Priest 10.1 Tier Set Bonuses

It’s like the team that design tier sets doesn’t have an idea of how discipline works.
I don’t want another 2 months of being a dead spec until they decide to give a little love, but of course not so much like shamans or paladins because we can’t be S tier never ever again!

The tier-sets just got some updates:

    • Discipline

      • Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible: 2-Set Bonus has been redesigned – Shadow Word: Pain/Purge the Wicked damage increased by 25%. Power Word: Radiance healing increased by 15%.

      • Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible: 4-Set Bonus has been redesigned – Atonements applied by Power Word: Radiance last 3 sec longer. Your spells have a chance to cause your next Power Word: Radiance to be instant and cost 100% less mana. Can accumulate up to 2 charges.

    • Holy

      • Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible: 2-Set Bonus has been redesigned – When you cast Prayer of Mending, there is a 35% chance its effect is duplicated to another ally.

      • Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible: 4-Set Bonus has been redesigned – When Prayer of Mending jumps or expires, it increases the damage and healing of your next Holy Word by 4%, stacking up to 15 times.

        • Developers’ note: These set bonuses are now available in this week’s PTR update.

i would say i welcome these Disc Changes, Tho it may make it a Little OP Depending on how often it procs Maybe taking the Radiance option where atonements last another 10% could be Viable

Good grief. I am going to have to learn how to play disc in keys again!

My comments for the Disc one (initial reactions at least):

I think I’m “OK” with the 2-Set, there are a few things on the design that I don’t love about it but I’d take it… And really love the 4-Set, I think those extra seconds from atonement can go a long way and having the instant-cast proc should help making our ramps more consistent.

** The part I don’t love about the 2-Set is that I feel PW:Radiance direct healing is already very strong so I would rather see it buff something else that translates into atonement healing but I guess I understand why they are cautious about buffing things that might contribute to atonement too much (or at least atonement in a Raid scenario)… It also looks like it might be much more relevant in M+ than Raids but I’m ok with that, I think it plays in our favor long-term.

So overall I think I’m quite happy with this iteration.

YES YES YES! One million times yes! That’s a hell of a tier set for disc.
In raids will be massive, stacking 2 procs, using 4 radiance at once, evangelism and then light’s wrath. The ramps will be so quickly with one min or less between each one.
In mythic’s 2 radiances and the whole party is full life.

I know it’s too good to be truth and we most likely to be nerfed to the ground

I don’t think the 4-Set enables this… As far as I understand it doesn’t give extra PW:Radiance charges we would still only have 2 but they’ll be instant cast (and free) if we have the procs. so we still need to apply some atonements manually but we have better mobility now in case some mechanic targets us while setting-up the ramp.

It does also indirectly gives a tiny bit of extra duration to all of our atonements during a ramp (even the ones that we manually apply) because having PW:Radiance instant cast as opposed to 2s saves us time there meaning we can get to DPSing quicker.

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I agree if this was the case they are def gonna nerf it in some way shape of form that’s going to be some Crazy output for Disc, But instead of the ramping process… Wouldn’t we want to use this as more of a Reactive kind of Heal instead?? cause that’s a hell of a lot of Instant healing/Over healing we are wasting for Ramping if u get what I’m saying?

I feel like if this goes live it will change the way disc plays in raid? A radiance boost and an instant/no mana cost one is super sweet.

I just feel like it will be really strong in keys for sure. Hope they keep it.

Yeah I think with PW:Radiance’s healing getting even stronger there’s a good chance that we indeed go for some sort of different approach where maybe we want to change the order of things to make sure we benefit from the PW:Radiance healing itself…

I think we might want to cast ShadowCovenant before the PW:Radiance perhaps just to save that GCD… Maybe even Evangelism could be considered for being used before it just to extend the individual atonements since the ones from PW:Radiance are already extended by 3s with the 4-Set. We will have to wait and see what theorycrafters find to be the optimal way, might also deppend on how much “Burstier” we want to be vs how much we want our ramp-window to last a bit longer.

This tier set rework is by far the best they’ve done. PTW damage is nice in M+. Radiance is nice in M+, radiance mana save and instant cast as well as atone duration increase is great in raid.

All around a solid tier set design. Question is really if the numbers are there.

IDK if this is too much of a worry - we kind of already do this with our last radiance if possible. Now we get 2 instant cast radiances, which makes it easier to do. I guess it puts disc more at risk of getting sniped in unorganized raids, though.

Either way the mana save is greatly appreciated.

My problem with this set more has to do with the healing bonus being rather small in comparison to other tier sets. When you see Druid/Voker getting 8-10% healing boosts on both set bonuses of their tier - it’s hard to not notice we’re not getting anything close to that.

Looks like same set as before Holy which is tldr useless for m+/arena.

That Disc 4-piece is giga. Holy really could use a secondary bonus like that.

Yeah i dont think it will change the ramp at all. What it will do is save us mana and our mini ramps will be more powerful since our mini ramps are often when damage has already gone out so the radiance heal will be more effective

But to ramp and lay pwr AFTER the damage events allows the chance for your ramp to be sniped. Sure you might get some healing from pwr but by the time you hit 2 and evang and start you damage, the healing is taken up by others. So its more the mini ramps that get a win.

Im a fan of both sets

i would take this set as a Big Win for us Disc Priests <3 Loving it. if this goes live, I will be diving into raiding and M+ both ! <3 (skipped VotI)

Holy Priest set is too rng. I can sit on the PTR and fire off 10 PoMs and not see the 2-piece proc once. Also, when the 2-piece does proc I think it has an internal cooldown because I have never seen it proc back-to-back it takes 3-5 more casts.

If I do the math (even at a flat 35% chance) on an 8 minute fight its just going to be an extra 1 mil healing bonus.

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What i would say to that… gently… is pom requires no work. no set up, no skill, its a fire and forget spell. I personally like PoM. I even take it in my disc build for S&G but its easy to use bonus healing that tops your healing as holy with no work required.

The problem is the set bonus is too weak. It’s a 4-5% hps increase if you’re doing 50mil average healing on an 8 minute fight and an average of 50 PoM casts.

Then they prob need to turn their minds to making your tier pce not buff a spell that is fire and forget and already your top raid heal… Into something you actually have to work for and think about.

Have you thought about what that might be or should be?

We’ve already posted feedback on that. Holy Priest this expansion is literally 70% PoM, 30% everything else. Too much power is placed upon one heal button which has 7 talents buffing it up at the expense of everything else. There’s no flexible playstyle for Holy: we’re locked into the same Divine Image/Miracle Worker build for every bit of content now.

Last expansion we competed in HPS with Flash Concentration Heal which was our #1-2 heal usually, but this expansion PoH isn’t even that strong, and is not spammable, and Lightweaver blows for raid healing.

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Lightweaver is a much better design over flash conce, just happens that performance is worse.
As far as the set goes, I think there’s more bonus to it with additional apoths, more holy words / free holy words which may or may not result in one more salvation. It could pull its own weight :person_shrugging:
If they want to push poms maybe the 2 piece should instead put 1 stack on 3 others. More consistent and spread out stacks might help it in M+ a bit more