That’s my point. Even the Scarlet Crusade would look down on humans being sexist against fellow humans or “racist” against fellow humans based on skin color.
They’ll just murder you instead for being different. Which isn’t much better.
That’s a really strange take on the fact that the Scarlet Monastery lawn is bedecked with the hanged corpses of their innocent victims.
Even for an apologist like yourself, that’s a pretty major bend of the bough.
Genn will die someday. He is still mortal afterall, but perhaps he will be one of the lucky few in Azeroth to die peacefully of old age.
The Scarlet Crusade only cares about two things:
Are you human?
Do you support their extremist crusade against undead, worgen and other groups they consider to be impure?
If the answer to both of those questions is yes, you’re okay in their book. If the answer to either of them is no, then according to them you deserve to die.
I only said the Scarlet Crusade do not practice skin color and gender discrimination in regard to fellow humans.
I said this to point out the stupidity of real-life bigots using them as outlets for their ethnic-or-gender based hatreds.
This was not an attempt to whitewash the Scarlet Crusade or denial of their actions.
That wasn’t the “gotcha!” you thought. Even for a disingenuous contrarian like yourself, that’s a pretty major bend of the bough.
See above. Never said it was.
They tend to kill first, ask questions of the corpse later.
And I mean this quite literally when you do the Scarlet Monastery you see torturers working on a pretty deceased subject.
Okay on a less memey note, yeah the Scarlet Crusade don’t give a crap. If it isn’t human, if it is undead, it dies. Elf, orc, troll, gnome, dwarf- doesn’t matter. If it’s not human, it dies. If it isn’t Scarlet, it also dies. Worgen are considered ‘no longer human’, and definitely not Scarlet. So they must be cleansed.
They are the ‘Light’s Tyranny’ drawn to its logical conclusion. They have a set of rules. They’re absolute. Ignorance to the law does not absolve you of your crime. Only they can save Azeroth from the corruption within it. All else must be cleansed with Light and Fire.
Sure maybe the Scarlet came out of nowhere and the questline was quick but who cares? Just because the quest line was completed in thirty minutes doesn’t mean the reclamation of Gilneas only took thirty minutes. Man, I wouldn’t want to design a patch cycle around timegating that. Players would hate that.
It’s also important to remember that they were being led from the beginning by a demon in a Human suit. And that was still true of the Scarlet Onslaught. One of those inconvenient truths that Thad prefers to ignore.
Wrong. I’ve pointed that out repeatedly. It looks more like Arázi overlooked it than me.
The crusade hasn’t been led a dreadlord for years now. They’re just a bunch of fanatics who went off the deep end at this point.
Every decision they made recently was of their own volition
Yes they were! But, that actually weirdly enforces my point about ‘Light’s Tyranny’. The Nathrezim have proven they will infiltrate whatever it takes to commit to their plans, and a chunk of Revendreth is lousy with the Light. The last place we remember of Denathrius was him being kept in that very place.
The Nathrezim were his agents. The Scarlet Crusade are awfully light-themed. We already saw a light-infused Nathrezim. I’m just connecting the dots here and saying “the Nathrezim are up to something again”.
It’s called character advancement. Not a retcon.
Genn has realized, over time, that he can’t let go of the past, he’s tried, multiple times, but he’s an old soldier who’s stuck in his ways. He can’t bring Gilneas forward into the future and he knows that, so he’s passing on the mantle to his daughter.
Tess never wanted to be Queen during the Cataclysm. It was not even a role she would have normally gotten (the role of leader would have gone to Liam, had he not died), so she was not prepared for it, and was not really interested in it, but since the Cataclysm she’s come to realize that she is the future of Gilneas, so she’s taken the role her father has given her.
I figure this is a good thread to find dedicated worgen fans. I just wanted to point people toward a question that has come up in the “Calia and Tess are mirrors” thread. It has been suggested that the most important theme for worgen is patriotism for Gilneas. Do you agree or disagree?
I agree that it is the most important theme for worgen, but think it should NOT be. While I love Gilneas, it was one of the reasons I liked worgen to begin with, the whole aesthetic and everything is amazing, I don’t think the MAIN theme of worgen should be patriotism for Gilneas.
It should be about their people overcoming the curse and making it part of their culture by accepting that Gilneans being the hardheaded, stubborn people they were able to make the curse their greatest strength.