Prepatch is proof that you listen to wrong feedback

You can clearly see the state of the game, and how people look at BFA to understand the answer yourself. You want more proof and it is just a tool to deflect. If you think the state of wow is ok with how BFA turned out. You are blind.

Noone, but here is the thing. Calling you people out for not letting players have something for a few weeks. The community should have done this.

The fact that they did not stand up to you, and these players crying. Blizzard listens, The other side needs to play the same game as you. Cry louder and harder to get what you want. That is the only way Blizzard listens.

For a temp event, if you can’t handle doing something you don’t enjoy. For others who do. You are part of a problem with the community. One side clearly does it every expansion. They adapt and adjust much longer. . Having a way to opt out of a invasion, and “player choice” takes away the value of the world itself. It is anti MMORPG. And it is a rot that needs cleansing.

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The sheer delusion to think you speak for anyone else when you say this.

I mean, its pretty obvious one of us has a much bigger problem with this than the other. Take your own advice, and leave this awful game and it’s awful community alone. Your husband is the only one here who chose to listen to your nonsense.


Oh well serves the people that were going to use it just to purposely grief right, don’t care their fun is ruined. Guess maybe they shouldn’t have been toxic towards the people that wanted an opt out option & NOT the event nerfed, but yet because of how they acted the forum was spammed by the people(specifically two who no longer post, or were just posting on alts) wanting a total nerf.

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BfA had it’s problems, but so did each expansion. The biggest downfall as far as I’m concerned with BfA was class balancing issues.

After having the Artifact weapons and all the fun stuff it gave us in Legion, everyone felt pretty pruned and reduced in their classes when it was all taken away. And then we were given the grindy (no more so than Legion), azerite system that gave us some of that stuff that we had in Legion back. And then I guess corruption added even more to the imbalance? (can’t really say too much on that, I took an 8 month break and was only around for the last week corruption was active).

Eh, if only. Druid forums have been going nuts for the last 2 years, and we’re still not being heard lol

Giving “player” choice is catering to both sides the best as possible and pleasing as many people as possible. More options is never a bad thing. Being told you have to do it this way because I said so is a poor design.

Like having to PvE for PvP and having to PvP for PvE. Horrible design. Letting you do pvp and progress that way and doing pve to progress through pve and having the option to do both or either is your best outcome.

  1. We have a multitude of different races and classes all with different roles to fill and different playstyles. Take your pick and enjoy! Feel free to try out whatever you like


  1. You have to play a Holy Priest your very first time through the game. Then and only then, can you move onto other characters

…and you’re saying 2 is the better option?

I speak for myself, and I am sure I got others who feel the same way. In this thread alone I see countless.

I have been doing it for years, I put up with tons of bad choices that Blizzard makes…and I’m just like whatever it will change again. That is the very nature of mmos.

But events is where I take a stand, and I love calling you out. Events matter because they are limited time. and they don’t happen again. This is one of them rare times it does and look how it ends up. Trash like most of your posts

TO see it end up like this cause of players like you. The only thing I can think of is /spit

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For someone who talks about not liking bullies you fill your posts with a lot of hate and forcing images on people.

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Not as many as those against you. And of course Blizzard, Blizzard is against you.

Right back atcha, clown. Keep tilting those windmills.


I don’t blame the people who don’t want it. I blame Blizzard mostly…how they design a mmorpg anymore is just sad.

With time gates, and such. They took the value out of the world, and put it into a chore list. Wow might as well be a mobile game. And with that, comes players like this. Who think that dying to other players in a world event for a limit time is the end of the world. They would quit, and take it personal. Being able to log into a mmo, It is all about progression and what you get done that day, not being part of the world and seeing the adventure. It is pretty sad. I pity them more than anything.

LOL most people agree with me in this thread, it is just the same few people who don’t.

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Most people agree the prepatch event sucks. I agree that the prepatch event sucks. I find it ironic and a little amusing that you won’t see that

who agree that anyone should be forced to play the way you want because you said so.


That can go for both sides.

Either way, you accept it sucks, but not accept why it sucks. We going in a circle. No point.

I don’t think it deserves the name “Scourge Event” at all

More like Icecrown Undead Petting Zoo (Rated E for everyone)


And it bothers me way more than it should. I guess because I started with scourge event first one. So to see it reduce to this. It is kinda fitting in a sad way. It reflects on the Blizzard team.

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Quality of life change? Seriously?

I don’t really PvP, but you’re why PvPers call us Carebears.

“You and your kind?”. What do you mean? I was agreeing with the OP.

Sorry it was not that way for all. Way too much griefing and interfering in others game time. That is why it was cut short and that is why this time around it is WM only.


Sure are a ton of people that dislike the “war” part of world of warcraft 🤦🤷

So? “craft” makes up 62.5% of warcraft, yet you don’t even have half of the profession achievements.


Those who are excited for the event will turn wm on and those who arent will not. Regardless of the event having opt-in/out mode, we were lead to believe the invasion would begin with the event launch and there has still been absolutely zero clarity form blizzard. Their entire promo was deliberately misleading. The problem is that there is currently nothing to opt in to.

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The only moron here is you, he’s referring to Ashes of Creation the new MMO coming out in 2 years. Not politics. Friggin triggered NA KKona’s

Nothing rationalizes somebody’s anger by performing one of the same tacts that people who dislike people with store mounts like to do. /s :confused:

Calling a side sadistic or saying “there’s no reason to give you a voice on this matter” is unnecessarily irrational, but i don’t think it came across as hateful and forcing images on people… whatever you meant by that.

Then just quit if you hate their way of designing an MMO. :expressionless:

You’re still here, complaining about WoW having a bad design, claiming other MMO’s did it better and YET your still here.

At this point, you saying “Blizzard making a bad MMO” or “they made bad design decisions” or anything regarding with MMOs and Blizzard is pretty much meaningless.

I honestly don’t know what’s more tiring, Politics or Ashes of “just release already so people can just forget about it” Creation.

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