Preview of 10.1.5 Changes for Holy paladin

so if i heal someone with beacon they will get full mastery value? May as well just remove it as it has 0 interaction now

if this takes us from melee and into even the slightest bit of casting I reroll to dps

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Well they added Mastery Lightbringer back so you can have both which is better than before.

What I dont like tough is beeing forced to play around Glimmer. Like yeah its better now but still its par of the rotation …

So all im getting from this is “we know you dont like the mastery, so lets not change it and make it so now your partner has to care about what their proximity is to the Holy Paladin”??
Lets take a look at all the changes, the ONE BIIIIIIG thing is Glimmer of Light, If you dont talent into it all of the new changes are pointless.
Sooooooo I see a solution, Make glimmer our Mastery… two birds one stone. GG


So just got done trying out a lot of different things on the PTR. I know, from the ret rework, not to get too excited because it’s a work in progress, but man I’m excited. Highlights for me:

  1. two charges on Holy Shock is game-changing. Being able to take full advantage of the cooldown reduction from melee or caster talents without losing partial charges is an incredible feeling.
  2. new judgement synergies are great, and it doesn’t feel like a wasted button in either melee or range build anymore. Synergizing with illumination means illumination is useful for melee builds finally.
  3. Major improvements for caster spec if you want to go that route. Being able to “throw” a consecration with judgement, allowing mastery to work with you AND your beacon as focal points, HUGELY improved veneration which makes hammer of wrath a powerful healing proc for ranged paladins, Tyr’s Deliverance buffed to heck and back (and being WAY more forgiving with allowing you to easily extend its duration to maximum)
  4. MUCH improved damage capabilities. Improved single target damage on SotR, and greatly improved damage on Glimmer.
  5. Awakening turned into a predictable stacking buff instead of a slot machine (probably good, but maybe less fun), but working with all holy spenders now (definitely good).
  6. Daybreak is great for mana restoration, and one more talent point for Rising Sunlight turns it into a strong throughput cooldown for either healing OR damage, since it triple-casts the next three holy shocks, meaning you can shock->spender->shock->spender->shock->spender once EVERY MINUTE

edit: seriously, if you get improved daybreak and improved divine toll, you can just use one or the other every thirty seconds and hardly have to do anything else. Almost don’t even need wings at that point, to say nothing of Tyr’s or any other cooldowns.


Don’t get to hyped. Look at what happened to ret last second during their rework.

Does Glorious Dawn increase by 10% for each Glimmer? A 80% chance to get a charge of Holy Shock when it has two charges on a 8 second cooldown sounds crazy.

What happened? Its still far more fun than it was before, i love new ret. They had a couple bugs that hurt them in pvp 10.1 launch, but overall it is quite fun.

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Possibly scales multiplicatively, so at most a 57ish% chance probably. Needs testing though, math people will figure this one out but my guess is probably multiplicative like most things

Can we pls remove Barrier of Faith or fix it cause its terrible. Make it a passive shield that proc every 6sec for 24sec.

And also can we move Tyr Deliverance or make a node somewhere to link. Cause its really annoying now to have a useless node and/or wasting 3 point for Martyr to be able to get it


:100: re mastery & LoD. The frontal cone effect is annoying; make it a true 360, aoe heal & I might actually use it lol :joy:

These changes look promising af. Mastery though… please considering changing it blizz. My blessed hammer is ready for some divine judgments!

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Can we make a choice node with awakening and a different option.

I was thinking an updated version of Selfless Healer from MoP

Selfless Healer- Judgement lowers the cast time of Holy Light and Flash of Light by 35% and heal for an additional 20% or makes holy power spenders cost 1 less holy power(or increase healing by x%).
Stacks 2 times.(Maybe only 1 because of the HP effect)
Judgement now damages up to an additional 4 enemies for x.
Consuming the effect lowers the cd of AW by x secs.

Move Blessing elsewhere and replace with talent called Holy Wrath.
Holy Wrath- Call down upon your foe the most wrathful Holy Shock that deals x damage.
Costs 3 Holy Power.
Replaces Shield of the Righteous.


Yeah. Really not a fan of blessing of seasons… at all. I’d like to see it replaced.


My issue with blessing of seasons is mainly the rotation aspect of it. It’s quite hard to have the right one when you need it. If they made it different spells, it would be better imo.
By doing so, it would be just another blessing, but it could be interesting to choose your blessings instead of having them all at all time, making the build process much more interesting.

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Blessing of Seasons is one of those things i love to hate, im one of those wierdos who actually LIKES having external buffs to give to people, but the specific nature of cycling between the 4 cooldowns can be rather tedious when i mainly want to Summer a dps to boost my numbers and winter myself to help with mana sustain, i know autumn and spring are good as well, but they don’t feel as immediately impactful and feel like buttons i have to press to get to the stuff i care about faster.

Remember in Classic WoW when we were forced to upkeep our Blessings on the Raid constantly because they were on such a low duration and everyone hated it so much that they eventually massively increased the duration and then ultimately removed the abilities all together?

Blessing of Seasons is on an even shorter duration and cooldown and is mandatory to keep up.

Let’s just remove the ability now instead of following the same path that Blessings/Greater Blessings went through.

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Mastery is bad and sad like you.

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you probably don’t even understand the mastery or how good beacon of the lightbringer is with being able to take beacon of faith and virtue now, the things you can do with that are pretty great. cringe poster, try playing the game

I can understand that about spring (although it is very powerful if you can use it when you or other healers have cds to use during a healing event) but autumn is actually really good. Not just because you can press your buttons faster in an AC window but also because it can give you an extra AC window throughout a fight assuming the fight is 7-8 mins which is pretty crazy. Can also get your AM up earlier than 2:30 if you take unwavering spirit which is niche but can be great. Autumn, summer and winter are extremely good overall, and spring is also very good if you can get proper usage out of it. I hated blessings when they brought them forward but making winter worthwhile was huge, now all 4 are quite good.

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