Premades need to be stopped

I honestly think this has to do with the number of players. At least for my realm. I see the same names consistently on Horde side pvp, but a solid rotation of randoms on Alliance side. If the same Horde players are lacking in pvp, new players, or low gear, are constantly queuing, then its a steamroll. Maybe this contributes to the problem.

Nobody is using epic battlegrounds to farm conquest.

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90% of the ppl who play in Epic premades, actually farm their conquest, piece by piece, from Epic bgs. Why do you think the rated pvp brackets are so dead?


He doesn’t know so it doesn’t happen. :grimacing:

I don’t believe it, even amongst the epic crowd. It’s too inefficient.

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Its not. 7 minute games. Fast.

:rofl: Okay.

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I mean, I’ve been doing this for over a year now and I’ve being into, I think, all communities at some point; Horde/Ally. I know it for a fact but I can’t prove it to you.

It’d take you to get into a certain community and start checking some armories…

Seven minutes in match for 25 conquest and that doesn’t include the time it takes waiting around for everyone to get a synced queue.

Call it what you whatever you want, but that’s gotta be the least efficient conquest farming method we have currently.

For those who refuse to step outside of their advantage bubble, this is their only way of gearing.


If you say so.

I did the same as you for several years. But even when I was, I would never think of doing epics for the purpose of conquest.

I find it hard to believe that even the most dedicated epic player wouldn’t at least do Blitz for conquest. And there are quite a lot of them that at least dabble in rated for conquest/vault.

its 110 conquest for the daily epic win, if you just do that you will cap conquest every week in 5 games. at least until they remove the cap.


True. It’s easy to cap conquest right now no matter what you do. I’d just hate to see someone grind epics for conquest when it’s not capped, lol.

This is indeed a disturbing universe.

I think Blitz is the best way to do it for someone who doesn’t do rated at all.

The thing about Rated PvP on this matter isn’t the Conquest itself but the Rated Honor for the Vault.

Blitz is a fail bcuz it only gives Conquest which can be aquired by multiple other easier ways.


When they make it the new “Solo Shuffle BGs” it will work. RBGs will be dead tho just like Arenas are dead now, when SS came out.

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idk i think its fun personally, although only when against another premade, some of the most fun in this game is premade vs premade.

ive done literally every type of content in this game and for me from most fun to least fun its like raiding>premade v premade>m+>rated bgs>ss>rated arenas>wpvp (wpvp is a meme) these are the big ones i can think of



I love the old school feel of the clash in the field of strife. I miss those days lol.

what you mean here is q sync with 20+ buddies to hold your hand for you (;