Prepatch is proof that you listen to wrong feedback

No i mean this topic. I keep getting system flagged post restored system post hidden by community. Like my alerts filled with them lol.

Have you tried the SS vs TM brawl? That’s only 80 people combined in an instanced by. Imagine that on crack in an open world environment. Even if they could tone down npc spawning and ghoul turning they know their player base would work around it and flood SW/Org with zombies.

Ahh. Maybe i don’t visit this thread frequently, but i’ve always assumed this kind of topic (weirdly enough) never gets flagged. Even some of the people who makes a topic discussing how disappointing and how they think it’s trash, usually name calls people like “karens, crybabies, whiners”… etc etc fill in the blanks. Something i’m not on board with on all sides here. I’m kinda surprised this one gets it even though this thread from the word go, is relatively somewhat tame. Maybe the people saw this topic (not your topic, the topic you have chosen) as something legitimately to engage in. Though i would imagine why they’ve did is most like because this topic is kinda spam at this point since theirs really nothing much to talk about.

And i’m not saying it to say “you can’t talk about this topic”, you can talk about the topic all you want, even talk about after the event, i just can’t think of anything else that can be added to the topic that haven’t been said already.

I found what I did fun, The 20 min wait between rares is a little excessive since there are not a lot of dailies to do there, Maybe next week it will get better.

There should have been a achievement to kill all the the rares.

I saw 1 guard and 1 ghoul fight eachother in stormwind today. No one won, it was too pathetic to watch.


And lets get on to this comment here!

Well what you think is creative is subjective. I just think the Horse head costume is creative.

To move on more serious stuff, i think the existence of scenarios was pretty creative and i just wished Blizzard kept on going with that from MoP. And they do, it’s just not replayable on the same character. :frowning:

I mean, creatively speaking, a lot of assets, content and so on has been reused in not just shadowlands or it’s prepatch but in other expansions as well.

As somebody who likes their mogs, the mail recolor does look kinda cool, not gonna lie. But for general players, i would agree the armors would not impress.

As for killing Nathanos, well have to wait and see what happens. Unless your talking about the loot aspect of it.

…Okay, but does the wrath one reflect on the invasion at all? I mean you guys go on about “reflecting on the invasion” and world permanence, but how many events has this now i’m wondering? Also, how do you know this one is not gonna have world permanence? If Blizzard introduced like ghoul scratches, some NPC’s gone and the city a bit in shambles (again), how would that be not world permanence then?

Well you say no reason, but looking at the armor recolors, i don’t know, i kinda dig the washed out colors of the alliance and horde gear in my opinion. Yea it’s a recolor, but so is the Legion pre-patch’s armor.

Even if you have no reason to do them, that doesn’t prevent anybody to do them.

Also, i’m not the biggest fan of the mobile games and their microtransaction practices can burn in a dumpster floating down a sewerage drain down to an oil filled Antarctic ocean, but what are you trying to imply here by saying “there’s no point, therefore it makes it a mobile game or even more so”? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Video games in general don’t have a point to play them. The only point to play them is to simply pass time, and that covers a variety of reasons to play a video game.

Okay, care to name one F2P MMO with it’s pre-launch event and list it’s content out?

Maybe you shouldn’t be hyped for stuff in general and wait and see how the expansion plays out on live.

Were only on the first page and we have like thousand more pages to go, i don’t think the first page is an indication of how quality a book is gonna be. Personally speaking, that’s my mistake from going Legion Pre-patch to Legion. :confused:

You can say it is subjective, but when you have past history of content to pull from. Even subjective can be right. Compare this to other pre launch events.

Talking about both, no new models at all? The wrath event at least had that.

Out of all the events this one is the worse. The wrath one was amazing. The scourge felt like it was attacking. The world was in chaos.

What I am saying is wow content, with gating, with wanting people to log on do dailies log off. That is what mobile mmos do. They want people to just log on do a check list and leave. Wow is pretty much that.

This event is proof of it. Not only is is lazy, lack luster…but it also shows just what the develop team thinks about us.

Blade and Soul event.
Guild wars 2 expansion event was pretty decent.
Skyforge f2p

I’m saying that this event is lower quality than a F2P mmo.

Or maybe I expect a company that has as much money as it does, and that use to be the best MMO on the market, to not be so sub par? That is not even in the top 3 best mmos right now.

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All you have to do is look at the posts complaining over “20 min spawn timers” and realize you will NEVER make these people happy. You could make them 10 mins. You could make them 5 mins and they would be on here complaining “how can blizzard really expect us to sit here for hours killing rares and not even give us enough time to piss.”

The problem is when these idiots complain they use the old “majority of players” or “im unsubbing” trump cards. And what educated adult can compete with such compelling arguments.

Yea but it’s still subjective, is it not?

Comparing to other pre-launch events, i’m pretty sure Legion’s just used demons that already existed in the game. As for WoD, orcs recolored and using the dark portal as their entrance to pour out of the portal. Heck, familiarity was intentional there since theirs a dungeon that shows us that event (but with green orcs) that took place in the old Warcraft games.

I don’t know, Bolvar’s new model looks pretty nice in it’s cutscene. :thinking:

While it is a big stickler, i’m not too personally bothered by that since like i said, it’s all reused assets, regardless how you color them.

However, maybe your going at an angle of how it speaks to how unfinished it is, which that cutscene with it’s subtiles of “#dramatic orchestral music” might be an indicator.

Okay, but what kind of permanence it has exactly? And i don’t mean on the player’s minds, i mean on the world?

You don’t have to log off. WoW has plenty of stuff to do that isn’t just current content. Even if you think is irrelevant because it’s old content, theirs still always something to do and see in WoW.

…Which event? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

What’s the name of it?

Which expansion? Please names the expansion and i’l find it’s pre-patch.

Which event? Name one. :neutral_face:

You named me F2P MMO’s, which is nice, but i also hoping you specify which expansions these pre-patch events appeared in that you think are better then this one, as well the content.

If you don’t want to list the content, fine, but at least give the name of the event or expansion where it started in or the patch number. Don’t just say the name of the MMO and assume i know which event your talking about to because i hardly know like 1 (GW2, i’m not even max level at that game, i still have like 2 level 17’s on there) out of the 3 you’ve listed. :confused:

And that is fair enough, but don’t you think after all the times people been hyped up over an okay video game like No Man Sky, Watch Dogs, Aliens Coloinal Marines and so on, we should learn to maybe not get hyped for them and remain skeptical for it? I mean this is the same company that bought us WoD and it was unfinished essentially. Don’t you think maybe we shouldn’t get hyped for anything they do really and remain skeptical of it? This is also the same company that held a remaster of CoD 4 to CoD infinite Warfare and how terrible that remaster turned out in that year. And also earlier at the start of this year, Warcraft 3 reforged wasn’t that great either.

Well that depends on where your getting your “top 3 best MMO’s right now” from.

I’m looking at the best “Theme park” MMO section from PC gamer here and i see WoW, and FF14 on there. (Obviously FF14 is the best MMO of 2020 on there).

Moral of the Story

When people say they want Blizz to listen to feedback what they really mean is they want Blizz to listen to only their personal feedback.

I can’t think of a single MMO I consider better than WoW. If there was one I felt was better…I would go play it. Esp if there were 3+

I guess I am weird like that.


I feel the same way. Other mmos may have systems people like more, but at the end of the day, I still play WoW. Something about it always draws me back in.

Likewise. WoW’s grouping and raiding does it for me. And this isn’t to put down people that prefer other MMOs. Its 100% fine to like FFXIV or whatever over WoW. I just find it weird when people say that WoW is ranked so low on their ranking system…still are here.

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So…the Legion prelaunch event which from my experience didn’t lag out the server with constant crashing?

I think what does it for me is a few reasons:

  1. I love the lore of this game, even with its faults, inconsistencies, and bad elements. The game has such a rich and extensive lore and I always love learning more about it.
  2. When blizzard designs a class right, it’s really fun to play. Shadow Priest right now is a good example. Once one of my least favorite specs, it’s gotten to the point where I am playing my priest more than my main (destro lock, another fun spec imho). Blizzard can get class design wrong, such as feral, but when they hit it right, it’s a lot of fun
  3. Mythic+ is just too much damn fun

This is what happens when you listen to the casuals who never want to be even slightly inconvenienced and can’t stand sharing a game world with people who don’t play like they do.

You get a boring game. Same exact thing happened to World PvP with warmode.

People bring this up often and I still don’t know what they mean by it (I don’t use war mode). Could you maybe explain it for me?

WPvP used to be a lot more spontaneous and frankly fair before warmode. Now that control and rewards are tied into WPvP, fights are a lot more imbalanced and abusive than they ever were before. Coupled with the fact that flying mounts are allowed in Warmode? It’s an absolute joke.

You are allowing people a sort of optimization to WPvP and giving them the ability to always pick their battles. If given the opportunity, players will always optimize the fun out of a game.

I’m sure snarky people who never liked WPvP will just ignorantly dismiss this as always being the essence of how it worked but anyone who has experienced it has seen the downgrade.

Believe it or not, immersion is something that is important to some players, and it isn’t just an excuse to grief people as much as you’d like to believe otherwise. There are millions of players that play this game and their priorities are all very different.

With that said, shadowlands is only ever going to launch once. And instead of having a memorable event to usher in the new expansion and have the Blizzard team show their confidence in the new product, instead we get this failure of an event that you can easily forget is happening. On top of that, I don’t know anyone that has become excited for shadowlands due to this event, but I know many people that are more concerned now given how poorly this event has launched.

All because people want to treat this game like a $15 a month chat room or mindlessly plug away at content that has been available since January, instead of letting Blizzard actually reinvigorate the world for a week or two.


That is my biggest worry, and even if you don’t like being killed by ghouls or don’t like the thought of pvp in this ghoul form. It is only for a few weeks. The fact that people can’t put up with something they might not like for a few weeks, for the people who do…and Blizzard leadership seems to agree with said people. It speaks volumes about the future of wow.


Like it or not, can you really expect people to say “sure put on a 2 week event that I will just have to log off or sit in my garrison, while I pay just as much as the people who want it?”

Blizz should have just left it crazy but made it WM only.