Your hearts HEART LEVEL is 50. Your hearts ITEM LEVEL is 50 points lower, however. It should be somewhere in the 400’s but with a boosted character it comes out to be around 360 something. I don’t know the exact numbers because I didn’t notice until I read it in the bug report forum.
I’m about to do the Dragon Spine dungeon scenario and it’s at 378.
Ok, I just unlocked the heart completely and got my first essence. My neck is 437 and the heart level is 52.
So am i bugged? Should it be higher? Seems about right to me.
Where is all this info on the boost being bugged? Can’t say that I or anyone that know has had an issue
- Enchant a weapon with Wraithchill on a Demon Hunter and then do Fel rush. Your wraithchill effect will stop working. This is not a user specific bug, but rather a bug with the enchant itself. 2. All boosted characters are experiencing an issue with their Heart of Azeroth’s item level being too low. Not the hearts Heart level, it’s item level. 3. Read the bug reports forum. There’s not much going on about it because the anniversary stuff was also heavily bugged, pushing down a lot of the preorder issues, but you can still find it all there.
That is correct. My boosted rogues ilvl updated when I logged in. One issue down, several more still to go, though I am happy that we have some evidence they’re working on it now. Thank you for letting me know!
What are everyone else’s thoughts about how this company thought the best they could do with an 80 dollar pre-order was to release buggy content without thought or testing put into it?
content will always have bugs.
It’s not entitled to want a fully functioning product AFTER you’ve paid for it.
well i guess we know you just clicked through all those agreements.
perhaps you should try reading them in future.
We have confirmed issues that seem to be appearing for ANYONE BUYING THIS BUNDLE and they don’t seem to have any word about fixing it.
odd, because i’ve seen plenty of blue posts regarding the issues.
well i guess we know you just clicked through all those agreements.
perhaps you should try reading them in future.odd, because i’ve seen plenty of blue posts regarding the issues.
There weren’t any such agreements for the preorder. It was a straight purchase. And I haven’t seen one blue post on any of these issues so I’d like to actually see one, if you can find a link.
I think the lesson here is simple.
Don’t preorder… at least, not until everything is known about the game.
There weren’t any such agreements for the preorder.
nothing to do with the preorder.
everything to do with the game itself.
I haven’t seen one blue post on any of these issues so I’d like to actually see one, if you can find a link.
got a specific issue you want info on?
according to this thread, people were able to fix the issue with a UI reset.
The Illusion is part of the Shadowlands Epic Edition, not the 15th Anniversary. Those items didn’t disappear. The Wraithchill Illusion should be located in your appearance tab, under Weapon Enchantments. [Imgur] Did you check that area, Tmali? Have you tried resetting your User Interface?
have you done a UI reset?
Either way this is definitely something they need to fix for customers. I always feel like they will eventually get it figured out because these things do happen (and they always fix it in my experience) but it does make me feel a little sad when it happens anyways because when you get something you want to use it! Just hang in there.
have you done a UI reset?
- Yes. 2. That is not the issue that is currently afflicting Wraithchill. As mentioned, after BEING APPLIED TO A WEAPON, the illusion will vanish from the weapon if certain abilities are used. The illusion just turns off. Any ability that applies a special glow effect to your weapon does it. Death Coil and Fel Rush are the ones I’ve personally confirmed but apparently almost every class has at least one ability that does it.
And I should note that people were given the same advice in tickets for this particular error, reset your UI, and all the other advice they give, and it does nothing. The problem you brought up is a literal NON-issue, one that auto-corrects on login and log out.
have you done a UI reset?
Wraithchill disappears from my weapon everytime I Fel Rush only to reappear randomnly 10-20 seconds later.
Should I reset my UI everytime I Fel Rush ?
The problem you brought up is a literal NON-issue
to be fair, you listed ONE WORD, and chose not to elaborate on it.
i gave information pertaining to that word.
if it’s a bug, it’s a bug.
bug reports aren’t responded to.
bugs are a thing.
it’ll get fixed.
I should note that people were given the same advice in tickets for this particular error, reset your UI, and all the other advice they give, and it does nothing
when troubleshooting, a UI reset is the standard first step.
of course that’s the advice which is going to be given.
Should I reset my UI everytime I Fel Rush ?
you can if you feel like it, but it won’t accomplish anything if the issue is server side.
I just went to have a peek in the bug report forum.
this is the type of stuff which people think is appropriate when creating a bug report:
bumpbumpbumpbumpbumpbumpbumpbumpbump any day now
Since they haven’t responded or fixed it… working as intended.
Remind me not to preorder… I can understand bugs but ignoring your bread and butter customers over something you charged 80 bucks for is a big fat f you, and I’ll be remembering this.
all the way through to the standard line of:
small indie startup company
and super helpful stuff like:
Confirmed that this is not fixed and is still bugged.
Now… tell the peanut gallery how any of those posts are helpful from a bug squashing perspective?
There are a couple of posts which give good details, and the rest are just foot-stomping.
It’s amazing how so many people make an appearance to complain, instead of attempting to be part of the solution and providing information on the what/when/where/how.
Now… tell the peanut gallery how any of those posts are helpful from a bug squashing perspective?
There are a couple of posts which give good details, and the rest are just foot-stomping.It’s amazing how so many people make an appearance to complain, instead of attempting to be part of the solution and providing information on the what/when/where/how.
Lets see… If we don’t complain about it, Blizzard rarely fixes it. Hell, we’re dealing with a decade old bug that RESURFACED in BFA for all pet classes and they still haven’t gotten around to fixing it. So raising our voices makes Blizzard aware of how much of a priority it is. It’s amazing how many people like you waste their time whining and complaining like spoiled little brats about other people complaining about a part of the game that ISN’T FUNCTIONING to the people IN CHARGE OF FIXING IT.
Meh, it’s like 150 dollars worth of content for 80 bucks. I’m not getting it right away, but I’m sure it’ll be fixed within a few days.
If we don’t complain about it, Blizzard rarely fixes it.
what a load of rubbish.
raising our voices makes Blizzard aware of how much of a priority it is.
pretty sure there are things MUCH higher on the list of “needs fixing asap”.
an illusion isn’t exactly game-breaking.
we’re dealing with a decade old bug that RESURFACED in BFA for all pet classes and they still haven’t gotten around to fixing it.
which bug is this?
…and how have you determined that it’s an old bug resurfacing, instead of a completely new bug?
It’s amazing how many people like you waste their time whining and complaining like spoiled little brats about other people complaining about a part of the game that ISN’T FUNCTIONING to the people IN CHARGE OF FIXING IT.
your complaints don’t help.
at all.
not in the slightest bit.
…and i’m not sure how you’ve managed to come to the conclusion that i’m whining and complaining.
i’ve explained how bug reporting works.
i’ve explained that “IT’S BROKEN, FIX NAO!” isn’t helping to fix your issue.
i’ve requested that people give as much information as possible when submitting bug reports.
…and i’ve given you a nice little list of the tripe which people think is appropriate when attempting to report bugs.
so… let’s not pretend that i’m the one with issues.
If you’re not part of the solution, etc.
I’m sure it’ll be fixed within a few days.
now now, let’s not be sensible!!
i’ve explained how bug reporting works.
i’ve explained that “IT’S BROKEN, FIX NAO!” isn’t helping to fix your issue.
i’ve requested that people give as much information as possible when submitting bug reports.
…and i’ve given you a nice little list of the tripe which people think is appropriate when attempting to report… let’s not pretend that i’m the one with issues.
If you’re not part of the solution, etc.
I’ve already explained how complaining DOES help get Blizzard to work on a problem AND how they ignore issues that aren’t complained about enough. Right here the only person whining about anything that isn’t actually doing anything effective is YOU.
More over, I am also helping to warn anyone that wants to buy this preorder and checks the forums that it’s bugged to hell. So now, if you reply again saying ‘stop complaining about your broken purchase’ I will report you for trolling. You’re adding nothing to the discussion save to whine about the discussion itself, where as I’m raising awareness to people who didn’t realize this was such a big issue for the preorder.
I’ve already explained how complaining DOES help get Blizzard to work on a problem AND how they ignore issues that aren’t complained about enough.
and i’ve already explained that you’re wrong.
complaining doesn’t help fix bugs.
information does.
Right here the only person whining about anything that isn’t actually doing anything effective is YOU.
this doesn’t even make sense.
not sure what you’re trying to say.
explaining the reality of the situation, is helpful.
asking for people to provide specifics when reporting bugs, is helpful.
not sure how you’ve managed to conclude that i’m trolling.
I’m raising awareness to people who didn’t realize this was such a big issue for the preorder.
no, you’re not raising awareness.
anyone who has ever purchased anything WoW related, is aware that bugs are just part of the territory.
People are already aware of this.
They don’t need you to tell them.
Some people are so weird, they’ve even taken the time to read through the terms they’ve agreed to, which explains that bugs happen.
So now, if you reply again saying ‘stop complaining about your broken purchase’ I will report you for trolling.
don’t put words in my mouth.
if you want to abuse the flagging system, that’s your choice.
to be fair, you listed ONE WORD, and chose not to elaborate on it.
I mean… if you’d read the topic post at all, the Wraithchill problem is pretty clearly spelled out. You’re in the realm of malicious compliance right now, which absolutely makes you a troll. Either that, or you didn’t even bother reading the points OP made and are defending from a baseless position right now.
when troubleshooting, a UI reset is the standard first step.
of course that’s the advice which is going to be given.
It’s also not usually the ONLY advice given when people are trying to ACTUALLY be helpful. Which, you’re not.
Also, that advice was given for a DIFFERENT problem, not the one that OP clearly stated in the topic. So the OP was totally justified in calling you out on it, imho.
an illusion isn’t exactly game-breaking.
It was still listed as a huge incentive for paying an extra $20 for Shadowlands, which means that it’s frustrating when it doesn’t work. Particularly when Bliz had every opportunity to make sure that it did function as intended before releasing the preorder.
Also because multiple different classes are experiencing the same bug and it’s so easy to recreate said bug. It’s not like it’s a 1 in a million player problem.
It’s amazing how so many people make an appearance to complain, instead of attempting to be part of the solution and providing information on the what/when/where/how.
OP did:
the illusion you get is currently broken (several classes have abilities that turn it off, requiring it to be reequipped to get the effect back on)
Enchant a weapon with Wraithchill on a Demon Hunter and then do Fel rush. Your wraithchill effect will stop working.
Seems pretty straightforward to me. Did you read?
which bug is this?
…and how have you determined that it’s an old bug resurfacing, instead of a completely new bug?
That’s not really the point? OP is pointing out that there are OTHER bugs that Bliz has let go for entire expansions. Like this one:
And here’s another: Hunter Pet Health Bug
Oh hey, and another: I have reported this bug multiple times since BFA launch. Blues please read - #2 by Bonxie-dark-iron The OP even posted on this one, too.
Or are they not giving enough information for you?
Right here the only person whining about anything that isn’t actually doing anything effective is YOU.
this doesn’t even make sense.
not sure what you’re trying to say.
Allow me to illuminate: You’re not offering anything constructive and you’re ignoring what the OP and other people have said about the bugs in question.
OP DID give specifics about the Wraithchill bug, and the HoA bug. They even checked and then admitted that the HoA bug had been fixed when someone else pointed it out:
That is correct. My boosted rogues ilvl updated when I logged in. One issue down, several more still to go, though I am happy that we have some evidence they’re working on it now. Thank you for letting me know!
I feel like that’s pretty good behavior for someone talking about or reporting bugs on the forum, yes?
anyone who has ever purchased anything WoW related, is aware that bugs are just part of the territory.
THAT DOES NOT MEAN THAT I HAVE TO ENJOY THEM OR THAT THEY SHOULD BE GOING UNADDRESSED BY BLIZ. Liking their game doesn’t mean that I have to sit back passively through every problem or mistake the company makes. We are allowed to express our concerns and displeasure.
You’re trying to kill this topic, or are at least you’re derailling it from its original purpose, so you are absolutely trolling. Glancing at your forum activity, this is something that you enjoy doing on the regular, so I’m going to report you too. Eventually you’ll get enough flags that a moderater will look at you and hopefully curb your behavior. So far, you’ve offered no counters as to why you aren’t trolling except “no I’m not”.
It’s a billion dollar company with people whose entire purpose in that company is simply to communicate with the players on issues like this, and there hasn’t even been a word about it.
This is always the part that bothers me the most. With so many employees, you’d think that Bliz could at least acknowledge the problem and let us know that they’re looking into it. I feel like it would go a long way to showing the players that they care and that bugs will be fixed eventually.
But, people are still buying the preorders, so I suppose it’s not a high priority for them to fix what’s broken until sales stop.
I’m not here to excuse the bugs. I’m just saying that this sort of thing is why I swore off preorders a while back. Maybe after the beta and the prepatch bugs are fixed, I’ll think about ordering Shadowlands.