Preview of 10.1.5 Changes for Holy paladin

I wish they’d either make SotR not require a shield (Just… Change it to, I dunno ‘Strike of the Righteous’) or give us an Holy Paladin an alternative to SotR. I just came back to the game having last played during WotLK and when I saw int 2 handers were a thing in DF and the Legion artifact weapon for Holy paladin was a 2 hander, I figured that was a thing, but seeing how SotR is the only damage dump for holy power, I suppose it’s not really optimal, even with the spec being changed next patch.

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This is a weird take. Right now in keys above 22 and specially 25s you see a lot of holy paladins, being the 2nd most succesful healer in m+ in high keys.

H pally has one of the best burst healing in the game at this moment due to AC and our tier set bonus, and this season is mostly about healing checks, making h pally a pretty powerful healer right now, even before 10.1.5, specially when damage in m+ for healers really doesnt matter anymore.

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Wait who is running AC?

Glimmer is BACK, BABY

Perfectly viable in keys above 20,22. There are AC builds in the top 50 runs in the world right now, not a majority, but there are.

Why is being played? The damage difference between Might and AC now is really low. Healer damage is not a relevant factor (so far) this season, healing checks are.

45 secs cd actually align pretty well with some of the toughest damage patterns there are, like magmatusk, chain boss and forge boss in neltharus, worm boss in NL and Asaad in VP to name a few. Not saying its better than might, just saying why is viable right now

I’ve always played AC and I can top heal in LFR without casting a single targeted heal. And my gear aint really good on my pally. People kinda forget the synergy you get from Rashok trinket I think. AC + Faith just so good to keep people alive.

Also I play weirdly I never use Holy shock to heal player XD

Yeah I mean the tier set is made literally for HS might build. Playing AC you basically don’t use the tier bonus which feels a bit bad…

YeahI know. Sadly I cant use the 2 pieces effect with the way im playing but its ok. Just hope they’ll add the builder effect of the 4 pieces into talent and make a nice one for the next raid XD

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You still cast HS plenty in an AC build, it’s just a lower priority when AC is up. In 10.1.5, AC uptime is even lower with nerfed Awakening, no more Zealot’s Paragon and more importantly a 1 minute cooldown, so you’ll have to rely more on Holy Shocks (particularly since Daybreak/Rising Sunlight is OP).

From my own logs HS is almost always the #2 most cast ability in both M+ and Raid while running AC.

I think AC will still be used in 10.1.5 because AW:M got nerfed pretty badly and you don’t need to invest much into it. It might be worth it to alternate Daybreak windows and AC windows since the cooldowns work for it.

Been eyeballing a Blessed Focus build for the perma 16% DR on the tank in raid with BOV for the raid healing. Plus an extra external defensive for situational one shot mechanics.

As the tree stands right now, I think it’s valid to build around 1 Glimmer, 8 Glimmers, OR 3 Glimmers (by just not taking that talent choice node at all). Daybreak/Rising Sunlight and Glorious Dawn are much stronger with 8 Glimmers, but if you don’t plan on taking those capstones, Blessed Focus and untalented 3-Glimmer both still work very well with Light’s Protection and Overflowing Light. I love that Blizz is giving us both melee/ranged build options, and that Glimmer is kind of its own separate dial/minigame, which fits into both builds, that you can choose to talent to make as simple or complex as you want according to your preference.

Depending on the damage profile, it might make sense in raid to Glimmer BOTH tanks (so they split Light’s Protection at 8% each) and use the third Glimmer to contribute to boss damage, by not talenting into either Blessed Focus OR Illumination

Im going for a build like that too. Except for offensive purpose XD the 20k glimmer every HS as dps seem really nice to have XD

Also thats 60 to 100k dmg when using Daybreak/Divine Toll really seem nice

Why not get back the fast cast of Holy Light with proc of Infusion of Light? I believe this was quite requested by the Holypaladins, but blizzard doesn’t seem to listen to us


Woohoo. Finally Faith affecting 5 target instead of 4.

Does the new Sanctified Wrath make AC last 25 seconds? That would be amazing.

25 sec of AC
DT + Glimmer game for 30 seconds
Daybreak just before the DT glimmers expire
5ish seconds til AC is up again with 3 triple holy shocks in your back pocket

I didnt check. But if you pick you lose awakening tough. Its a choice between these 2 now

What build are you thinking on playing?

Between daybreak and the last node and the one that has a chance to reset glimmer + empyrean legacy I had no points left to take blessing/merciful auras, now that awakening was moved down I’m in shambles thinking of what to sacrifice

Lol Holy pally is Bis right now in keys 20 and higher and the rework for 10.1.5 will make them giggaBiS. I recommend going to Ellsemere discord. I learned a lot there.

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It just isn’t BIS in PvP even, it’s even very weak in pvp

I was looking at something like this:


Switching things based on situation and content. Faith/Virtue. Protection of Tyr/ Shining Righteousness.

Do I really need 40 yards on LoD? 25 enough?

Lots of options.