Well good news is they are unlikely to touch anything to do with anyone aside for dwarves and humans (and perhaps dark trolls?) until Midnight. So you have a couple years.
Midnight is when the real fireworks begin, with the state of Silvermoon as faction locked in question.
Ya I’m more optimistic about TWW, both cause I’m clearly biased for anything dwarf related, but also the fact that we aren’t dealing with a pre-established group that the players have been playing as and with for nearly two decades. It’s all new
That was the best part of BFA, all the new stuff, like Kul Tiras and Zandalar questing and delving into the culture, drustvar etc. but as soon as the story went back to the well known characters and the faction conflict, it went to hell in a hand basket
Or even Dragonflight, some of the best stuff was like the Tuskarr and such. But the most controversial was stuff dealing with night elves or in this case Gilneas
At this point, i’m solidly convinced they wanted Bel’ameth there for proximity to Quel’thalas to justify elves being friends again. Which I am not fully against in concept. But… considering how blizzard tries to paint Genn as a bad person for not liking genocide… idk man, I don’t expect the ‘elven reunification’ to be good for elf writing.
Very solid chance we lose most of our unique beliefs and contradicting ideals just so we’ll fit together, when those differences actually add a great deal to the setting to make elves different. Simultaneously over-saturing the game with too many species of elves that’ll all be boiled down to magical reskins of each other.
She did in fact begin to prepare for herself to rule her people during the Worgen Heritage armor questline (Which I think the ballroom attire we got looks awful and isn’t real armor, but whatever, Worgen are a joke we get it Blizz). And with Liam gone she was obviously next in line to be heir, and yes she could’ve changed her mind over the years, etc.
But now the Gilneans, while many aren’t Worgen, we as the players know this is the Worgen faction. And it’s not being led by a Worgen. Which is becoming a weird trend in the Alliance that people aren’t being ruled by one of their own.
A non-curse Human leads the Worgen. A Gnomeregan Gnome leads the Mechagon Mechagnomes. An Ironforge Dwarf leads the Dark Iron Dwarves. A High Elf with Void abilities leads the Void Elves. Kind of unclear whether Velen, Fareeya, or Turalyon leads the Lightforged. Hell, even Kul’tiras’ royal family isn’t the big bone Kul’tirans players actually play (but whatever, Jaina was never big boned like that so it makes sense her family would be normal humans).
It’s this weird trend I’ve been picking up where playable races aren’t being led by that playable race. It’s not a massive issue but it’s still weird.
What do you MEAN character development feels pointless if it’s literally all off screen??? Don’t you like individual characters or entire cultures having radically different characterizations, beliefs, or different contradictory actions every time they’re on screen?
Real cool that worgen can be led by a regular human now, I guess the Frosaken needed friends in being represented by people who look nothing like them.
That was always the inevitable fate of them deciding everyone will be able to be every class, honestly. They were never going to invest the time into making everyone distinct enough culturally, so… yeah…
They are already nearly there anyways. Void elf, High Elf, and Blood Elf, are basically the same thing… and Nightborne are culturally merging with Quel’thalas anyways given their leaders married. Only the Kaldorei have managed to resist that, but you can start to see some of it with how the Shen’dralar are gaining so much prominence.
The questline being like 6 quests was pretty meh, the cinematic was nice enough. But the biggest disappointment is them just not being able to finish Gilneas. I don’t even think there’s a flightpath for crying out loud, no portal, and I guess that dock they added on the PTR got deleted because I don’t see a boat.
There’s an Innkeeper at Stormglen and in Gilneas City, there’s mailboxes, and surprisingly there is a Banker, but she’s just chilling outside with other venders. No Transmog person, no AH person, and I didn’t notice if the Gilnean Quartermaster got moved there or not but I’m assuming not.
Eternity because Tess is never going to be a Worgen. The Worgen racial leader will never again be a Worgen.
The next big development for Worgen lore is probably going to be Vassandra Stormclaw finally discovering the cure for the Worgen curse and several major Worgen lore characters like Genn Greymane and Lord Crowley becoming human again, with Genn being cured also causing him to pass away peacefully from old age or something.
I’d also be shocked if we ever see Tobias Mistmantle again since they seem to have forgotten that he exists. It doesn’t look like he shows up at all during the questline and I don’t think he’s present in Gilneas after the questline either.