Nah. You aren’t the arbiter of what is appropriate and is not, and frankly I’m tired of you pretending you are. Just because you call it an “event” as opposed to any other term does not mean that people should just suck it up. While I enjoyed the initial scourge event, and can even empathize with how much they’ve taken away from the second iteration on the WM shards, your assertion that people should be forced to participate because you think you know best how to play this game is frankly… disappointing. Ya boring mate.
Which shows you… never actually played then. Because it wasn’t just in the cities. All the towns and quest hubs were infected too. At least on servers that weren’t ghost towns.
That feature is something I don’t care for.
I liked it because how it made the world feel. How it made players work with each other and the impact of the world told a tale of things to come. The chaos of watching players work with each other or against was amazing.
More non sense. Here this is why I am telling them to get over it. Because of them NOT willing to put up with something for a few weeks, ruins my fun way LONGER than the fun they would not have.
That is not being hypocritical, that is called the balance is shifted more toward what they want, and what we want we can never get because of how you act over the years.
Here is the thing, You are not willing to accept something you don’t like for a few weeks, and that is my issue with the rest of you. Something that would have got removed.
If your time has that much value. Get off a game.
How is it not the same 2 weeks of fun ruining?
Log off and play something else then.
I mean it’s just “insert x amount of time here” they should totally just get over it.
See, that’s the thing. You don’t know that. The fact you can’t hang on for 2 weeks without complaining shows your ignorance. Telling them to get over it when you yourself won’t? Really man?
Dungeon runs, arenas, BGs, raids, that open world pvp quest. Things where people come together to work together to do things. Funny how questlines and dungeons are all apart of the story line and tells of things to come, but conveniently that’s left out?
I don’t like pvp, but I play with war mode on. I’m willing to accept the things I don’t really care for. And you’re refusing to accept something you don’t like (this “event”). That’s being hypocritical
If your time has that much value, get off a game
…you are saying a whole bunch of nothing. It does not even counter my point at all.
Not the same, do you know what mmo is? How about a event? What made the scourge invasion first time so amazing is what players did with said tools, and how players work with each other through creative ways that was not a game play loop.
I know that is hard to understand, what a mmo really is.
I think you need to go learn the meaning of that word. I put up with expansions that was clearly design from players like yourself feedback. Many many things I don’t enjoy, I adapt too for way longer than what I ask of you. Yet, the same respect is not shown back. I now understand why this community is so toxic with each other.
Your point is: its only 2 weeks, they can get over it.
My reply: it’s only 2 weeks, you’ll get over it
It’s literally the perfect counter since it’s the exact mirror of what you said, and truly applies.
After the first day, it was a loop. And putting people of different races/classes together and them using the tools they have available and working with each other through creative ways (otherwise, whats the point in having different classes?), is exactly the same thing. It’s the exact same thing, just applied to the entire game, instead of an isolated event.
Weird, I thought dungeon runs and raids and BGs was part of an MMO…you know, working with others and their tools to accomplish something? Like the scourge event, but throughout the entire game?
It’s not my feedback vs your feedback. It’s community wide. It usually goes in favor of majority rules. And thats why Warmode is a thing now, due to massive cries of grieving and what not. But here’s the thing, you keep pitting me against you…I started on PvP servers…and even at times I hated it, but when other complained about PvP happening on a PvP server, my response was the same as most others: then re-roll on another server. You signed up for this.
I’ve put up with crap just as long as you have. Even if it wasn’t my cup of tea.
But demanding respect when you don’t give respect, is not the right way to go about it.
Instead of going: omg you ruined my fun. You should suck it up so I can have my fun, at the expense of your fun…(which is hypocritical because why can’t I have fun at the expense of your fun?)
You should have come across with something along the lines of: This event is a bit of a let down. I missed the old zombie event. They should shard this into the warmode event so those who don’t want to participate per se, don’t have to, while those who wanna get into the zombie event via warmode have that option, so everyone wins. You have your fun, I get my fun.
Instead, you’re telling people that because you’re not having fun, they should just suck it up and lose out on their fun so you can enjoy yourself.
What is being a hypocrite?
- noun. a person who pretends to have virtues, moral or religious beliefs, principles, etc., that he or she does not actually possess, especially a person whose actions belie stated beliefs.
It’s fitting really, instead of wanting things to work out for the most of all, you’re just being entitled and wanting everything to go your way.
Again that is a silly point, I put up with years of questionable game design that Blizzard has listen too from players such as yourself, when something I wanted for a short period of time. Like always Blizzard listens and we all get a worse game for it.
This game is on a sinking ship for a reason, Blizzard, and the feedback they listen too.
The rest of your stuff is just dribble.
This mmo is on its last leg for a reason. The fact that players like this event, and defends it shows the quality of the community. Lucky most people see the problem, but Blizzard does not listen to that side.
Shadowland will sell well, and the easiest part for a MMO is the start, when a expansion hits. After a few content patches, if they don’t get act fix. I’m feel really sorry for the people who stick with this game. Myself, this event was the one thing that irked me the most only because I started on the first scourge invasion. So this event holds a place in my heart.
To see what it has become, bothers me…but as I said before. Wow failures means my husband will quit, and I can move on from this community and game with a smile.
Considering the amount of “Why do I have to do PvE to do PvP?” going on, there’s a ton of PvPers who don’t like this game.
There are PvP-based MMOs out there. Go play them.
Show me proof of where it’s on it’s last leg? And it’s really not much of an event as a gear “catch-up” mechanism…and it’s rather boring. If your toons are over the ilvl of 100, it’s fairly pointless to do (outside of pets/bags/tmog)
If you don’t enjoy it, you don’t enjoy it and that’s all fine and dandy, but there’s still plenty of us here who do. So if you can leave with a smile for whatever reason, I guess that’s a good thing. I’ll stay and enjoy the game for what it is and when it gets to the point where I no longer have fun, I’ll unsub and move on until it is again as well
…the fact you have to ask that question shows that you are out of touch with how things are going for this game, and sadly the mmos I do play had a flood of old wow players in it. So it warped the community some.
I play this sub par MMO because of friends, and husband. However, I give feedback when Blizzard makes dumb mistakes like this one, and call out selfish players who cry for a change because for a limit time event. They can’t deal with a system they don’t like.
Any more questions?
I would say though, that “this event” is a question of content vs no content, not preferred form of content.
And are those complaints tied to actually doing PvE or are they tied to gearing paths and BiS? Further, I haven’t seen anyone in the PvP only crowd demand PvE be removed because it bothered them…?
I read your whole post but quoted the TLDR.
Outstanding and well thought out.
Oh look, another player who wanted to gank lowbies as a ghoul and now can’t do that and is angry about it.
I’m sorry, is this a joke? YOU’RE telling other people this?
The fact you can’t provide proof of what I asked shows you have no idea and are spouting off your opinion. Tit for tat
If it’s so sub-par, then your friends and husband would have clearly moved on already…yet they’re still here…can’t be that sub-par if they’re still playing?
And I give my feedback as well. I don’t think a 2 week temporary event should be this big of a hassle. From either side. You don’t enjoy it for your reasons, and I don’t enjoy it for mine. Your feedback is no more valuable than mine and no less important.
And I don’t recall asking any questions lol
Definitely lacking if that’s the case. But as others have echoed before, people demanded content and wanting things to be rushed and released, so this is kind of what we get. Krutz summed it up with his quote of the TL;DR in the next post.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I’ll take a content drought if it means we’ll get real quality work put in (class balance first and foremost). Make everything enjoyable…and then give the content to be enjoyed in.
Correct, because I deal with systems I don’t like for expansions at a time. You can’t deal two weeks.
One side is clearly selfish here.
So there IS a time limit to how long someone should have to tolerate something without complaining.
Follow up: Who put you in charge of deciding that time limit?