Blizzard is at fault for encouraging people who cry the loudest to get his or her way. It is like a parent saying no, but the kid acts out until they get what they want. And act shocked with the player base degrades into what it is now.
The state of wow is looking sad, and this company has giving us very little reason to have faith in it when the service we are paying for has been getting worse over the years.
This event screams of doing the very bare to get by. The quality reeks, and this is not Blizzard standards at all.
If you’ve been studying this thread you would know the complaint here is the ability to opt out. I have been defending the choice while the argument against me has been they want there to be no opt out at all
If the event in warmode is fun or not hasn’t been on the table with me except the opting issue.
The quality of this patch and how listening to feedback from certain players is costing us quality of game.
Players not willing to be forced into battles they don’t want, because a invasion they don’t want to be part of. (and how silly it is for them to play a mmo.)
I was going to write up a whole thing but I’m bored of this conversation. We’re not going anywhere.
My point:
It’s not pointless because it’s optional, so please stop thinking that that’s my argument. It’s pointless because they ruined it by nerfing it into the ground. That it’s optional is disappointing but forgivable, if they hadn’t ruined the event before they’d done so.
That I think it shouldn’t be optional is not up for debate. I’m not interested in changing my mind on that and there’s nothing you can say that will make me believe that world events should be togglable anymore than you can make me think that you should be able to toggle Stormwind guards on and off.
As a final piece:
Yes, you’re right. I think that an event that’s supposed to be dangerous zombie hoard wars, but is in fact two zombies rubbing sticks together in a back alley that don’t actually do anything is a pointless event.
In the case for zombie wars, it’s pretty pointless to launch zombie wars without the “war” part.
Just to be clear this is my last post in this specific discussion. We do not see eye to eye and i do not believe we ever will. Have a good weekend.
Look, I don’t mind if people disagree. (I mean how many times will I see thread being hidden and a mod unhides it because it is not breaking any rules.)
I’m just saying that I don’t agree that you being a victim in a video game event for a short time. Should be called griefing when the state of story/world changes. That players having too much choice takes away from the world building and events such as this.
When you log on, you should adapt to the world, not the world adapts to you. This invasion screams of not wanting to bother players who don’t want to be part of it. Instead if should be like, well go hide if you don’t want to be part of it.
Again, something we can both agree on that Blizzard shouldn’t need to nerf this down to the ground.
I think it would’ve been a wonderful opportunity to spruce it up bit, improve the zombie vs survivor balance to fit more modern standards without losing that classic touch, maybe employ advanced guard AI, special zombies even.
And maybe get rid of old bugs like being able to be insta turned into a roach even though your clearly out of harms way or on a roof top even. (By the by, i did actually report on that on PTR forums and have a video showing it) I mean… i guess the roach spit at me on the rooftop with the insta-ghoul turning saliva?..
Wait, do roaches spit?
Cockroach saliva and vomit are also responsible for spreading microorganisms. Cockroaches sometimes excrete saliva onto food before ingesting it and they also periodically disgorge partially digested food.
Oh. Well okay then.
Well that’s fine i suppose. I just think maybe you should consider that maybe not all complainers are bad people and opting out isn’t a bad thing as you may think. And you may be wanting me to consider that it makes no sense storywise (which it does, but i personally believe gameplay comes first) and how let down you guys were.
Though i don’t know what’s with the toggle SW guards on and off is about, maybe your refering to WM nerfing them to emphasis the PvP gameplay.
I know your trying to go for an analogy here, and i think you saying “it’s nerfed to the ground” already gives the same idea.
Well really, the point of the zombies in general is they just don’t have a point but to eat people’s brains. I mean, their first thought (or lack there of) isn’t to take over the world to better visualize a metaphor of how something so simple and weak alone can be powerful in numbers and can easily overwhelm you if your not keeping an eye on it.
Fair enough.
I’ve never seen a thread about this topic being hidden ever honestly. Care to list me and maybe link me to one of the examples of that happening? Or do i have to just listen and believe?
Except it’s not. You just think it’s trash and your just throwing “objective” out all willy nilly.
I hate they nerfed it, but it doesn’t make it trash. If it’s trash, it’s because i think it’s trash. Not because it’s trash. And yes, you can say the same thing back to me with “enjoyiable”, because saying “i enjoy it” is subjective too.
Well i say “enjoy”, i just honestly think the event is okay in my personal opinion.
For two, No new looks on armor. And killing a big lore char did not have nothing to show for it.
Three, The world does not reflect on the invasion at all.
Four, After doing dailies, you have no reason at all to stick around. Making this like a mobile game even more so.
Six, I’ve seen Free to play MMOS have more content from pre launch events than this.
Seven, From all that we missed out on from BFA, A pre launch is a once in game life thing that should be having us hyped and ready to go. This is worse than a whimper. This reeks of lazy.
You’re assuming it’s because of feedback. I honestly believe it’s because the changes they’ve made to the game would make the game not playable. We can’t even kill rares in Icecrown without lagging to all hell. Can you imagine respawning npcs turning to ghouls? Their architecture just simply can’t handle crowds anymore.
So if i call something trash, that means it’s objectively trash now? No, it’s just you thinking something is trash all because you dislike it. I think something is okay all because i somewhat like it, but still disappointed in some aspects of it.
And that’s what i agree with, they went overboard with the nerfs for no reason.
Out of all the comments i have sent to you, you choose to respond to this one.