Premades need to be stopped

You can use consumables to help your team. Like those that make you run really fast.

first, if you don’t already have it, get the addon REFlex, it will keep track of your BGs with more detail than the armory. this will give you sanity on if you really do lose all the time or if it was just a bad streak.

second, there is something with the code for epics, while there is only 4 maps, some days it seems like all you get is one particular map, nobody quite understands why and the best guesses (maintenence cycles of instance servers) don’t hold up to how long it has been going on.

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actually don’t do this, with a shared CD now you pretty much are only using the damage and healing consumables, nothing else outside of very rare instances. if you use dragon fruit now, you will zoom ahead of your team and instantly die.

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I still think there’s value in a handful of horde reaching Hangar first and slow down the alliance. Winning hangar can help a lot even at the expense of wasting your first cooldown in the game.

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110% true, but often your people who know this and are willing to zoom ahead to sacrafice themselves are also the people you needed to win the fight.

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Our healers put up with me doing this. TBH, I probably deserve some rage whispers. It’s so satisfying to get that flag right away when a monk puts down a good ring of peace. :sweat_smile:

Premades are a direct result of Blizzard gatekeeping Conquest and the cap. People dont have time to deal with loss after loss after loss and leave it up to random numbers, people who arent afk etc. You can nail the cap extremely fast in premades. While Im not trying to cast shade on your complaint, Blizzard knows why and Im sure are in the process of adding more gates instead of listening to its base customer.


No, lol. You can reach cap quickly by doing anything. Even Blitz will reward conquest on a loss if your team wasn’t absolutely terrible.

Come over to horde side and say that. Its not as quick as you’d think. After that, get on the communities and read “Conquest cap premades.”

Epics are not at all fast conquest lmao you get 25 a win

Arena will forever be the fastest way to cap conq

As I’m sitting here waiting through an Alliance premade to finish their idiotic run through AV I just wanted to come on here and once again reiterate the players who premade epic bgs are incredibly sad WoW players. Ya’ll should either learn to be competent at pvp or find a new hobby.

And for the “hurr durr delicious tears” kids who will show up, there is no hope for you. You have failed at life.


what do you recommend so that losing is fun for you?

I’m fine with losing; happens all the time. What I’m not okay with is getting matched up against people who can’t PVP their way out of a paper bag without ensuring an overwhelming advantage.

If you want your “like-minded” teams and “grand battle tactics” and whatever else you’ll wrap yourselves in to make you feel good about doing this, keep it to wargames.


don’t try to solo the whole team, epics have places and roles for traditional pvp skill, but the choke/front isn’t that place.

no honor, no honor kills, no conquest, limited toy usage, limited creative play. a wargame is basically a team level duel, they are fun from time to time, but not something people want to do all day every day.

its also not flexible. lets say you queue for 5 hours, it can start with you solo queueing, then a few friends log on and join you, then a few more and you need a group 2, then a group 3 and so on, during the peak prime time, you might have more than 8 groups, but then as the night gets late you’ll start losing people and your group count will go back down to 2, then just your group, then just you.

if you were only doing rated or only doing wargames, then you would only be able to play those few games that happen when everyone else is on.

Inemia, I (and everyone else here) have read every one of your arguments ad nauseam. I don’t care; your excuses will not change my opinion of you and these communities.


we aren’t stopping anytime soon, if you can’t beat premades, join them.

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Just dropping by to say the more you get mad about premades, the more I join them and farm GYs.


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You could set your watch to these kids.

you have been defeated

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It can be a fast way to win if you are seated with solid players, other than that, its much faster in a premade farming EBG in a 7 min run.