Preview of 10.1.5 Changes for Holy paladin

You ain’t lying. Ironically many players always try to social distance in game too. Most player’s by default try to range themselves from others.

I cannot tell you how many times I reposition so that I’ll hit everyone and the person in front of me runs off to the other side of the room… It’s actually extremely aggravating.

I had to physically ask a hunter to stop doing it in a run this week. I was like bro you keep positioning to where my cone won’t cleave you. Do you hate being healed or?

Literally every single time I walked behind the guy he would run 5-10 yards left or right so I am only hitting melee again.

Those rare moment’s where you get dps that are self aware and walk in front of you on purpose is a blessing.

I understand lightbringer would bring cool interaction for raiding, but maybe not for m+? (Feel free to correct me if wrong).

I was not there for Legion nor MOP; so I cannot say I saw lightbringer in action, but would it be a bad idea to bring something like illuminated healing back since a lot of people just dislike that you lose healing based on your positioning or it was just a problematic mastery back in the day?

What if there was a choice node to pick from the two since it lightbringer is pretty much a must take talent pretty early on specially if you want to get to the new cooler talents. This is my main issue with that talent, its positioning on the tree since you have to take if you want access to the right tree, and it’s not really a must have on all situations from what I understand, so why isn’t just our base mastery and replace that node with another talent or add another choice to it?

I just brought up Illuminated Healing since it looks cooler but I guess we also have that new talent now that also builds an absorb shield with glimmer.

sad and bad poster

Love this idea. Selfless healer would be such a good choice node for that spot. I like the Holy Wrath idea, but I wouldnt want them to have to flesh out an entirely new ability. Id rather theey just save the dev hours and use Divine Storm, and have a choice node to make it a ranged ability like on Ret. It’d fit into the Holy aesthetic much better than SotR, and it looks really good imo.

Also, they should add it to the Avenging Crusader talent, so you can still spend holy power and be healing allies. We need an ability that can reduce the CD of Avenging Wrath and Avenging Crusader, also. Tighten the windows and put the CD reduction on HS and CS. Ranged Crusader Strike would be great as well, not that I play the caster spec. They have a bit of time to fix this spec, and I feel like they are already making good progress. Really hoping they listen to these ideas in this thread, there are a lot of great suggestions here.

Lightbringer is really good for M+ Because when you use Beacon of virtue all the 4 target of it will get max value of your heal and have a chance to give max value to the missing one if he is close to any other ones


you planning on playing the game or what bud? cry all you want, mastery is staying. now I want it to stay even more as well lmao!

It’s good in m+ too, but our mastery like other healer masteries is usually dodged in m+ because it doesn’t contribute to damage which is more relevant in m+ than anywhere else for healers. However, a lot of keys have heavy healing requirements nowadays so at the very least we’ll actually get a lot of value out of mastery early on in m+ seasons with faith or virtue. Virtue giving 100% mastery value to ranged if you play with a full ranged group is very nice.

In terms of illuminated healing it was pretty degenerate overall. I think people who ask for it back probably didn’t do much with it overall? Not sure but before every pull in raid you’d want to heal the entire group for a minute or so to get max value shields out before starting the pull which was very annoying and it also led to us wanting to overheal more as well which doesn’t feel great as a healer imo.

I think a reward for overhealing is very good, but it should definitely not be our mastery. The talent that turns glimmer overheal into an absorb is a good example of where the line should stay, think that talent works out pretty well

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mastery is sad and bad like you

Of all of the rework so far, that talent and the one that proces DR on spending HP are my favorites (even though again, RNG in our kit). Happy to see more DR and DP for our spec since I believe it’s kind of our theme with sac and Devotion Aura/Mastery

I dont really like the change they made on Glimmer. Now it healing is divided. and you are forced to play it. Its kinda annoying

its healing is divided, but the total is also increased for each target that has it. If you really don’t want to glimmer at all and don’t want to think about it, you can take the talent that limits it to 1 target so you never divide it and never have to think about it, and avoid all the synergy talents.

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they hired an idiot dev that pads the meter; who thinks high heal numbers = people live. I just did 16 uldaman in this week tyran, and a dawrf pal can’t outheal the bleed in 3rd boss + let alone healing the entire party to survivable hp when the boss does the shockwave. it’s either overtune or pally heal’s lacking.

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So the holy player who makes the wowhead guide apparently loves the new spec :

So take that as you will

“Awakening is too strong for Avenging Crusader. It will enable upwards of 80% uptime on Avenging Crusader. Compared to around 60% for Avenging Wrath, which, is also a much weaker cooldown than Avenging Crusader, even more so after the loss of Sanctified Wrath and the further 5% nerf. Right now we risk Avenging Crusader continuing to completely overshadow any other build. This would be deeply unfortunate as this playstyle does not interact well at all with almost all of the other great changes this rework has introduced. The rework offers much more agency over our healing compared to before but having Avenging Crusader be the go to would completely eliminate that improvement. Making sure that this doesn’t happen has to be top priority.”

What an absolute moron and idiot. “Making sure that a popular and fun playstyle does not and cannot exist is a top priority.”

If “unfortunate as this playstyle does not interact well at all with almost all of the other great changes this rework has introduced” then I guess it means that Blizzard needs to introduce more damage to healing spells and things that affect it into the talent tree? Well, glad we can agree!

With the increased focus on Shield of the Righteous as a dps spender, with Shining Righteousness, Holy Paladin need to have the ability to loot two-handed intellect weapons removed, as Shield of the Righteous can only be used with a shield equipped and it is extremely frustrating to loot a weapon that you can never equip.

Or how about introducing a different ability that isn’t tied to just a shield? This guy man…


change your talents maybe? I didn’t think it was the worst thing to do this week. Beacon of Virtue will easily heal people up from the shockwave, and you have multiple externals for the bleed.

he’s a typical melee heal build with virtue, and it’s tiny (overlapping heals between 3-4 players is not enough from lod) + 15sec cd vs cascading bleed effect every 8sec-10sec lol. also it wasn’t, i was tanking when i did it. go test it urself with 430s in tyrannical.

Not sure what all you’ve tried but make sure to rotate your CDs, Wings, Divine Toll, Aura Mastery, Blessings and Defensives. Also you should be using WoG during virtue unless you can hit everyone. Also make sure to spend on LoD outside of virtue and heavy damage to increase the healing of your next WoG. Hopefully some of that helps

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Every rework since SL has resulted in that class being OP for a month or 2. This looks likely to be the first time it wont happen where the reworked class remains at the bottom of the pile.

another person didn’t read the comment ^^, im not the healer and what im telling u is most holy pal in that fight seems to have problem healing the bleed effect at 16+, 2 bop will negate the 2% of the fight but the rest, gl with that.

mathematically lod does more healing if it hits 3 person than a wod during virtue, and here’s a rude awakening for you, if ur wod or flash didn’t crit, that 1 bleed tick does more damage than the heal itself. lol, and its damage is progressively increasing the more damage buff the boss gets + if 3 person gets it and when the boss decided to shockwave, 1 or 2 are toast.

you can’t always count on other players to pop their personal when it happens.

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Yeah I mean I’ve played pally as prot and holy forever (wotlk). I don’t remember holy ever feeling so weak. You can jump on any other healer and immediately feel the difference. Even my mw feels so much better to heal on… That’s saying something. I really hope these changes help but I have my doubts. I’ll be sticking to prot on my pally for now.