Pride month is coming soon. In-game ideas and suggestions

Apt comparison

Your action here is clearly a bigot one. I really feel sorry for you folks who constantly harass the OP simply because he posts LGBTQ+ threads. Every single day and ALL day! Do you have a life? Really sad that some people thrive on hate.

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And you’re not even trying to couch your insults in questions. Yikes. Bro, I’m Bi, and you are calling me a bigot because I know the OP is a troll who is purposefully drawing negative attention to the community.

You’re pure toxic.


Agree to disagree on this particular point, however…my advice is not to respond to a certain individual in this thread. He is just baiting you and doesn’t deserve the attention.

I’m confused on why you think I’m not trying to discuss the topic of the thread. I just want more inclusion and diversity.

Maybe, but there’s nothing wrong with giving my opinion or feedback for wanting it.

You havent given opinions. You’ve trolled. Plenty of times you’ve been told theres a mega thread for stuff like this. Go post there.

What is peide month?

Pie month? Dedicated to all things pie

There could definitely be a vendor that sells fireworks and the like with rainbow colors and a tabard representing pride month. Plus a few quests as mentioned.

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I try not to respond to those who have nothing better to do than to respond to me in a negative way. My thread would get a lot of love in other forums wishing for representation and diversity. The WoW forums really needs a good cleanup based on some of these responses. I will continue to provide feedback and the haters will continue to hate :man_shrugging:


Give everyone stupid little rainbow flags to put in thier profile pics so everyone can virtue signal.

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It’s a very important time of the year during june that celebrates LGBT+ community and the history/goals of the movement. I highly recommend you attend one in person if it’s local to you. They’re a lot of fun and it’s very educational!


Hey wait a minute i am pretty sure I paid you to paint my fence in '82.

You’re payment was cheap.

Like 2 bucks?

Agreed. I’m exhausted by it all now.

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This person has made the Ignore action a bit more of a nuisance by blocking their Activity. You can still do it but it requires more steps. But then being a nuisance seems to be their purpose.


Teach me how, oh gracious gnome. :pray: