Pretty amazing how thoroughly retconned Tess Greymane has become

Sometimes i wonder if people play this game, the worgen heritage quest was all about preparing her to lead the gilneans


I do not really see what was wrong with it, tbh. She grew and changed over time. That final cinematic was really important for her—and Genn’s—growth as a character. There has been a bitterness between them for a very long time, even before Gilneas fell. Airing that all out and having Genn admit he is kind of a grumpy old man set in his ways, and yet realizing that is a liability, is key to the transition.


Don’t give them any ideas. Who ever green lit this mess needs to be fired or written up.


I am pretty sure Metzen had to Greenlight it as he is creative director.

Just say’n.

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I’ll never understand the love affair for Metzen. Another colossal screwup on his part and he’s made a TON of bad decisions regarding WoWs story


To give it a shot…

Imagine the Forsaken and Gilneans holding hands and doing this in the background while all those blight launchers circle the city gates shooting blight at it.

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Why the hell wasn’t this accessible in the PTR? Did they know everyone would hate it, and still let it see the light of day?


They knew we would hate not only the questline, but also the garbage mog and mount they kept hidden.


I imagine they saw it as good, and hoped seeing it in its final state would convince others of this as well.

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What does make it funnier is the one wow dev on twitter that was hyping this quest up a few weeks ago saying that it’ll make players cry with happiness


I’ll remind you that this is the same company that told us we suck for picking the worgen during the heritage quest.

Of course they thought it was good.


Hell I could even stomach the bad story better if the rewards were cool. A proper Genn style 3D long coat like we already have in game? The Gilnean stagecoach?

Naw 2d painted on flat textures for a set and an already outdated legion model fox recolored to look like spoiled milk


I guess the Forsaken storyline not being bad made them thing “we can just redo this again and it’ll be okay” lmao, not realizing they were approaching everything with the same short sighted, stupid logic as the -other- questline that came out alongside it…

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I apologize for any negative comments I made about the Kaldorei friend. Blizz devs are truely out of touch with reality and this quest line shows it


I am just saying their likely thought process. Don’t set me on fire too.


Right? Like. I wouldm’t mind the joke of a quest line if we had at least gotten a HD trench coat and the really count mount out of it.


The only reason im not a doomer rn for War Within is that it’s about a different culture of Dwarves, even tho text in-game RN paints them as mostly similar as a people, we can still write off any potentially bad ideas as 'well, over 10,000 years apart and completely different lives, doesn’t matter."

  1. Tess has had a few years to grow up. And plenty of reason to do so.

  2. Greymane hasn’'t stopped fighting for Gilneas, he’s no longer of the persuasion that the main method of doing so is being a jerk to to the rest of the Alliance.

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I know, I’m apologizing because I was unfairly harsh to you a few times. We should be allies against Blizz, not fighting each other when both our communities suffer the same problems prettty much


… that stopped in Wolfheart though. We’re so many years past that. He’s not a jerk to the rest of the Alliance, at most he rightfully hates an element of the horde that used magic mustard gas on his people unprovoked…