Pure breed dogs need proper representation. Not many realize the horrors humans have done to make pure breeds. The true meaning of pure breed is inbreed. The short life spans, deformities, and a long list of medical issue most pure breeds have is just disgusting, and no one seems to care.
WoW needs to be the first to have a holiday to recognize these issues and support adoption only or purchase of mutts only.
Make a worgan the holiday quest giver to make it authentic. Like no joke. Ive heard of pure breeds and it can get pretty bad.
Technically, there is a difference between a storyline in a zone and a month-long celebration throughout the entire WoW multiverse.
It could be two weeks like other holidays in game.
Regardless, I am not going to keep swapping opinions back and forth on this.
The more holidays the better imo.
This would be good year round.
OP just wants everyone to know he is gay.
I was given a bulldog about 11 years ago, she died not to long ago. Shortly after I got her I was curious and did some research, I kinda always knew about it basically being an inbreeding process but bulldogs as cute and cool as they are should be banned and made illegal. They can’t even naturally give birth without medical help, square peg round hole issue. Just sad.
That is an old bulldog, very sorry for your loss. They are terrific dogs. I’m a boxer guy myself!
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Damn. Yeah ive heard of that. Sorry for your loss
Bulldogs are pretty adorable. Sucks how they’re bread.
I have been to Key West for Gay Pride week before. Hella fun parades every day!
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Unless the “event” has an ingame buff, drops extra loot or a special vendor, I’ll pay it no mind. Just another day or month.
No. God no.
As i gay person i cant think of anything more insulting or humiliating than what you have suggested.
Its a good thing you have no sway on what happens in the game.
Im going to mute this thread now as ive already given it more attention than it deserves.
Thanks, they are terrific dogs. If they didn’t have such a fearless nature I would of been tempted to put her down earlier. And now I will never get a pure breed dog again, or any dog again unless I have a genuine purpose for one.
Just remember the good times, hold onto those memories. Im sure your doggo loved you.
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Is there a way to ignore certain posters in this forum? Serious question. I can’t find a way to do it. If there is a way and someone could tell me I would highly appreciate it, thanks!
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I think you can only kill the thread in it’s entirety. Depending on what you are referring to, that might solve about 90% of the problems.
Usually politics tends to get these threads 404’d hopefully something starts it.
A full month of me going
Watching the show unfold.
How do you do that?
Edited to add: I see the flag post option, but I only use that when someone is being threatening or abusive. I have only used that once or twice ever in all my years playing. I know many people flag posts to bury them or hope to get them taken down, or just to use as a dislike button. I don’t think flagging this guy’s threads would do any good because companies can no longer take down threads like this without someone crying discrimination, so this guy is just free to spam these forums and nothing ever gets done.
Reverse the roles if a person who was straight did this. This wouldn’t be tolerated. This guy just spams these forums and I would prefer to be able to put him on ignore if possible.
OP’s agenda is to get attention, not to engage in actual discussion.