Priest 10.1 Tier Set Bonuses

So good news, our 2 set is working in PTR now and it works like I thought.

Each penance bolt fires a bolt of the other type to a random ally/enemy at reduced effectiveness. And it does work with contrition.

That effectively doubles our healing from penance if we take it - because using it offensively will shoot a defensive penance bolt toward allies and each one will proc contrition on all atoned targets. It’s actually kinda crazy for a 2set, tbh. Not gonna lie though, it looks a bit wonky, since it seems to pick a totally random person to fire the bolt to. So a harsh discipline penance used offensively will also be shooting rando penance bolts everywhere out of you towards allies wherever they’re standing.

That’s still not a super amazing 2 piece or anything, but it’s definitely a lot better than I thought it was about to be.

The 4set isn’t working yet, so can’t check the shadow covenant extension.

Idea for set bonus…


(2) set: Your Mind Blast reduces the cast time on your next 2 Mind Flay or Mind spikes by 30%.
(4) set: Your Mind Flay and Mind Spike increases the damage of your next Devouring Plague or Shadow Word: Death by 10%, stacking up to 3 times.

New set bonuses from today.


  • Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible: 2-Set Bonus has been redesigned – Shadow Word: Pain/Purge the Wicked damage increased by 25%. Power Word: Shield absorbs 20% additional damage.
  • Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible: 4-Set Bonus has been redesigned – Every 3 casts of Power Word: Shield cause your next Atonement granted by Power Word: Shield to last an additional 15 seconds and heal 20% more.


  • Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible: 2-Set Bonus has been redesigned – When you cast Prayer of Mending, there is a 35% chance its effect is duplicated to another ally.
  • Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible: 4-Set Bonus has been redesigned – When Prayer of Mending jumps or expires, it increases the damage and healing of your next Holy Word by 4%, stacking up to 15 times.


  • Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible: 2-Set Bonus has been redesigned – Increases the chance for Shadowy Insight to trigger by 25%. When consuming Shadowy Insight, Mind Blast deals 30% increased damage and generates 4 additional Insanity.
  • Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible: 4-Set Bonus has been redesigned – Devouring Plague damage increased by 15%. Every 4 casts of Devouring Plague increases the damage of Shadowy Apparitions conjured within the next 10 seconds by 80%.

Yeeeeeeep, saw this coming.

The Disc 2 set was incredibly cool. But too cool to make it to live. The new 2 set is godawful in raid, and only somewhat good in M+.

The disc 4 set was pretty terrible in raid (in that it was YET ANOTHER thing we had to plan around) and this redesign does nothing to fix that and also just sucks a TON in raid. Seriously, 1/3rd of my rapture blanket gets more healing? This is just weird, lol. Great for M+ though.

Holy seemed way too strong on the 2 set too for raid. That said, PoM is a bad spell to target for a tier set in general because of it being wildly different in use case in raid/dungeon content, or bg/arena content. Giving a SIGNIFICANT nerf to the 2 set when it was already terrible in dungeons… honestly you might as well delete your tier as an M+ player and play well statted gear instead.

The shadow set is honestly much better by virtue of not being a bender set, TBH. But it sounds really weird to play around.

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  • Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible: 2-Set Bonus has been redesigned – Shadow Word: Pain/Purge the Wicked damage increased by 25%. Power Word: Shield absorbs 20% additional damage.
  • Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible: 4-Set Bonus has been redesigned – Every 3 casts of Power Word: Shield cause your next Atonement granted by Power Word: Shield to last an additional 15 seconds and heal 20% more.

Is this a 4 day early april’s fool joke?

What a BS rework…
Not only now it doesn’t even change our gameplay, there’s also a great chance we will Cancel this boosted Atonement with Radiance 90% of the time in MM+.

Furthermore, compared to the previous 2p-4p, this is a net nerf to Mind Blast Atonement healing and damage for… the sake of being more simple to play with?

And this is again another tier set that rely on Power Word: Shield, meaning they wont be able to buff it through whole 9.1 without being overpower. This means without this tier set your shield still has near to no purpose outside of Rapture, again.

Yes this one is simplier, but in the end, it doesn’t make the spec more interesting, while the previous one added a gameplay component.

The Holy Priest 2-piece is a balance fix because the original set bonus was 20% chance per PoM jump and if you got good RNG it could trigger it like 2-3 times in a row and have a PoM army going out.

However, both set bonuses are still hot garbage for non-raid.

Shadow’s is so much better!

(2) set bonus - more instant procs to help make up for the loss of SoD.

(4) set bonus - doesn’t lock us into Idol of Y’Shaarj, or any particular Idol.

Many thanks for these changes!

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The deletion of Grievous hurts this even more. It’s so incredibly weird to me that they advertised the first bonuses to be simple ones that would be decent for everyone, while these are supposed to involve more gameplay and feel much more powerful… yet I feel the current Holy set is just superior all around, for M+ at least.

I dont know about god awful. ITs still a increase in pws, and thus rapture and might bring us back to train of thought and borrowed time. But yes the 4 pce is something someone made while drunk

Shadow looks way better.
Kinda curious to see how the bonus will affect those ghosts…since the travel time will eat up majority of the buff uptime.

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Holy hard counters grievous, but its still a bad affix because it increases the overall group damage taken by 25%, and when you combo it with Tyrannical it makes the boss fights much harder to heal.

When you combo it with dumb things like Grievous+Spiteful so you can’t drink after pulls or Grievous+Bursting to magnify the damage: yeah.

Oh, no qualms about them deleting Grievous. Just mentioning that it made PoM even less effective.

Lowkey don’t like the new disc set solely because i already have a bad problem with overwriting Atonements currently already out on people. so, “I” def don’t like this change.
they could’ve just done this if they didn’t like forcing people into having to take talents.

(2) Set Bonsu: Shadow Word: Pain/Purge the Wicked damage increased by 25%. Power Word: Shield absorbs 20% additional damage.
(4) Set Bonus: Casting Penance on an enemy also heals a nearby injured ally at 20% effectiveness. Casting Penance on an ally also damages a nearby enemy at 35% effectiveness.
Cause then People wouldnt have to feel so guilty or “Punished” with having to use their penance(s) defensively (tho i dont quite care if i have to use it that way not just overall speaking)

All in all, some decent modifications to the tier set…Shadow definitely came out better. This is much more sustainable compared to previous and makes more sense. Not only this, but the 2 set answers (albeit in a different way…) one of our complaints in the lack of instant casts. 4 set is still mediocre, but far more manageable and interactive than the previous.

Previous set was 2/10…this set is an easy 5.5/10…again, mediocre but much better and when we can start seeing this set put into gameplay, i am sure more information will come out about its functionality.

The Holy tier set is literally just balanced around the raid. PoM is our #1 heal by a wide margin and getting extra 7 stacks of PoMs flying around just amplifies Answered Prayers and leads to a feedback loop of faster Holy Words and Salvation resets. The 4-piece isn’t bad because you can build up a +60% juiced up Holy Word Sanctify to dump on the group.

The problem is outside of raid it’s just hot garbage. PoM is 5% of my healing and getting extra PoMs out literally doesn’t do much because 50% of my healing comes from single target heals.

So we get an amazing raid tier set, but a crap raid/arena set. It’s not even worth wearing the 2 or 4 piece for M+ if you want to prioritize vers/haste/crit items over mastery.

im hoping it counts any of them that are out while the buff is up and not what hits while the buff is up. kind of like a proc but without consuming said proc

Lol, they were able to figure out how hilariously bad the Shadow 4pc (400 insanity for 5 seconds of shadowfiend hahah) that they added on PtR was and now actually changed it to 15% DP increase and 80% increase on apparitions for 10 sec. I am a little impressed and appreciative but also can’t help but laugh that anyone thought that was good.


Nah it was actually infinite if you did it correctly.

Had my fun afk watching poms bounce around target dummies for an hour though. :slight_smile:

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So have we all collectively given up? The new disc 4pc is borderline optional-to-equip with how trivial a random 1 target atonement extension is in a raid environment. Your entire rotation is about min/maxing a large volume of atonement coverage for the duration of an actual event so one or two of those atonement targets lingering on way past the event happened is going to be so negligible / just be mindless overhealing. Lord knows how this extended atonement buff id is gonna interact with radiance jumps on re-ramps.

I mean everyone’s given their feedback in the PTR threads. FWIW, there’s a lot of hate for the disc set rework, and a lot of praise for the shadow rework.

There’s nothing really to do beyond that and hope they’ll change it.