Group finder without authenticator - title is custom text

I understand that changes have been made to limit group finder for those without an authenticator, and that is not a bug. However, it is stated by Blizzard that those players can still create a group, just not write custom text. That is fine, however, the title is considered custom text. It appears you are unable to create any group unless, for example, you have a key for a Mythic dungeon where the title autopopulates.

If a player without an authenticator / text notifications (due to circumstances of not having a mobile phone), attempts to create an M0 group, they are unable to do so, because you can’t create a group without a title and you can’t write in a title without an authenticator. It seems that if it was intended that those without an authenticator are still able to use the group finder, that selecting “Halls of Atonement” and “Mythic” from the dropdowns, it should autopopulate that information into the title. That may be seen as a suggestion, which I will also provide via different channels, but overall I don’t think it is working as intended based on the responses that those players are still able to make groups, despite adding this restriction. Or the support text needs to be updated with the types of groups that are permitted to be made.

“Since patch 9.1.5, only accounts that have been secured with a Authenticator and Phone Notifications can add custom text to Group Finder listings. If you don’t have an Authenticator or Phone Notifications, you can use the Group Finder, but you will not be able to write custom text on your listing.”


I get so frustrated over the authenticator 4+ years ago blizz locked down my account because I typed the password in to Meany times and my phone number at that time linked to the account was gone and they withheld my account from me even though i had clear proof it was mine i was able to log onto battle net with the right password but they still declined me after bout 3 months of customer support i got my account back and didn’t even bother putting a phone number on it again because i never wanted that experience again and now it’s just unfair now like I pay for the game dude I pay for the xpacs and you take away futures iv had for YEARS why like it’s just so frustrating and adds still exist and you ignore thows all day because i see em all day i report em all day il see the same ones same name 2 days later like really dude this hurts my head so much why why why why why


I got this message last night when i was attempting to create a group for world quests. My jaw dropped.

Anyone know what the purpose of this is? Been playing for 17 years and now seriously considering cancelling my sub. I’ve rolled with the punches thus far.

  • Given the numerous responses from a different topic where I posted, I’m hesitant looking at the age of this topic and the risk of getting trolled by even customer service. LOL.

These issues are new to me because they have never been an issue until recently for me anyway.

I was under the assumption that forums were set in place to help. My bad

The forums are a good place to learn information.