Pretty amazing how thoroughly retconned Tess Greymane has become

Blood Elves seeing this ‘revamp’ and sweating hard.


Yeah. I can understand why blood elf fans would be shaking in their boots. Combine the gilneas debacle with the Queen Calia mess, and these devs just played their hand at how out of touch they really are.


Nah, we’re not.

See, we’ve already expected something like this since the announcement. We’re Horde players. We know the drill. Our leaders get killed or turn evil and get killed, or go into exile. If content about us comes up, it either must be made to appeal to the Alliance, or it must be about how utterly evil we are by taking something from our past, twisting it, and then using it to highlight how we were secretly predisposed to genocide.

As soon as Metzen said “Sunwell”, we already expected it to be made appealing to the Alliance, IE neutral so they can have it too. Because you can’t turn blood elves secretly evil all the time without it impacting high elves.


What gets me is that Genn’s arc in the questline is so hollow. Liam was killed by Sylvanas Windrunner, his kingdom destroyed by the Forsaken, and who do we fight in this questline? The sCaRlEt CrUsAdE!? Those lunies that haven’t been relevant since Wrath? They didn’t kill Liam, the Forsaken did, Sylvanas did. But, oh wait, Sylvanas isn’t available and she was “redeemed” (Daneuser, quit), so how do we try to make Genn’s arc complete? Eh, who cares, Scarlet Crusade, perfect, ship it.

When we arrive in Gilneas Genn appropriately wants nothing to do with Calia and the Forsaken who offer aid. Honestly, Genn should’ve told them to piss right off, Gilneas will reclaim their homeland themselves, and leave it at that. But, of course, and I hate having to say it because I hate social politics, but boy do Blizzard do a sloppy job of hiding it, they just couldn’t resist blaming an old man for the entirety of Gilneas’ current state and promptly, hastily, sloppily, replace him with yet another female character who is morally superior. I hate bringing this stuff up because of course it makes me look like a politically biased idiot, but it happens everywhere with modern Blizzard writing.

I just can’t. This questline, Gilneas, Genn, my God, what a complete disappointment.


The fact that everything the worgen are is just bad is pretty depressing. Then the Worgen will no longer exist in the future. Sounds like the writers have no interest in the worgen and want to remove them. What made Gilneas interesting will soon no longer exist.

Looks like he’s not there. But nothing new from Blizzard was a little surprised to see Crowley again.


As someone who genuinely loves Mechgnomes; I dont mind Gelbin, but only because he is such a badass in the lore. Still doesn’t excuse dropping Prince Erazmin who was also a very interesting character with a lot of potential. But it stings less.

In the end none of it matters though. Mechagnomes have been entirely forgotten just like the Gnomes themselves. Gelbin is a badass, but he’s also completely forgotten. We know the World Soul Saga is set to take around 6 years or so, and there isn’t a single mention of them in any of the content.

Gnomes got content with Vanilla, but only the starting area and the dungeon, and that’s it.

They then had to wait 6 years to get new content, which was a dungeon revamp and an operation to take back the city, where they did not take back the city and everything went back to how it was before.

They then had to wait I think it was 9 years to get more content via Mechagon and Mechagnomes.

And since then they’ve gotten nothing, and wont for at least 6 more years. So if we are generous and say they’ll get content after the World Soul Saga that would be a 10-11 year gap.

6 years, followed by 9 years, followed by 11 years. Man, aint it fun being a Gnome/Mechagnome fan in this game?


It probably should have been completely nihilistic Sylvanas loyalists mixed with leftover demon-worshiping old guard orcs or something. That way Alliance gets to kill ‘Horde’, and Horde gets to kill ‘the Horde we reject being’. Of course some Horde players would still scream at that. But the 5 year time skip makes that untenable IMO.


What gets me is that the answer was obvious the entire time: Godfrey. If ever there was an appropriate time and place to bring a character back from the dead, this was Godfrey’s time. Have him ruling the lands of Gilneas as a Scourge Warlord, bolstering his numbers with the dead of the Fourth War.

Hell, have him dance Liam’s reanimated corpse in front of Genn in an act of flagrant malice that makes the fact Sylvanas unintentionally killed him superfluous. Watching Genn rip Godfrey apart for THAT would bring some excellent closure to the matter. Maybe he couldn’t save his son’s life, but he can spare him undeath.


Maybe you forgot how the desperate refugees of Capital City came to that wall to beg him for shelter against the Scourge and he told them to bugger off?

Tobias Mistmantle is there. During the questline you can see him fighting in the courtyard outside of the Cathedral, and then afterwards he can be found on top of the prison where you meet him and Darius in the starting zone.


I will never get that chill reaction out of my spine when seeing that name. And it would be plausible if Tobias didn’t know why.

Wasn’t being reduced to “generic xenophobic and racist punching bags” what you liked about them? All that “love to punch a zealot” talk? You’re singing a different tune now.

I’ve been criticizing the Scarlet Crusade losing nuance since BfA.

They could’ve done that and still had their “Genn abdicates and puts Tess in charge” moment.


I think a lot of the weird animosity from players towards the Scarlet Crusade, which brings out such comments, comes from the fact there have been past incidents where RP’ers playing Scarlets and creating Scarlet guilds would do so as a flimsy way for them to act out their OOC/real-life bigotry and it happened enough times that RP’ers give Scarlet fans/RP’ers the side-eye to full on putting them on what’s known as a “DNI list” (Do Not Interact).

Take note that a lot of the players making such comments are toons on RP realms.

I don’t think it’s necessarily fair but I also understand why past interactions with bigots would cause them to paint with a broad brush, but now I’m getting off topic.

Edit: Oh and as you said, the loss of any interesting characteristics of the Crusade with the full and frontal “we’re human supremacists!” begs the question why would anyone want to RP out such a group.


Never ask a man their salary.
Never ask a woman their age.
Never ask a Scarlet Roleplayer their opinion on the Ashbringer comic.


Especially since the real-life biases those RP groups want to act out don’t exist in WoW. For example, the Scarlet Crusade have no issues with gender or humans of different skin colors.


Oh, killing them was still fun. The quest line was just terrible in general.

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That sounds suspiciously like something human supremacists in other settings say when they are called out for using fascist rhetoric and slogans.


Tess was hardly retconned. And the whole “her entire story since Cataclysm…” line is misleading.

For starters, she was completely absent between Cataclysm and Legion, with no development at all.

Ever since she returned to the game in Legion, they’ve been setting her up to take over Gilneas.

  1. There were talks to marry her to Anduin and unite the crowns of Stormwind and Gilneas, but he balked at the idea of an arranged marriage, and noted that she was a strong leader with her own things going on.

  2. During Legion, while her father was blinded by his revenge-lust for Sylvanas, she made several comments about how she fears that her father is being consumed by his rage, and she worries about the impact that will have on the Gilneans.

  3. During Legion, she is acting alongside Genn during the prestige ceremonies to recognize alliance players for their actions.

  4. She doesn’t join the Uncrowned to avoid her royal responsibilities. She joins them specifically so that she can participate in the conflict against the Legion in her own way, rather than sitting on the sidelines and doing nothing.

  5. In cut appearances during WoD (you know, the expansion where the entire middle-third of it was cut), she was supposed to be looking for a cure for her people.

  6. During BfA, she is serving in the military in a prominent position of command, leading her people to help the kaldorei reclaim Darkshore. It is not uncommon for royals to serve in the military, even while they are the heirs. Look at modern real-world monarchies as an example of this existing even today.

  7. The Worgen Heritage questline is all about her learning to better understand her people so that she can effectively lead them when she does become Queen.

Its not that she was retconned. She was absent for two entire expansions, but ever since she returned, they’ve been setting her up to take the leadership of the Gilnean people. Any doubts she initially expressed were her coming to terms with the death of her brother, and the fact that she was suddenly bumped up to the role of the heir (which is a common storytelling trope), not an outright rejection of the role. I’ll agree that it could have been written better, but this didn’t just come out of nowhere.


You know, for how awfully this was written, there is one bright side:

At least Genn wasn’t Rastakan’d.


There is always time!!!