Premades need to be stopped

Not at all bud :slight_smile: I just want to see what the forum people premade vs premade result is going to be. I don’t agree with Torture’s methods but he has my respect if he pulls through with the wargames unlike Ms Inemia

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Well did you go touch that grass everyone talks about when you afked out? Lmao. Also does bri have enough people to form a 40v40 premade battle?

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you are one to talk about respect when you constantly leave games bud . Also the passive aggressive smiley face tells it all .

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No I just ran on the concrete like a good civilian should :frowning: made it up the hill though.

@Kitanana its disrespect to the enemy premade only bud. Im sorry you’ve been corrupted and have had to join Darth Ms Inemia in the premades. But also… side note: I do the passive aggressive smiley face to people irl and it makes people froth at the mouth in rage. Its honestly hilarious

It has been a month and nearly two weeks of the most fierce premade thread.

Basically all of it has devolved into a personal slugfest.

Will a compromise ever be found?

no, lol


Well we’re PVPers! We don’t just quit because we are wrong! We just keep doing the wrong thing until it turns out right!


If anything it’s created more premade communities and fun.


Premade raider with a 95% win rate in epic bgs accuses others of looking for easy wins.


The official position of the United Federation of Planets is that we do not compromise with cheaters.

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I stopped caring about premades. I realized that all the real rewards are in rated and that randoms are just for fun :star_struck:. So I just demolish premaders who try and seek me out and collect my rewards from rated no bitter anger required. Getting mad at randoms I drew similarities to pve and it’s the equivalent of getting mad at normal or heroic dungeons. You don’t lose anything from them and there is little to be gained.

Need your discord for tonight!! (or bnet)

I love premades. When I play with pugs they don’t listen to me when I yell strats at them in the chat. Usually, they end up being mentally defeated within the first minutes. So yea, I love premades because they try and play to win.

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Enfers I need your tag for the game tonight!

Delete it, I got it!

Neither do we. Some of them are friends.

it makes you look weak and like your running with a tail inbetween your legs but ok you do you keep running away .Its also is very much disrespect to your team because you are leaving them down one player . Granted maybe a better player then you takes your place but not always sometimes backfills take awhile . Its not fair to your team when you leave . But you are only wasting your time because you only want easy wins . You say no but i say yes because why else would you leave ? The premades aren’t going to care if you leave at all . You are lit a nobody to them . Most prob dont even know you exist nor care to . You act like you have some sort of fanbase or something . Since were the ppl that disagree with you we live in your mind rent free hence why you even have to be passive aggressive in the first place .


Neither is exploitation of a que system to have premades in Epic bgs. You talk about being fair but yet fail to realize these premades which you have now joined are also not being fair at all.

You know what happened in the last Epic I was in when someone correctly pointed out that were facing a premade ? 5-6 players said in chat “lol okay, im going to do something else” and afk’d out.

You can personally insult me and call me names all day but Idc and you can’t do anything about me typing /afk. Peace.

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We’re forming dork!

Yet another Killa loss :grimacing: