Premades need to be stopped

Friends??? In a multiplayer game???



Yea I feel like I’d go insane playing games alone. Blows my mind someone would want to subscribe to a Massive Online Multiplayer Role Playing Game, and play it just to complain as if it should be single player. To each their own I guess

When I wanna play single player games, I boot up the switch

When I wanna play with my friends, I get on WoW


So much truth in this simple statement.

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its actually a false statement, new players are in their own bracket with other new players, there is no situation of new players being thrown to the wolves alone to learn against veteran players.

second is the assumption that rated is a default progression path in pvp, and that players in unrated are simply unable to progress further, rated and unrated are different modes with different rule sets and both modes are played by pvpers.

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This seems like the most reasonable fix I’ve seen.

Wow already is very solo.

The entire leveling/questing experience even at max level is solo

dungeons outside m+ and potentially including will soon be solo with ai or will have the option to opt between

and in pvp there are an increasing # of pro solo features like solo shuffle and soon to be solo rbgs.

premades just need to get with the times out with other people and in with superior bots

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remember that time you flaked on the forum fight night

You talked so much smack then flaked last second LOL

I think more people would play RBGS if you could one-click queue! They also don’t have Epic RBG’s! You could still make a group/raid the old fassion way, but adding a one-click LFG for rated would severely reduce the amount of people in regaular BG doing premades. People who are looking for a challange but don’t like joining groups or starting them… introverts will not be able to play rated BGS! Second, any people looking to just stomp people in regualr BG’s will be more exposed because many of their previous premade friends are now queing for LFG rated games. I love Epic BGs, and to a lesser extend regular bgs, and duels. Its the only thing I do in this game, and has been since like 2006. I would do arenas 1v1 but theres not that, I would play rated epic bgs, but theres not that, I would do rated rbgs but I have to ask to join some guys group or start one, I would do arenas but the same problem with having to start/find a group. Just let us introverts queue if we want so we can play the game.

Already launched into ad hominem mhm.

Was anything i posted incorrect?

didnt read it to be honest with you

We should stop calling <=5-man premades though perhaps it’s intentional here. I think a premade is anything > 5, calling someone that queues normally a premade puts them in they same category when they’re not. You should be able to play with a few friends, within the rules of the system, it’s not their fault the system isn’t properly matching.

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Sync = more than 5

Premade = less than 6


Hey why did you remove me from Real ID?

Who me?

I clean out my list of people regularly, mighta been an accident

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All good, going to do rated’s tonight then randoms afterwards. Just a heads up my heals are average at best.

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I just play for fun


Yes please, rated battlegrounds should have a purpose. And casual players should’nt have to be in endless losing matches.


IOC very heavily favors alliance and sometime during BfA or early SL they made some stealth changes to make it even more favorable to alliance. that doesn’t mean it isn’t winnable as horde, but you really need to get creative and have players listen.

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You have to work 4x as hard for the same results the alliance get right out of the gate. 6/10 of my queues are IOC. Life’s good… NOT.