Prepare for the worst if we don't have RDF

To use Blizzard own words. “We are using the latest patch because it is the most complete version of the game.”

Oh, look, they did that with TBC too. Now, with WotLK they are picking and choosing.

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I have no issues helping others gear up. Don’t use RDF if this is an issue for you.

Doesn’t worry me. Don’t use RDF if this is an issue for you.

I’ll fish until a player shows up and summon the rest. Don’t use RDF if this is an issue for you.

It’s what you signed up for when your pressed queue, and I’m okay with that. If this is an issue for you don’t use RDF.

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“Don’t use LFR if it’s not for you :)”
“Don’t opt into warmode if it’s not for you… what’s a PvP realm?”
“Don’t fly everywhere if it’s not for you :)”
“Don’t interact with those CRZ’d and phased players if that system is unappealing to you :)”
“Just level in the Outlands if the revamped classic continents aren’t for you :)”

Wait a minute…

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It would be if the drop did not happen in Cata one of the worst expacs, and as for the devs? looking for a scape goat, it couldn’t possibly be a bad expac must be LFD that caused the drop.
And without the actual proof either way ANY argument is in fact not based in fact, it’s all guesses.

Which game are you here for? This is a STATIC version of WoW. This isn’t Cata, MoP, WoD, Legion, BfA, Shadowlands, Dragonflight, ETC…

WotLK with WotLK features only.

Ahh, the reliable whataboutism post.
Not talking about those features pal. We are discussing RDF.
By the way, the trilogy ends here at wrath. The slippery slope argument has no meaning in a game that ends in less than two years.
Don’t like RDF? Don’t use it. You have a ton of friends and guild mates to play with right? That’s what you tell all the pro RDF players.
“Get a guild” “Make friends”
Ya’ll are hilarious.


At least the toxic, elitist gatekeepers aren’t even pretending anymore.

We all knew how terrible the Wrath dungeon experience will be without RDF.


Personally as a tank/healer I just invite the first person to whisper, dungeons are to easy to care in wrath lol.

That is always the issue for me lol. Usually, i get a sorry bro, should have whispered sooner.

I mean, not the end of the world. Just annoying sometimes lol.

And i refuse to tank or heal. That makes it feel like working. And i play wow to escape the confines of my stupid job.

Gear score is meaningless, I know exactly how that pile of crap can be gone around, and just because some noob bought his character or the gear doesn’t mean his damage, tanking or healing is any good.

Logs or get off it.

As for dungeon, its wrath, PvE has never been easier and I don’t care., anyone who is worried about the dungeons in wrath might want to check their own skills because it seems they’re looking to get carried.

Not interested in pservers. Interested in Wrath Classic tho

Lol what evidence do you have that I’m an awful teammate?

Where was TBC group finder at TBCC launch?

The devs have said themselves that degradation of the need to play with the same people regularly is what removed a lot of players’ reason for playing the game.

I trust the opinions of the devs and cofounders much more than I trust yours.

Yo, link the github

Yep, and because you haven’t had hands-on experience, you have a weird pipe dream about what No-RDF is in Wrath.

The reality No-RDF just makes worse Wrath

Nope! I played original Wrath. It was worse with RDF.

Excellent, so your memory from 15 years ago when you were likely a child is relevant today. That’s a great basis to form an opinion around, rather than any form of reasoning.

you didn’t play vanilla to wrath then because it was extremely common for tanks to sell services for a fee or to reserve items.

Bro, it’s not coming. Just get used to it.

Ummm why would anyone ask where a feature that was never in the expansion is when knowing full well it was never there.

Horse before cart. Degradation came from building content around the idea that need to play with the same people. RDF is for getting players back into content they are not playing. Same reason they add catchup gear at every turn.

You trust blindly. This is how you end up eating the hook, line, and sinker. There are no bonus points for making your way to the fishing rod.

This literally has happened on many Wrath PServers. It’s going to be out by P2 and people like you will just stay silent knowing you want it too.

People only run H Gundrak without a RDF, it isn’t the magical wonderland you think it is.