #$@ and giggles we don’t have loot trading but you can just page a GM and trade loot again just like back in the day, what’s the difference bud? Oh you have to wait 8 hours and its a waste of time and resources…there’s nothing, NOTHING that effects game-play or the community.

It was though and there’s no such thing as “Legitimate” loot trading lol, you’re trying to do mental gymnastics trying to prove a point that’s not real, its all in your head bud.

Twist what? God some of you people are so out to lunch, miss your meds today? Come on! :confused:

im beginning to think you are someone i know.

but yes it specifically says they arent changing the mail system.

Video is mixed on mail, some improvements are coming, but the 1 hour wait is back.

LFG and LFR is out, and they’ll be looking at breaking addons that try to fill the gap, or more specifically ones that would encourage certain more toxic behaviors. (I am guessing gear score, achievement proxies, etc)

Not sure what you mean about loot, there will be a 2 hour trade window, but no personal loot.

No phasing, no CRZ, sharding is possible but they want to avoid it.

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actually if you get 2 of your friends and yourself stacked in a group of 5 they all can roll and get the gear 3/5ths of the time against some random. i forsee people stacking friends in groups to load the dice so to speak on loot and just trade it to the person that wanted it in the group.

so it does affect the community.

as to the other point about legitimate loot trading, if it comes out it will be really legitimate loot trading and not abusing the gm tickets.

maybe think a little more about what youre saying next time?

We interpret the video differently.

They also could have it on master looter and take all the gear too(under the impression that they’re doing it to prevent ninjas)…and never give the random anything…just stop. They pull stuff like that they’ll get a bad name on the server and nobody will group with them, you did play back then right? … your choices will have consequences.

Only if you group with strangers and those strangers are jerks and want a bad name and even then they’ll still have a chance on loot even if they roll on it if you’re not doing ML.

You’re an idiot…lol, go play on a PS if you have a problem with it, cry more.

Maybe you should learn some punctuation and then you can give advice? :wink:

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flagging your post btw. have fun with that.

Don’t bother, you’re blocked dude…

The changes might not effect gameplay, but they certainly effect game experience.

It wasn’t a part of the game, whether you like it or not.

Your argument is equivalent to saying, “Everyone used this addon and that addon, so they should just be added as part of the game.”

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Hey quick question from a relative forum newcomer. How do I block people? It’s not anywhere I would intuitively expect to find it

I don’t see it either

its cause you cant. i wanted to block him too and couldnt do it.

Depending on how or if your browser does support it, this likely works differently.
In case of firefox (cause I use it), the following code will “hide” the persons posts (but not hide if someone replies):
@-moz-document domain( {
article[data-user-id=“xxx”] { display:none !important; }
where xxx is the persons user id, it does show up by rightclicking and inspecting the person you want to ignore and scrolling a bit upward within the code.

Borrowed this Lentat on the general forums.

It wasn’t a part of the game, whether you like it or not.

It was though, I used it…so did others…stop trying so hard lol.

No…lol damn you’re not very good at this are you? First off its not an addon and was in the game to begin with, we always had access to a GM…are you on drugs?

No they wouldn’t.