Premades need to be stopped

That was the stay small forum toon.

No thanks.

I got an rdruid too

Why would you try to replace Ohhbobsaget?


Bob wasn’t doing rdruid justice

His transmogs are terrible :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

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ok i have to agree

ok im sold

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indeed eeek he needs a stylist asap :dracthyr_nod: :sob: :skull:

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you heard me mf

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You’re just jealous cause I’m more purple than you. Understandable

i could be more purple if the devs would let me use npcs options hmph

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I’ve got some spare picket signs if you wanna meet me outside the dev office

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sure thing *grabs cookies * well be out there for awhile lel


TELL’EM SIS :clap: :clap: :clap:

:nail_care: :nail_care:

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If BLizztard is going to continue to allow constant premade face rolling. they should at least open the conquest points up without cap again and award a small amount of conquest just for finishing a match. GJ Blizz way to continue ruining the game with every expansion made…at this rate I’ll be abe to earn my season 2 purples just before season 3

Blizz doesn’t get a capital F about this… had a level 70 634k druid in a 60-69 BG… absolutely F’n ridiculous… no blue poster gives a shnit about this, so I’m gonna keep dropping this shnit until they do… F U Blizzard


Lmao are you seriously suggesting that Blizzard employees should ban people using the Community system made by Blizzard in the way it was intended? That is some seriously deranged/10 level stuff.

Do we ban the use of /rw next? Because that is literally all premades are. You are complaining about people playing better than you and instead of thinking about how you could play better you post 9000 times about how daddy Blizzard should ban people better than you.

Actual cringe.


Easy. Squish iLevel or something like that. They’ve done it before.

nah theyve done this before but it just comes back to the same problem tbh so this idea solves nothing .