Premades, Should not be in Randoms

Okay i can respect that, fair enough

Iā€™d expect the same in return


Yes you are. A lot of people premade with 2-4 friends, you just donā€™t notice it because theyā€™re regular players playing with regular friends doingā€¦ regular things and not standing out

The complaints about premades are complaints towards good players queueing with good friends, and they generally have more success in rated than the players no one complains about

I ran into a 4 man from the same guild and they lost terribly because they were just regular folks playing with guildies doing the same thing as other battleground players :woman_shrugging: No one complained about premades even though they were clearly a 4 stack

The majority of ā€œpremadesā€ donā€™t want to queue into other ā€œpremadesā€. They want to waffle-stomp low geared, or if they were about the fun and skill, theyā€™d be complaining for their own bracket. Same with XP off Twinks who get queued into randoms in Wrath, it use to be they were grouped in XP off and at first it was fast queues. Then the XP off twinks realized they were getting stomped by the few good twinks and came to the forums to RAGE CRY.

So Blizzard knee-jerked to the fractions of the player base and let them queue into XP on in Wrath, they lied their rears off too (Blizzard). They promised NO CHANGES, so now you have level 69/70/79 twinks running around with the skill of a mole and think theyā€™re pro. Once Blizzard puts them back in their own bracket they will rage again.

And I agree:

2 queued into 10 is fine
3-5 queued into 10 is not fine
same goes for 15 man, 2 is fine 3-5 vs other groups

If please complain they all want to play with friends or quildmates, the queues should be really fast but we all know they donā€™t want to fight others with same gear.


Blizzard could gather some outstanding analytics if they created a queue for ONLY people who solo queue. So when you go to queue into a random, you get three options (minus cancel)

[Join as Solo] [Join as Group] [Join Battle] [Cancel]

Join as Solo would be XP on and a solo queue only. Iā€™d bet you my 401k the current twinks would be raging Blizzard took their fun away. But if Blizzard is going to allow them to stomp new players or quest geared, give an option for the solo XP on queue.

Do it Blizzard, make it fair for everyone!

Iā€™m predominantly a solo player yet I feel it would be a mistake to split the populations and that people should have the right to group with friends in an MMO even if the cost is that some people that do so just for advantage. I think the queue system could be improved to make matches more balanced.

That is a good point, but many people that sometimes play only have solo options. In the past, lead Devs from years ago (two from the Classic to Wrath era) had mentioned they wanted to separate solo and groups along with item levels, as if they didnā€™t, random BGs would end up going south. XP off was one of the ways that fixed that problem and could probably avoid the premade issue altogether. Oh and the one try was PvP templates, but those same twinks raged on the forums itā€™s not fair Blizzard; only they could own people.

Players/friends who group (even up to five) would be ok if they turned XP off back into its own bracket. But when Blizzard did that over time, twinks stopped queuing because they would get wrecked by actual good PvP players and littered the BG forums with rage; Blizzard, itā€™s not fair, boohooā€¦

The last thing is you can queue into your own faction for faster queues, and many Alliance seems to twink (not sure if lack of real PvP skill or lack of real PvP skill), if they stop queueing then we all know the real answer, they were all about the grief and never about the skill.

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Low level BGs deserve their own subject, along with my opinion that twinks could be brought back to the regular queues under the right conditions. I havenā€™t group queued since WoD, did it a couple of times to try to get dps who would peel for me as horde was not in a good place then. MoP I had a friendā€™s list, never have turned XP-Off bur I support groups and twinks (maybe not both, see possible restrictions) in randoms.

Then again, I like being at a disadvantage and working my way out of the hole and I donā€™t care about win percents nor dying. Probably not the average WoW player.

We have been saying this for several expansions and Blizzard has done nothing about it. They keep taking our money though, so unless you plan on ceasing in participation ā€¦

inviting 4 other friends is mental gymnastics?
no i just wanna vibe dude
sorry you donā€™t have any friends or something, but this game is meant to be played together with others
if you want a solo experience, there are plenty of other games on the market waiting for you

pretty sure in even mop i was commonly running into the same groups of 5 people regularly enough for me to notice it

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People always make this ā€œargumentā€, but I guarantee if they implemented a solo queue for BGs it would be the most popular mode and youā€™d be left with massive queues as none of the people who ā€œjust want to play with friendsā€ would keep queueing if they only matched against other premade teams (due to inability to farm easy wins)



I find it pathetic that people canā€™t just queue with a few friends and need to stack an entire group and ruin it for everyone else.


I find your response pathetic and ironic.

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Well I mean come on. The majority of players queue solo. If we are going to talk about who is ruining what for everyone else then itā€™s clear that the solo players get the crap end of the stick here.

As someone has pointed out above, if it was a guaranteed premade vs premade queue, how many would stop queing?

Long ago they made Premade vs premade much much more likely in the queue, which resulted in a longer queue time. They reversed this later. Any time thereā€™s talk of a either preventing premades to queue, or exclusively matching them against other premades, people start talking about quitting.

Itā€™s the same energy as the twinkling community. ā€œWe donā€™t do it to pwn lowbies! We do it for competition!ā€ Blizz gives them their own queue ā€œThis is BS! Iā€™m out!ā€

And this whole ā€œI want to play with my friends!ā€ Argumentā€¦ Good! Play with them. Thereā€™s TONS of group content in WoW, 3 of which are PvP oriented.

Personally I think that 5 man premades should be exclusive to Epic BGs and leave random BGs to the solo q.


thats a lot of copium text.

I also find this pathetic.

you cant have both. :dracthyr_shrug:


Why make big word small word fine

You already invalidated your argument with your first response, so Iā€™m not going to waste my time reading your word salad.


Now that PvP gear doesnā€™t have such a wide ilvl span premades will no longer be queuing into a huge gear advantage, Iā€™d like to see how things play out as more people get at least honor geared.

yeah youā€™d be wrong
when i q with doors and bri, we like seeing other stacks of familiar people
iā€™m pretty sure battlemaster can attest the same too since i know she frequently does bgs in a stack for fun too

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