Pride month is coming soon. In-game ideas and suggestions

You think Steve Danuser confirming back in 2020 that homophobia isn’t canon (and it wasn’t even there to begin with), means he knows the lore… how exactly?..

In before “I’ve never said that”, you’ve implied it though insinuating that people who complained about him are wrong because he confirmed something back in 2020… This was before Shadowlands was out mind you.

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Rainbow transmog weapon effect, that is the limit of what should be done visually for Pride.

Pride events would be rather simple, think of Childreens Week.
Assign XX gay NPCs to each major city, then go out and show them the gay wonders of Azeroth for cosmetic or pet rewards.

-The Tauren Pride character questline would be like;
They would be found near South fury river, complaining it used to be the South Furry River when Taurens ruled this land in Durotar. To start the quest you either have to /poke or /dance emote.
-Next you escort him to Org and take him/her to the barber to get a makeover. You get to legit make him over, of course it costs your gold to get it done
-Then you take him to Stonetalon Mountains and he explains that Windshear Crag used to be called Whispering Crag but after Baine Bloodhuff farted while his partner was withdrawing his sword from his sheath. This mission ends with you finding historical references to the original name.
–Part two of the quest then shows that Baine Bloodhuff wasn’t getting sheathed in Windshear Crag at all, but instead Talondeep Path which was why it was called Talondeep Path by their people, even harpies joined in on those fun days.
-Next you take him to Winterspring and to Winter Fall Village and he has a reunion with an old friend that doesn’t go well. Later that same friends tells you that they would always use the Hidden Grove nearby as their home away from home.
-After failing to comfort him in The Hidden Grove you must then search for him, eventually finding him in the Un Goro Crater at the Lakkarl Tar Pits crying. Only now you have no quest indicators. You must emote /poke /smile /dance /cry /no /dance in that order to cheer him up.
-Revitalized he moves to Tanaris and makes a home with his new husband in The Gasping Cavern… Except this isnt his new husband, they just had a fight and this guy got all melodramatic and wanted to relive his youthful days which you helped him do. His husband then gives you the quest reward for putting up with him.

I’m willing to work with your narrative team blizzard, hire me :smiley:

Nah you’re assuming that I’m assuming that but if you read the original post you responded to, I actually asked where the gay couples were—I didn’t say there were none! People could’ve responded with some other examples other than Thiernax and Qadarin but they didn’t because they can’t! There are probably a million examples of confirmed heterosexual relationships though. Mankrik and his wife, Thrall and Aggra, Malfurion and Tyrande, Jaina and Arthas, Jaina and I guess Kalecgos or whatever, Durotar and Draka, Sylvanas and Nathanos, etc.

Why are gay NPCs more private about their personal lives than str8 NPCs? In a universe where there’s no homophobia that actually doesn’t make sense!

This. This right here is a dead give away that this poster is trolling.


Really? I’ve never had a couple in the game come up to me and say “Hi, were a straight couple and we like straight things, while eating straight things, and talk about straight things, while doing the straight things. We are so straight, we went full circle and became gay for each other”.

… sure buddy. “I’m pet, nobody reads that book, so were not going to count it!” :laughing:

Maybe the characters in that world just don’t care to tell it to you, or they just don’t care if you’re gay or straight, and much rather just live their lives…

It’s almost like it’s equality. :open_mouth: :open_hands: :rainbow:

The replies to this thread should answer that. The phobes can’t stand any type of diversity or inclusion in this game. It’s okay as long as it’s heterosexual, but the moment anything different is introduced, it’s “pandering” or “forced”. Can’t make this stuff up… :man_shrugging:

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Blizzard basically encourages people to ship them! In Heroes of the Storm, when Deathwing kills Anduin he says “I don’t know what Wrathion sees in you” which is obviously a line that was specifically included to excite Wranduin shippers.

Anyway if you’re saying I’m wrong it actually makes my point even stronger because that’s one less example of an openly gay couple in the game, so it really is just Thiernax and Qadarin (who are in the Shadowlands and not on Azeroth)

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So, you literally support domestic violence and spousal abuse then. Great look you’re wearing there, because let’s not forget Anduin flat out cold-clocked Wrathion in BFA…so “shipping” them makes you very problematic.

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…Yeah, it’s called memes. Blizzard was poking fun at the shipping community with this.

Because i’m going to be totally honest with you, shippers are cringe. And i’m no exception because i practically want every couple in the game to have a troll for their husband, wife, or both… Also Draenei… Both Draenei and Trolls.

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You toss around phobia likes it’s a bad thing. Many people suffer with many phobias, good or bad they are legit issues that are not made up social constructs.

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Why not both?

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You really don’t give up on doing this stuff

  1. You’re a troll. You’re asking in bad faith. You don’t speak for us. Stop speaking on our behalf. We can advocate for ourselves.
  2. Azeroth is not earth. Being LGBT+ is not an issue in Azeroth at all. The origin of pride is protest, stemming from the Stonewall riots, which never happened in Azeroth because being LGBT+ was never criminalized in Azeroth. So it doesn’t make any sense, ergo demanding Pride in a universe where pride doesn’t exist is an unreasonable and nonsensical ask.

I want a wrath month why is pride the only deadly sin that gets a month


No that goes back to you needing to know everything about everyone which doesn’t even happen in real life. You set a narrative all I am doing is calling out your fallacies. In life, you don’t know anyone’s orientation, that’s a fact unless you see something or they tell you.

You want everyone to have a name tag proclaiming their orientation, which is weird and wrong. That none of your business line applies here.

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Agree. I always view pride in general as a negative thing, not for any religious reasons but some do, it’s a terrible name to start with. Like anything that needs social change on a large scale it’s not something you do once a year for a day, week, or month, it’s all year every year.

Like any other social change there is a time and a place to discuss such things, video games are not it. Demanding Hollywood and the like to change is not it. Art it art, and should be left as is, even if it’s all while, all black, or all gay, it was created with a vison leave it the F alone.

I want nuka world added. It could totally work too. Have it named something different so no copyright claims are made and have it be a collaboration from goblins and gnomes.

That be pretty entertaining and fallout fans would get a kick out of it lol

Yes! Agree, let all of the beautiful monsters out to play

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But here’s the irony: by doing so, OP and their ilk are only succeeding in bringing two (or more) disparate groups together under a common cause.

And speaking anecdotally, I’m starting to see those two or more disparate groups find they have more in common than just despising OP and their ilk.

Sure, disparate groups may never be in total lockstep with one another about every little thing, but gradually the more one stirs the pot the tastier the stew becomes!

Also, does anyone mind if I go back into character? My brain is starting to hurt :joy::heart::bear::sandwich:

They arent keeping it seceret. They are being normal and not flaunting it like its all that matters.

Because when homophobia doesn’t exist and its normal you don’t go around showing off how normal you are. Thats just rediculious and you are really reaching to be angry and wishful desire for homophobia to be a thing in the game so you can rage really shows you only care about the stupid victimhood mentaliy.

Case closed devs said homophobias not canon. Move on. You can still cry about people not bathing you in adoration for enjoying butt stuff and feeling sad how bad the world is on twitter where the other angry 24/7 trolls live. Stop with the victim fetish… Its freakin creepy!