As I said in the Shandris thread, it’s nice to see Blizzard retiring characters without just killing them for once.
How does it?
It was inevitable she would become queen, though I do agree to a point that there should have been more buildup to it. The worgen heritage was already showing her thinking about her future role as queen, and as the leader of Gilneas, and that took place five or so years back in canon.
And though I’m sure the play will be her and Anduin kindling something, if at all, I would pay good money for her to pick Lorna Crowley as her partner just so Darius and Genn both have identical mental breakdowns.
Actually now that I think about it, nearly all the potential partners for Anduin have issues with their dads, and vice versa… whoops.
I’m betting on Taelia Fordragon there, personally.
You say this like you are expecting Genn and Darius to be homophobic when Blizzard has said that doesn’t exist in Azeroth.
Not homophobic, the two of them have a pretty intense antagonistic history, and there was no real sense that they’ve become friends so much as allies of convenience. They fought a civil war against each other.
the wall had nothing to do with the Scourge though, it was Genn not wanting to pay his fellow Alliance any money after the second war. It just happened to help them later, but it was a purely ego-driven statement of “get the hell out it’s mine, it’s all mine”
Also like. As much as Tess didn’t really want this, she’s the ONLY dynastic heir possible.
As for Calia. Undead. The Scarlets would burn her at the stake if they got half the chance.
They’ve repeatedly, throughout the story, shown that even being willing to have a momentary conversation with an undead makes you tainted in their eyes for all time. They’re insane and violently suppress everyone and everyone at the slightest excuse, that’s been their characterization the whole time, since classic, that they are dangerous to literally everyone who doesn’t serve them and their leaders wholesale.
Now let’s not lie by omission here. It wasn’t that simple. It wasn’t just Genn, the majority of his people voted and agreed to it as well. Also it wasn’t about them not wanting to pay fellow Alliance money, it was about them not wanting to pay FAR MORE than the rest of the fellow Alliance members to house literal war criminals. The Alliance decided that since Gilneas had more it should pay more, and the Gilneans obviously didn’t like that. It was basically an attempted democratic threat. You have stuff, we want stuff, so we all voted to take your stuff. And Gilneas told them to push it and built a wall.
I’m fine with Tess being queen, honestly. It was inevitable.
What I’m NOT fine with is her not being a Worgen.
There was never a vote though? Where did you EVER get that? There wasn’t a vote. He talked with basically one man in the decision-making process, and then told everyone else what was happening.
All of the nobles except 1, Crowley, agreed. That implies some conversation was had.
so you take the nobles agreeing, as Genn having the entire population voting? Do you think nobles are representatives? That they answer to the people? Or even talk to them? Gotcha. No longer spending my time on this.
Wha- I thought the whole thing was fine. Rushed, maybe, but Gilneas is neutral now and I can blow kisses at all the doggos!
But sometimes I read threads here and think that Story Forum posters have to be the biggest bunch of masochists on the internet. I couldn’t imagine willfully subjecting myself to expected disappointment year after year after year. And paying money for it!
Thankfully, my relatives visit on their money so my only expected disappointment is free of charge. Sometimes, though, I still wonder if I’m the fool for enjoying this game anyway…
And then I remember foxes are adorable, blowing things up is fun, and nothing else really matters.
I actually have a soft spot for Tess, have since the Legion rogue campaign. She’s not like a favorite or anything but I always enjoy whenever she shows up. So I agree I’m more than fine with her becoming queen and the issue is the worgen racial leader not being a worgen.
If Blizzard really doesn’t want to walk back her decision in the heritage quest have it happen by accident instead of willingly. Should have had her accidentally get bit in the middle of battle when some worgen were going ham or something.
Nope. they’re equal opportunity murderers.
Speaking of that garbage mount, it seems to be a reskin/recolor of the Vicious War Fox you can purchase with a Vicious Saddle.
Which is funny because on top of Gilneans being known to partake of fox hunting, there’s another mount on that vendor’s list. One that would have been perfect to have recolored, maybe with some different ornaments, definitely with a change of flag to represent Gilneas’ colors.
Why they didn’t use that for the Alliance award, with the fox as a Horde equivalent, I have absolutely no idea. It would have made sense since there are foxes all over the Gilnean countryside, maybe one took a liking to the weirdos that don’t look like giant wolves or the pink-skins that routinely hunt them.
Yeah, that’s an excellent point. The Vicious Gilnean Warhorse is literally the only true Gilnean ground mount in the game, it carries the symbol of Gilneas on both sides etc. A recolored version of it would have been a better choice than the fox for sure.
What exactly was “girlboss” about her having the responsibility placed on her and very reluctantly accepting it?
Totally off-topic, but…
Hey, I think I know you!! You are the big, scary worgen my druid keeps stumbling into after that one time at the soup event!!
Bless the lacking sharding on RP realms.