Premades need to be stopped

Blizzard doesn’t need 100% proof to ban someone.


crabs in a bucket

Summarize this topic : “WAAAAHHH!”


Get organized instead of whining. Just an idea.

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It’s random bgs.

If you want organized PvP, do rated bgs.


Or maybe we’ll keep playing as we like and all this QQ will be for nothing.

o look another premade thread

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We get it. You’re bad at the game.

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Yo Drazz, I reccomend just posting in one of the current threads instead of necroing all the old ones.

Makes you look a little goofy

-Sincerely yours,
Bri :heart: :revolving_hearts:

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The irony of someone with “Step Into the Arena” calling others bad at the game.


Wait you’re not allowed to rating shame people, that’s what I do

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Careful now Bri, you only just got your forum posting privileges back. Lets not lose it so quick.

Side note: Just won a BG against a 5 man premade (my btag friend is in the group and he rage wisped me). Lol. Premades defo need to be put against other premades rofl

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Hi opalshine

Yea I know I’m trying to be good C;

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No no no, don’t listen to this person.

It’s ok to respond to any thread about premades.


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They already are.


Don’t listen to Holycow.

I have fresh baked cookies

:cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie:


(I’m also cooler)

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Listen to me!

My forum power level is over 9000!

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What if I heal you.

Then will you come pvp?


Prot pallies aren’t healers!

Including RSS!

I play a disc priest now!!

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