Prepatch is proof that you listen to wrong feedback

The thing is, is that was not true for Naxx nor WoTLK events. Those scourge invasions didn’t pose such a problem for anyone that they “literally had to log off for two weeks”; Any claims to that are just pure exaggeration for hyperbolic effect.

90% of the players, logged in got killed and thought, “hmm, WTF?”. They figured it out, had a bit of fun fighting the NPC’s and other players and then pissed off to do their own thing elsewhere in the world.

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It was a different time.

At that point I wonder why they even playing a MMORPG. Like do they want a perfect world where everything goes how they want? Whats the point of a virtual world where you always have a choice with what happens in it.

the original Wrath event was a blast. Too bad it doesnt appear this one is playing out to be as fun as that one.

Don’t forget that if they had to use the AH they could go to the 'one in the back 'in ORG/SW or go to the lesser used AHes to get everything done as well.

RP city defenders dictate policy mostly these days.

Thats pretty silly. I totally get how it could have been frustrating but it was also very temporary…

Thats mlre a reflection of the individual than it is of the event.

Oh sorry sweetie, you do not have my permission to “gank” me because you find joy in ruining the fun of others. Go to a PvP server and hush it.

If the game rules allow it. Than yes, I would have it. You play by the rules of the world. So darling you should stop taking things so personal if you die in a world event for a few weeks.

Ok sweetie?

You have to make the point that you speak for yourself when you say the original event wasnt fun because there are many who will say it was in fact quite fun. Being that way permanently would NOT have been fun.

I can see concern for new players but Im sure something could be implemented for that…

This would also have been during a period where people still engaged in world pvp and enjoyed dispelling griefers from an area. Its still like that with Warmode sometimes and its great to see the community come together to deal with those situations even if it sucks getting ganked.

The original event was good times for sure.

You are a prime example of why the event was nerfed.

You wanted all or nothing. You got nothing.

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Ya, but I don’t pvp at all and I think the chaos it would add would add to the world, it would make the world feel like things are going down, and make me want to go into shadowlands even more for what she did, and the scourge threat.

I’m just like this is it? A DK summons more undead. This is just sad.

Yes its. as much as some ppl dont like it, an immersion thing. That feels like a touch too strong a word but it was part of the experience.

It inconvenienced me too but it also didnt last forever.

And for that the game will keep paying the price for it.

We will keep getting a worse game if Blizzard listens to that player base.

I was fairly certain the actual scourge attacking capital cities and what not hadn’t started yet and was to come soon, I could be mistaken, but I think the rares and dailies are just the start of it.

I dont world pvp much anymore either but it was part of the event and it waa exciting and added to or built anticipation more for the expansion release.

Clearly from this thread though it doesnt have the same impact for other ppl but it also isnt very fun that those who enjoyed it cant do it because some dont like it.

Just how it is I suppose.

WPVP was never fair and balanced. Players flocked to the servers on which their side were dominant. The majority of people always picked their own battles. Flying mounts were also usable on the old PvP servers, so your point about flying WM makes no sense.

If you want wpvp, roll alliance and turn on WM.

So you want to free range gank your own faction and you are kicking and screaming because Blizzard gave people the option to not get griefed?

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The game will be better if they refuse to listen to the people whining about not being able to force people into PvP, regardless of the circumstance.