Pride month is coming soon. In-game ideas and suggestions

Click on your name.
Go to View Activity.
Go to Preferences and then Users on the left.
Click the +Add box and put in the name and then pick the timeframe.
Remember to make note of the spelling so you can type it in correctly.


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Suggestion: Ban these troll posters making these threads so we don’t get harassed all pride month.


Still find it odd its set to a duration. Usually an ignore would be permanent until you choose otherwise but the fact the forums have a duration is odd.

you’re going to be unbearable until then, aren’t you

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Maybe they figure you just want to cover a particularly time frame where a topic they are constantly posting on is the current flavour? I…dunno otherwise. I just pick the longest and leave it at that.

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How often do you check any thread started by the OP? Seems like it is your full time job!

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Who are you again? This thread was on my recent visits, it just happened to pop up again. Nice try though


I dunno about Oedon but I tend to read the title and click to see if its saying anything interesting, and then notice who posted it.

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I usually dont notice the poster until after i open up the thread.

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Yeah, sure! :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:

Hey guys, what’s going on in this thre-



Dragonevoker is Tuullnn. Ignore.


Na this Tuullnn isnt posting this because he actually believes in it. He openly mocks the same group he pretend to support here.


and maybe we can all get on a ship and go SAAAAAILINNNG with bud. like the spring balloon festival but with bud on a boat.

Didnt he cause a shipwreck last time he was on one? Lol maybe i missremembered

Considering how pride is generally an extremely toxic event that excludes anyone who isn’t attractive because of unrealistic standards, I don’t think we need it in games at all!


he jumped over lol

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Thats right. He was such a funny character

What annoys me is that we can ‘ignore’ the character but it is still on the page, just behind a "hidden reply’ curtain, and we can still see their posts up on the main page.

If I ignore someone wouldn’t it make sense to not have their posts appear? As it is, the forum Ignore function is pretty thin; you have to do multiple steps and say ignore them forever but they aren’t really Ignored, just slightly hidden but only in certain ways.

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