Calia and Tess are Mirrors

Or most people dont care and I think generally most people like Jaina as a leader and thinks it “makes sense” she leads. Body types be damned.

Similarly, Moira makes sense to lead the Dark Iron even though she is not one of them. Hell, Turaylon is the leadef of Stormwind even though he is not from Stormwind or even a typical Stormwindian.

The themes of the worgens are they are all Gilneas first and formost. And like it or not Tess represents Gilneas and their path to a new future.


Genn’s been wanting to hand the crown off for years, it’s pretty heavily implied he’s only stuck around until now because he sees the fall of Gilneas as entirely his fault and needed to fix it before getting rid of his burden. So him giving the throne to Tess isn’t exactly a surprise…

The crux of the issue isn’t that she’s not a worgen, it’s that Blizzard hasn’t shown the curse to be anything other than ‘cool werewolf powers’ in over a decade. In Cata it was described as a curse, shown to be a curse, constantly dancing on that line of losing yourself to total rage and animal nature. Hell, the player character is implied to have, once they turned, killed or afflicted their own friends before running off into the woods. Worgenism is implied to have been bad. But outside the heritage chain, which was vague, it hasn’t been shown as such.

That said, her being queen is fine, mostly because Genn isn’t actually going anywhere. If anything, she’s going to be shuffled off and Genn will be the one who is front and center still. In a generation or two, there will barely be any worgen among the Gilneans in any case, but anyone who thinks we’re going to be seeing Tess over Genn when the Gilneans are called on to fight is being silly.

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You know this might be a controversial take, but I always hated Gallywix as part of the Horde. The Horde always struck me as more of a collectivist society compared to the Alliance, so seeing the literal poster child for capitalist corruption joining the Horde then immediately blowing up Azshara left an awful taste in my mouth.

I really wish the player killed Gallywix at the end of the goblin starting zone and staged a revolution. Put Sassy Hardwrench in charge as some sort of union leader. This would also add an interesting dynamic between the Horde goblins and the neutral goblins, and portray goblins as more than JUST money-grubbing new yorkers.

Hell, call it “The Bilgewater Labor Union” while you’re at it.

But let’s be honest, after learning that Gazlowe is a union buster, and knowing Blizzard’s internal politics, there is NO WAY they’d allow a story like that to happen.


People do care though. Hence the complaints

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Because it’s the only kind of character they feel comfortable writing, apparently.

I’ll open that question to worgen fans: Do you agree that this is “the” worgen theme?


Sorry to burst your bubble but you are not most people. That ultimately most people probably dont care Tess is now the worgen leader.

Of course not. We signed up for spooky werewolf shenanigans, not human related stuff


I simply said people care, I didn’t specify a amount beyond that, further proving you failed to read and understand before commenting as usual

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Then my statement is not wrong and you made a claim unrelated to my statement.

You said people don’t care. I said people do care, hence the complaints

Keep being dishonest though. It’s what you’re good at

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I said “most people” do not care, I did not say that no one cared. The only one being dishonest here is you.

And now you are just trolling.


/10 chars

Used to be the other way around. Everyone hated Gallywix for the longest time, and my “get over it and enjoy an actually fun faction leader” take was the controversial one. But I don’t know, getting rid of him only fifteen years later, after blowing an awesome model on him and carving a niche out for him in the Horde, just feels wasteful. A faction leader who doubles up as the goblin PC’s sitcom nemesis was a novel idea they didn’t do anywhere near enough with.


When you put it this way it sounds kinda sick, I’ll admit.

Imagine an alternate WoW timeline where class and racial quests were more of a thing, and our goblin characters spent the past several years developing a rivalry with their so-called “boss”, which culminates in the goblins finally rising up and taking him down.

This IP has become nothing but a wasteland of missed opportunities. At least I still like the gameplay and environments. I can’t imagine how depressed I’d be right now if I still cared about the setting.


There’s so many dropped plot lines they could make several expansions from them. I RP and make up my own stories, it’s more fun that way because the setting is depressing otherwise :bear:


I’ve been doing the same thing, friend. In fact, I’m currently making breakfast while I use ChatGPT to generate a Warcraft roleplaying game campaign, based on WC3 lore and echoes from vanilla and the first two expansions.

I kid you not, ChatGPT has created a more immersive, nuanced, balanced, mysterious, and intriguing setting within this alternate timeline than anything Blizzard has done in many years.

So I’m frankly done paying attention to this story ever again. I actually love Dragonflight from a gameplay and environmental perspective. I still adore this game.

But the story is just…dead.


So much wasted work and effort…

Fan-fiction for another win at saving a setting.


My dear friend is currently working on an entire DnD campaign for his characters, which sounds amazing. I just roleplay and use gilneas and the Bel’Ameth as backgrounds for whatever profile I happen to be working on or using

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