Premades need to be stopped

I’ve seen Deso basically solo heal an entire Ashran raid.

Now imagine 5x Desos.

plenty of trem kills have been done with one or no healers.

using that same logic would you prefer 5 or 8 desos?

Also Ashran is a horrible metric of balance. All the various buffs that your average pug is unaware of can make one person seem invincible.

If you wanted to 1v40 in ashran it’s
unleashed mania (75 % damage and health increase) , saltwater potion (30% damage), Ancient artifact (200% damage/healing with 25% health), song flower 15% stat increase.
Just aoe and you wipe the raid.

Yeah but without 8+ healers it is less likely to have GY farming or a long drawn out fight that is completely one sided.

I don’t think it really makes a difference. The other team will also be limited to 5 healers and theirs probably aren’t as geared/coordinated. Their healers won’t have a premade raid protecting them.

(Btw, 1 Deso is already too many.)

A premade raid isn’t going to fall apart or be unable to gy farm because they only have 5 healers instead of 8.

They’ll cut the 3 weakest healers, bring 3 more DPS, and keep roflstomping/gy farming the other team.

You are making these players out to be the top 5% of the pvp player base.
If that is the case then it doesn’t matter if they have 40 or 10 because they will easily sway the battle in their favor.

Most of these premades that i’ve gone up against so far, rely a lot on having a healer advantage to cover their players faults.
That’s why old hydra ran with 8 healers, so they could whittle down players in the early team fights through a battle of attrition.

Your solution would require blizzard to investigate and use resources that we know they won’t use. They don’t even care about the bots that make up 30% of classic wow, so they definitely won’t try and fix a issue that has been around for nearly a decade.

EBG premades? No, not even close to the top 5%. However, there are several Epic BG players that I wouldn’t want to find myself on the other side of. Just because they premade doesn’t mean they’re bad.

The way to stop premades is to have mixed faction queues.


that honestly will not stop them lol sure it would make it harder, but they need to be punished plain and simply why let them get away with exploiting for so long?

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viable solution, would even shorten queue times, and make it overall difficult to sync queues due to the possiblity of facing one another.

The fact they’ve “gotten away” with it for so long means blizzard doesn’t care.

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If blizzard does care why have they said it’s bad for the game and it has never been such a big problem before it used to be very rare now it’s all the time. By for so long I mean most of SL and all of Dragonflight these people are the lowest scum of wow they just need to be perma banned already they are the people killing pvp


There’s no profit in cracking down on them. People resub for the new raids and dungeons, not the stellar PvP activity.

well you aren’t wrong there but pvp is blizzards second most popular thing even over raids so honestly, they should care it’s just there not so pvp is getting worse and worse.

8 healers would be 1 healer per 5 man group, which is a pretty standard distribution of heals.

against a bunch of randoms with 1 or 2 healers? it’s simply not fair lol

hm you talk almost as if you premade yourself

Well, it’s supposed to be 5 or fewer…

If 5 or fewer people can easily sway a 40v40 battle, then good for them. They’re operating inside the rules.

PvP resources (if there are any) are stretched pretty thin.

I think I was just pointing out the most effective solution at this point would be to start banning cheaters. You don’t have to ban all of them all at once. Start from the top. That will quickly get the message across.

Yeah, I’m pretty sure they have several high-rated PvPers in their premades, making them even stronger.

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syncing isn’t cheating, its teamwork in an MMO. and if blizz were to ban every pvper who has ever played in a synced group there would be absolutely nobody left. just nameless pugs.


It’s manipulation. Which could be misconstrued as cheating. But to see someone defend it as “teamwork” is laughable. Do it all you want, there’s no one here to stop you. But don’t feed us poop and tell us it’s oatmeal.


We’re impressed by your teamwork against the random bg matchmaking system.

Well, they can first start with the PvPers who continue to sync queue daily or almost daily. I’m sure the vast majority of PvPers will still be left.

this made me laugh , if you think they do care they would have stopped it by now .

this just sounds like sour grapes.