Pride month is coming soon. In-game ideas and suggestions

Finally someone said the truth.

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I liked the cool little bunny pets EQ TLP did last year. They even blended in well with the fantasy of the game world in an unobtrusive yet uniquely representative way.

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Those all sound like great ideas. Maybe even fireworks for the parades :heart_eyes:

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Hey - there is the Tuullnn that we all expect. I was worried that someone took over his account when he made a thread that wasn’t the usual LGBT troll topic.

So, here’s my typical response for the trolls who keep posting “force inclusion into the game” topics just for the sake of drawing disdain toward the LGBT community.

How to ignore all posts from a character:

If they don’t have profile hidden:

  1. Click on the character portrait
  2. Click on view activity
  3. Click on “Normal” and change it to “Ignored”

If they are hiding their profile:

  1. Click on your profile picture in the top right
  2. Click on the person icon on the top right of that sub-menu
  3. Click on Preferences
  4. On the left side, under Notifications, click on Users
  5. Click “+Add…”
  6. Put in their character name and realm and select “Forever” for duration.
  7. Click “Ignore”

Strange you only choose now to post and on a typical lvl 10 toon and are spouting your vitirol.

Probably another alt of the T twins to play as advocate for trolls. Lol added you to the list of bad actors.

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[Do what I say, no questions asked, or you’re not inclusive.]


that’s not what I implied at all. You’re twisting my words into the negative view you want it to be.

They should be looking to improve their appearances on how they treat women.

They shown they “support” lgbtq+ far more yet underpay and tokenize women and a gay woman at that.

Doesn’t happen anymore—or if it does I probably just haven’t seen them because I’ve really only played on the server for about a year and I’ve been working weekends. If anything that just shows why OP’s suggestion ought to be implemented!

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Expecting every company in the world to cater to you based on your sexual preference for an entire month is the very definition of entitled.

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Another conspiracy theorist :roll_eyes:.

Thank you for raising awareness.

This one in particular is important to me. I just found out about it but will be making a lot of donations in July.

Get on board!

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if you get 1776 flavors lol

Or only red white and blue flavours

Just hop on the Proudmoore server and do the pride run.

Why are you spamming my thread with stuff unrelated to it? Derailing is against forum CoC. Go make your own feedback thread. Reported for spamming.

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How about a Rainbow Road Battleground? Basically, just a BG based on the Rainbow Road track from Mario Kart.

which one the old school one or the easy one

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That’s not very inclusive of you to ignore and marginalize other forms of representation in the world.


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