Premades: Respect the pugs, Embrace War Games

Actually, nothing.
The reason why you can’t do anything against it? Because you can only control yourself and 4 other people when you queue for epic battlegrounds. You can control yourself, and you can pick and choose up to 4 other players to group with you and queue up with.

Premade sync queues, however, can pick and choose dozens of players to play with.

Here’s the thing:
Organizing 40 players into a premade is not unfair.
A premade of 40 players fighting a PUG is unfair.

Nobody would care if premades were matched against other premades. Nobody.

Not really. Fun’s to be had in the chats and music and socialisation that goes on while waiting for queues to pop, with a bit of group reinforcement going on from ‘winning’ another match.

That’s what I reckon really holds premades together, and why people show up night after night. At least the good ones I’ve participated in. It’s also a vulnerability in that if you lose some of the ‘cool kids’ and comedians or pick up some drama tragics, it can undermine the vibe and stuff goes sideways.

Despite the complaints, queuing to stomp pugs isn’t really what most premades are about, that’s just a group activity that provides an excuse to hang out.

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Problem is it ruins the experience for everyone else, hence the complaints (and the proposed solutions of premades fighting other premades).

Oh, for sure. It’s a legit grievance.

I don’t know why but I have this feeling that the moment they do the change that premades only face premades premades are going to go down and only very few will remain.

It’s like the stomping is mostly is what is about… but hey maybe I’m wrong and it wont end up like the twinks brackets lol.

Anyone here advocating against sanctuary cities is wrong btw.

We don’t need to give 80 player raid groups the free reign to grief.

100% agree here. Honestly, I would prob want to join if that was the case.


Well not just that, but imagine the chaos of people trying to do, well, anything in the city with random fights breaking out all over.
You couldn’t use the AH, couldn’t use your bank, couldn’t use the crafting orders, couldn’t use the catalyst (literally someone could straight up prevent you from using it at all with the 5 second timer). Couldn’t work on professions.
At all hours of the day.

It would either make people just turn off war mode, or go to stormwind/orgrimmar for everything and turn the city into a ghost town.

Stomping pugs and the ghost of RR , glad you’re having fun I guess that’s the most important thing.

Definitely. A hypothetical rated epic mode with raid queues would kill most of the current premades, if not all of them. They’re mostly based on ez mode wins. Pugging is much harder.

And if the serious rated players were motivated to take an interest in epics with ranks and shinies they’d probably destroy every current community in a raid queue environment. (Saw a taste of it the other night when rated went down and bored glads showed up, hunting in packs.)

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6 main epic communities. 3 dodge, 3 don’t. Ideally no one dodges. Because when those matches happen even you would have fun lol. You can get the best close matches possible but some people really don’t want to lose or entertain the thought of it. You can tell which communities dodge by their leaders win % ( high 80’s 90 % are the worst offenders)

I highly doubt anyone cares what you think, but more about pointing out your double standards. You refuse to face players that you claim are toxic without acknowledging your own toxic behavior. You seem to operate with the “do as I say, not as I do” rules.


Yeah, that’s narrative BSG likes to sell to sell itself, and yet 99 per cent of what it actually does is stomp pugs.

That ‘everyone’ dodges us, legit or not, isn’t what BSG is fundamentally about. It’s an advertising pitch to disguise its main activity which is making winning epics as easy as possible for its members.

It’s a pretty boring way to play the game and doesn’t provide much challenge. But maybe that’s the point :slight_smile:

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When faced with an actual challenge … like that time a bunch of BSG members rebelled and teamed up with a ‘hunted’ community (mostly because they were tired of the crap) and absolutely wrecked the ‘loyalists’, someone threw a huge hissy fit, called a bunch of people traitors, declared they were quitting WoW and then came crawling back a few hours later.

Highly amusing post if you can lay your hands on it.

Strong evidence BSG leadership isn’t interested in actual competition at all, however much they carry on.

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Well said man. And I agree. Tortoise misses me and it’s only a matter of time before we EXPLODE back into the friendship we were both meant to bask in.

I won’t quit you Tortoise.

Doesn’t even need to be rated. I think rated epics would be rather pointless since 40 vs 40 makes it more about the leadership than the individual players.

Just make a 30 player epic battleground queue mode, where your group of 30 queue up vs another group of 30. (or whatever number of players is deemed best)

I thought the same before joining to be honest and it does happen from time to time. They try and end it as fast as possible instead of spamming BG chat Don’t Cap Aid Station! like DJL leads. Where I get my enjoyment is that they take ALL pops, that means you are often with just 5 - 10 - 15 people. A lot harder to win and more enjoyable overall as opposed to the " everyone gets in or we drop communities. " I’ve been solo queueing more and more and I really enjoy queuing with TFS as well because they don’t dodge anyone and are a small comm.

GG tonight RR!

Taco and a few afked out when they saw us, but most of his crew stayed and fought. Props to those

/salute !!! Not easy when your team dips like that. I’ve been in that predicament in the past and stayed for the inevitable womping. You’re doing the right thing. Should never get accustomed to the status quo dodging mentality

Grats on your win Mizriz - When I saw a full horde premade with some of my friends on the horde side with ya - - and we had 6 total, We handed you the white flag. Been playing with so many toxic pugs tongiht, this wasn’t worth the time for us 6… but grats on your win