Prepaid phone? No custom LFG group for you!

I have Cricket cellular. Yeah yeah yeah, I’m poor.

Due to this, I can’t add my number. Or my wife’s, since its also Cricket.

This means, even though I’ve had my account AND authenticator for YEARS, I can no longer make custom games, and I still am seeing spam groups in LFG, which is extremely aggravating to say the least, since I can’t make my legit groups to push my key and rating.

PLEASE FIX THIS. I’ve spoke to 3 GMs and sent in a Dev/bug report, but I don’t have a lot of faith in that avenue. I don’t have much faith here either, but I know for a fact I’m not alone. Please fix this, please allow me to either: add my “prepaid” phone number or: let me NOT need to have SMS alerts.


Theres literaly nothing that can be done on this forum no one that makes decisions come here. What i can promise you is enough people speak out on varius places where the developers look twitter general reddit they may reconsider but that wont happen here.


It’s not limited to any one provider or plan or anything of the sort. There are people with national plans like Verizon who can’t use it, but some folks with Cricket prepay who can. Unfortunately, there is something in the coding for some numbers caught between the provider and Blizzard that just don’t work.

You can still create groups. The only limitation is in custom text.

Spamming multiple forums with the same post is only going to get them removed. It’s not a bug, and as Customer Support is not Customer Service - this forum is one for players to assist other players.

To get your voice heard you can chime in in any of the many threads in General Discussion or you can submit your feedback constructively through the in-game suggestion interface. Devs do not come here nor Tech Support to collect data such as this. Or you can even post in the Dungeon forums.

No one said it was a perfect fix, but the numbers of spam groups have gone down quite a bit. And those that are still posting as spam? Well. Blizzard has better ways to track them now with more digital data to help weed them out all the more.

As this isn’t something in Blizzard’s wheelhouse alone, I honestly don’t know how they would be able to, nor that anyone should expect them to. It lies in the hands of other companies with other benchmarks that aren’t set in place by Blizzard.

Our GMs and Devs cannot go in and tell Comcast to hit this switch or push something to that setting. The same can be said that they cannot tell Cricket or Tracfone or whomever to set things to this particular setting.


You’re welcome. You only need to post in one of those mentioned. Posting in more than one would be considered spamming and I don’t want to see your threads taken down and you are potentially given a vacation for it when it’s avoidable.

I do hope in time something can be figured out for folks in your situation. For all I’ve said I do feel bad for you and others similarly locked out of things. With people adding their feedback and all, perhaps something can be figured out to help you guys in a way that isn’t locked behind whatever borked thing is causing the issue with the phones. Contrary to what you’re hitting me with in the other thread, I do care. Just as I care about people putting the blame wholly on Blizzard when they’re not the ones who have the settings configured on peoples phones/numbers/plans - whatever is causing the roadblock.



One thing I’ve mentioned before, because I personally avail myself of their services, is the federal Lifeline program that gives 100% free cellphones (regular service, not prepaid) to people if they qualify based on income.

So, for OP:

If that is the case, check out the Lifeline program. Yeah, yeah, it might be a bit petty to grab a Lifeline phone just to play WoW, but to be honest, if you are in a bad financial situation, then the free phone can replace your Cricket cellular one(s), and you can put that money towards something else you need.

These cellphones are paid for by the Lifeline administrator, but provided through normal service companies like T-Mobile or AT&T (so no prepaid “restrictions”). Personally, I have unlimited minutes and something like 10 gigs of data; more than enough for basic usage. The models available vary, but are usually not more than two or three years old.

No, you won’t get an iPhone 13 for free. But something like… a Galaxy A6 would be common.

Good luck!


I have cricket too and have the same problem. I’ve complained already but I guess no one at blizz gives a crap.

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The problem isn’t with Blizzard. It is an issue with how the blocks of phone numbers are registered to the phone company. It doesn’t matter how much Blizzard does or does not care about it. This issue is outside of anything Blizzard controls.


It’s not a Blizzard issue, It falls on Cricket.


I soeculate to wonder if it actually falls on the FCC where the number originates if i am not mistaken.

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i have a deal for tv, internet and line at home. so my grandpa died a few years got is prepaid phone with close to 600$ on it and im barely using in. been on welfare for a few years now for health issue and getting my med paid but i can t afford a freaking smart when i only get 700$ a month. ty blizz for thinking of the small guy with no buget who love starting rbg group during the night when their basicaly none but can t now because of this

I have no doubt that they weighed the pros and cons of such situations. At the end of the day, you can still start a group, you just can’t use custom text. It doesn’t prevent you from being able to pug a group either or play with friends and guildies.

If you do feel that something should be changed, you’re welcome to make a post in the General forums or use the in-game suggestion feature to provide your feedback. Unfortunately, the CS forums is not visited for feedback by those who make decisions on these sorts of changes.



Google Lifeline Phone or Free Government phone. Those work with the app and SMS Protect.


Same problem here have cricket…

Sadly, Blizzard can’t really help with that as Blizzard isn’t the ones whom determines if a number is prepaid, what isn’t, etc.

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Just wanted to chime in for anyone that sees this looking for information, you can only start groups in very limited scenarios sans authenticator, such as having a mythic keystone in your bags, as adding a title is considered “custom text,” and you can’t create a group without adding a title. For anyone affected by this, feel free to contribute to my bug report post about this issue.

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Cricket here too.

I had no problems adding SMS.

My theory is that it’s some label attached to the number itself. More about the number itself and less about Blizz or the cell provider.


Don’t forget that with number portability, you can’t assume anything about the provider or region by looking at the phone number.

It wouldn’t surprise me if a phone number gets blacklisted because it was previously on a burner account, and that status sticks.


I was thinking, I had service with US Cellular for over 10 years, then switched to Cricket with the same number I had with US Cellular. When I tried adding my number to get the extra bag spaces, it wouldn’t let me for the above reasons. But the number I had originated with US Cellular. I don’t know if this info helps in anyway, just thought I’d mention it for what it’s worth.

The FCC sets different things for different numbers for the phone systems. They are notoriously slow at any updating for specific numbers so if they have your number set as a prepaid, then Blizzard has to go by what the FCC states the number is. Some numbers on prepaid services are luckily not listed in the prepaid category, such as mine on metro or I would be unable to use the SMS ability. This is on the original phone provider that was given that number, and the FCC so you would need to take any arguments up with them about your own particular numbers. Just so you know, Cricket is considered as a prepaid service.