Pretty amazing how thoroughly retconned Tess Greymane has become

Well it’s Horde content and will be a major feature of the expac and not a filler patch, so I imagine it will be done adequately at the very least.

Hang on

THAT’s why the Scarlet Crusade was in Gilneas!?

It was already bad writing to have them there in the first place, but this is insane!

I hadn’t even thought of Tess unwillingness to rule Gilneas or how Calia (a Menethil) and the Scarlet Crusade (some of the last living Lorderaenians) would react to each other.

  1. We never saw that evolution.
  2. There was no reason for Genn to step down, especially not after the victory of reclaiming Gilneas. That whole “I struggle to adapt” nonsense sucked for so many reasons. She’ll already be queen after he dies, he could’ve just had her take a more active role while he keeps the throne; to better prepare her when the time comes.

Well, maybe they figured having the Forsaken being commandeered by a non-Forsaken undead was such a big rousing success, they decided to go with it.

Coming soon: Baine Bloodhoof abdicates to a quillboar he met once. Malfurion Stormrage is elected leader of the Wildhammer, because they dig his wings. Nisha takes over the orc clans.

…Hold up wait that last one might work.


Alliance content in general, truth be told.

The leader of the Lightforged Draenei is a human.
The leader of the Void Elves is a High Elf.
The leader of the Dark Iron Dwarves is an Ironforge Dwarf.
The leader of the Mechagnomes is a Gnome.
The leader of the Kul Tirans isn’t fat.

Welcome to the Alliance, where half our roster of playable races aren’t led by an actual member of their race.


Yeah that’s SO dumb. They really need to come to terms with the fact that if they’re so hell bent on exclusively advancing racial lore through racial leaders chardev arcs, then at the very least these racial leaders need to be representative of their respective races.

Horde-wise, Gazlowe (not a Bilgewater) and Calia (no further comment needed) still irk me to this day. That’s an area in which the Alliance does have it worse, though.


The writing on the wall is in large, bold print.

“The characters we write for will be beautiful and badass, but the players can deal with these trash races we really don’t want to write for. Like, at all. Who would? They’re ugly and the premise for them is stupid, but that’s a player problem.”

Ensue clinging to the Jaina body pillow.

Gazlowe is at least forgivable because he’s been with the Horde all along in effect, if not in actuality. He was the original architect for Orgrimmar, after all. Speaking for myself, I still wish, ‘Her Tallness,’ Mida Silvertongue had become the Bilgewater leader.

As for Calia… Sylvanas herself wasn’t exactly a, ‘Forsaken,’ like the playable Forsaken, but the Forsaken is also a term that applies to pretty much any undead raised by the Scourge whom gained free will. Which… Calia is decidedly not. So, I agree, she’s about as bad as any of half of the Alliance’s roster.


Yeah, Gazlowe’s still a Goblin and still historically Horde-leaning (though officially he used to be neutral), but you can tell just how much they wrote themselves into a corner again by tossing Gallywix away and realizing they just… didn’t have any satisfying Bilgewater substitute because they never bothered developing any other Bilgewater character.

Oh well.

But really, I feel it. Lack of racial leader representativity is a massive Alliance issue, and one that I hope the various fanbases will be very vocal about from now on.


Ok, this is funny, but those are all not exactly right.

  • Last I checked the Lightforged aren’t led by Turalyon, He might have a commanding role in the army of the light, but thats not leading the LFD, they are probably under Fareeya or Velen himself.
  • Alleria is a void elf, she just didn’t become one the same way.
  • Moira would probably punch someone saying that to her face.
    -Mekkatorque has body parts replaced using mechagnome tech, he is technically one.
  • Yes… But you dont stop being kultiran because you have a lower calorie diet.
1 Like

There’s some potential set-up to alleviate the problem.

Namely, unlike the Horde, the Alliance roster has characters who can step up to fill the role.

Alleria is effectively the leader of the Void Elves, but Umbric is there. He’s pretty much the only named Void Elf who is an actual Void Elf, but at least he’s got a personality: Comrade Umbric.

With the Lightforged Draenei there obvious leader past Turalyon is Fareeya, but there’s also a very strong contender that could be added: Yrel. Considering how she was developed over the course of WoD, I think she’d be better received over Fareeya.

The Mechagnomes have a few candidates. The obvious is Prince Erazmin, but that voice actor… I can’t. There was one whom was the head of security… I can’t remember her name, but she had steel prosthetics. I could see her being a Paladin once that gets opened up, really. She was pretty cool.

As for the Dark Irons… maybe it’s just time to let Moira’s boy become old enough to actually be a character. I know he’s only half Dark Iron, but still.

I don’t think there’s getting around Kul Tiras leadership not being fat. It’d have to change hands from the Proudmoores, and really, Cyrus is the only fat Kul Tiran whom comes to mind as a potential leader, but that’s a pretty weak choice overall.

Over on the Horde you do have Boss Mida and Voss ready at least. Like I said, Gazlowe is acceptable, but Calia just… needs to go. Make her neutral or something. We all know that’s her fate anyways.


He’s still the High Exarch, and whenever they’ve needed representation for something, its Turalyon who shows up, like when the Kul Tirans join and you’re on the ship they made for Anduin.

If Alleria is a Void Elf, then any elf wielding the Void is a, ‘Void Elf.’ Night Elf Shadow Priest? Congrats, you’re a Void Elf. Nightborne Affliction Warlock? You’re a Void Elf too!

Why? It’s true. She’s an Ironforge Dwarf. She married into the leadership of the Dark Irons. She herself is not a Dark Iron Dwarf, just their empress.

Talk to me again when he’s had his arms/legs replaced like ALL Mechagnomes.

Apparently you do since that’s the playable race. You’re human, but fat. Who knew being fat made you an entirely separate race. Subtle messaging there, Blizz.


Your first mistake was assuming that Blizzard would ever break the SW/Org monopoly on player needs and mobility. They want everyone bottled up in those two cities when not at an expansion hub so that we can pretend there’s a faction or server culture in the playerbase despite it dying in TBC.

I expect the new Undercity will get the same treatment.

Aren’t you excited for a newly returned Sylvanas to become God-Queen of elves? /s


Alleria was infused with the void two times, her body is void filled, she doesn’t wield the void, the void is part of her like any other void elf. Affliction warlocks and shadow priests use the void but are not infused with it.

He is nowhere to be seen in the LFD intro or unlock questline, but Fareeya is. But he did spend over a thousand years hanging out with them, so they are connected.

Yeah, but she is much more connected with the Ironforge, she might not have the physical attributes of one (which was not natural but due to the ragnaros stuff), but she is repping them well.

Yeah, because it makes no sense to sell the same model as another race, but kultirans are humans from another region, thats it, and the average kultiran is bigger and heavier than the average “stormwindian”.

Yes, being a Scarlet Roleplayer is painful.

They have all but been stripped of their Lordaeronian elements and have become the writers ideological insert against racism, xenophobia, etc.

I’d argue the Light and Lordaeron are a completely secondary thing about them when it comes to writing, except in showing ‘Light can be bad too!’


It’s actually worse than it sounds. The Crusade is now nothing more than your generic Xenophophic and racist hate group. They been stripped of everything that at least made them interesting


I would argue that according to Blizzard they have been that since the scarlet monastery overhaul, but the sheer blatant distraction from Lordaeron that the crusade has engaged in completely removes the fantasy or entertains the idea that they even care about Lordaeron anymore.

I wish to be given a metal pipe and fifteen minutes in a room alone with their current loremaster.


Are you genuinely so upset over a fictional universe that you would fantasize violence about another human being?

Touch grass.

Post your twitter


OMG. I’ve never been a particularly worgen-focused player, and even I know how messed up this story is. Both in terms of going against previous characterization and in terms of going against what worgen players want to see.


I don’t tweet. Statement stands.

It’s one of those things where you stand there and are like How does someone screw up a quest line this badly?. It certaintly FEELS like it was intentional and they just wanted people to go away.